I have a FM5300 on which I try to send gprs commands. I saw in the manual some example commands and was able to reconstruct:
- the first 8 bytes are message length;
- some unknown (but maybe constant) bytes
- then the message as a byte array
- then some extra unknown bytes.
Could anyone detail what the unknown bytes represent and what's the format of the gprs command on 5300 supposed to be?
setdigout 1000 10 0 0 0
#SET OUT=1,0,0,0
#SET OUT=2,1,0,0
#SET OUT=1,1,0,0 15,30,0,0
wwbusch aka Buwo пишет:Hi Guys,
just for you to know:
1.) there is an firmware for fm11 which supports gprs commands. Ask your Teltonika guy for that firmware.
2.) FM5300 needs to be used with "custom commands". Just use all commands you find in manual. You dont need to write username/password into the command as they are not necessary in gprs commands.
3.) reply of units are shown as Drivermessage in wialon.