Teltonika FM1100

Re: Teltonika FM1100

glwi пишет:

To people that are successfully using Teltonika devices, may I ask what is the failure rate of FM1100 based on your personal experience ?

To people that had problems, what component failed: firmware (bug), cables and socket, antenna or whole device ?

between 2% and 3% during 2 years.

Most devices lost their brain and could be just flashed with new firmware.

Some had broken modems and TT repaired them.

There are sometimes some bugs as with every software / hardware.

Overall rating: good HW, mostly good FW, Support is bad (must be via your Sales guy, no direct contact to support, if you have real problems its an endless email ping pong), If you need custom firmware, you need to pay a lot. But for this you get really low cost HW.
Depends on your needs. We just calculated all the negatives into the sourcing price and it was still much better than all alternatives...


Politeness dictates it to write his name on a post

Teltonika FM1100

(20/02/2017 12:50:49 отредактировано glwi)

Re: Teltonika FM1100

wwbusch aka Buwo пишет:

between 2% and 3% during 2 years...

Hi Wolf and thank you for your valuable answer.

After some test with no particular problems, I'm planning to deploy many FM1100 to some clients, but I was looking for reliability data of users with a large installation base over a period of several years.

I agree with all your overall ratings points: the price / performance ratio is very good to find a competing alternative.


Teltonika FM1100

Re: Teltonika FM1100

Some users on previous posts of this topic were talking about the ability of FM1100 to receive Gprs commands over the ip network when the device has an active connection.

I can confirm that I was able to send commands to the devices configured to transmit data in TCP mode but not using UDP.

Can someone please tell about their experience sending "Gprs" commands to FM1100 whit the device configured to transmit/receive data in udp mode ?


Teltonika FM1100

Re: Teltonika FM1100

glwi This possibility isn't described in the protocol.
It seems that Teltonika doesn't support UDP commands.

Viktor Yarovenko
Business Analyst

Teltonika FM1100

Re: Teltonika FM1100

Hi Yavi, maybe you being part of the Wialon support team can bring this to the attention of Teltonika.

It is just a matter of encapsulating the command data over Udp instead of Tcp ...


Teltonika FM1100

Re: Teltonika FM1100

Glwi, i dont believe they will change this. FM1100 is already not in their product line

Politeness dictates it to write his name on a post

Teltonika FM1100

(01/03/2017 17:59:17 отредактировано glwi)

Re: Teltonika FM1100

wwbusch aka Buwo пишет:

Glwi, i dont believe they will change this. FM1100 is already not in their product line

Hello Wolf,

FM1100 seem still on their product line: see this link

Either way, I think so, too, that they will not change the remote command protocol support.


Teltonika FM1100

Re: Teltonika FM1100

Friends We have problems with FM1120 and FM1100 they dont send data to wialon, we are sure that we used right settings and param we used before but nothing happen. any one here have latest firmware and configurator for those devices?

Опубликовать вложения

Иконка вложений 2_Teltonika_FM1100.wlp 2.54 Кб, файл был скачан 716 раз(а) 

Иконка вложений Config_for_device_with_fw 1.14.04.xml 40.23 Кб, файл был скачан 601 раз(а) 

With best regards
WTracking & Services, Lda
Rua 1301, Casa 61, Sommarschield1 Maputo

Teltonika FM1100

Re: Teltonika FM1100

Hi Everyone,
We are having some problems with FM1120 and FM 1100 teltonika track devices. Those devices was installed in vehicles for long time and those vehicles was parked. now we decided to use them and devices are not update data we tried to change sim cards, run firmware update and configurator but still the same we still have same problem.
is there any one who can provide help with or who can provide new firmware and fm configurator for such devices?

Опубликовать вложения

Иконка вложений 2_Teltonika_FM1100.wlp 2.54 Кб, файл был скачан 718 раз(а) 

Иконка вложений Config_for_device_with_fw 1.14.04.xml 40.23 Кб, файл был скачан 575 раз(а) 

With best regards
WTracking & Services, Lda
Rua 1301, Casa 61, Sommarschield1 Maputo

Teltonika FM1100

Re: Teltonika FM1100


Dear Wtracking,

Could you connect device to your laptop and take terminal log ?(instructions below)
http://avl1.teltonika.lt/downloads/debu … %20LOG.pdf
Take 10-15 minute long log and send this info(log in and configurations) to Teltonika's sales manager, we will check what could be  wrong and solve it as soon as possible.

Best regards
Teltonika's support engineer

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