i will send the income statement (it's important don't mix the concept with the fuel cost pre-programmed in fleetrun),it's managament KPI used in all business.There is a file in excel,you should go to the second tab and look to the line called Resultado Operacional (operational result's),this KPI it's the Break Even Point of the companies,how many they have to sell to pay all your cost's.
If the operational result's it's positive,the companies could pay the interest of a leasing,if the operational results it's negative the companies it's lose money,and if the operational results it's zero the company does not lose money and get profit.
The concept of operational results it's important to Nimbus,and the logistic modulus.For the maintenance modolus it's important understand that the situations when the companies of the public transport need works with the buss with a higher capacite to be profit (a situation that could be present in emerging markets,due to this will case mechanics problems.
It's important distinguish the situation,when the companies works with the maximum capacite and respect the load capacity of the vehicle,when the companies need exceed the load capacity to be profit.
Your partner Cargo.Run in Russia probably could help you ? due to their experience with accounting system (https://gurtam.com/en/soft-developers),business analyst will works with indicators,projections.
The other indicator's it's Média dos 8 meses=Average of 8 months, Total de impostos =Total net taxes ( desconsidering due to was not include in the simulation),Receita Liquida=Net Revenue (in the simulation was considered the total value of sales,how ever in the companies using Net Revenue= Sales-Total net taxes),Custo com serviço prestado = Raw Materials used in the product that was sold in the month,Lucro Bruto= gross profit (to Calculate was considering gross profit= Net Revenue- Raw Materials),despesas operacionais=Operational expenses,Mão de obra e encargos=Labor cost,Total de custo pessoal=Total labor cost,despesas gerais= General expenses,Resultado Operacional=Gross profit-Labor cost- General expenses,Percentual de crescimento=percentage of growth,Saldo Finais=closing balances,projetado=projected,total=total.
The structure of income statement (as business view not accounting) it's:
1-Value of total sales
2-Total net taxes
3-Net Revenue=1-2
4-gross profit= Net Revenue- Raw Materials (these rules depending of the business)
5-Total expenses
6-Operational results=4-5 (This metric use to evaluate if companies are profit,with the result's of the operational results the companies take decisions to pay for a leasing,etc).