Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

Re: Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

phillype_loredo пишет:

Maybe could be easily,you start implement an  inventory parts module.It's could be simple,the first step it's import the parts,the second step gurtam have wich is the invoice,and the third step it's the user perform the process exit.I've a model of dashboard with minimum quantitie and maximum wich could works very well in Gurtam with intervals.

There is a demand for Gurtam developer an app (https://forum.gurtam.com/viewtopic.php?id=16715).I sent the documentation  very slowly,with the step by step.

Dear Phillype,

We plan to add inventory module in the 2nd half of 2021. I think it will include import functionality as well.

Could you expand on you 2nd step about invoices? How will it improve the functionality?
Also, please clarify what you mean in your 3rd step about exit process.

I am looking forward to your answer!

Katsiaryna Papok
Product Manager/Business Analyst, Gurtam

Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

Re: Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

phillype_loredo пишет:

I have analysed your last update could be ok for the most of the fleet's.The demand for inventory for parts,could be different due to the fleet's  they buy the part's to do stock,it's not all fleet's wich do this.

The point for fuel could be  intersting (for payback) using with inspection,and select the volume of  the fuel between the inspections,and see the maintenance  by the vehicle (of a sample).Due to the Vehicles when they become old, they spend more fuel.Could be intersting inspect the samples ,not the all vehicles (it's possible do this in fleetrun ,however in  fleetrun the user delete the information, it's ok.With the samples,it's easly control the information,and inspections is something that is important to all companies ,independent of the information system that the companie use,due to in the inspections procedures the companies will indentify the problems).


My doubt is:The fuel module could guive this information? If you import the volume of fuel to fleetrun,and create a  routine  to group  the maintenance  expenditure of the vehicle by age,could be intersting due to the user could see the fuel consumption and your maintenance cost along the years.

Dear Phillype,

I have read your messages about fuel. Thank you for your vision how it can be implemented.
1) Do I understand you correctly that your main idea is to know a vehicle consumption.
2) Then, it would have been interesting to know dependency of a vehicle year of production and its fuel consumption, haven't it?

Katsiaryna Papok
Product Manager/Business Analyst, Gurtam

Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

(18/11/2020 07:30:10 отредактировано phillype_loredo)

Re: Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

It's simples you could create routines in fleetrun for the user specify wich increase the product quantity and ,decreases the product.In the report that i will send to you the field entradas (product entry), it's the sum of the initial value of the user related added  in the field (INVEN ENTR) plus the filed compras ( product purchases).

1-The first step it's the user register the products in fleetrun,and put the initial quantities of the product's.

2-The second step ,are  the routines wich will increase the quantity of the product's.You could create a routine ,or a checkbox when the user import the invoice of a part,increase the quantity of the product that the user selected.

3-In the end of the page it's possible  see this fields.


Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

Re: Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

It's good to see this report of the operational produced by the American Transportation Research Institute at the pages:18,20,21 and 36.This report show the average cost of: Tires,maintenance and fuel of the fleet's.The percentage could be the total spending of the fleet's of the sales,or the individual cost of the trucks (the criteria should be defined by the fleet's).

So you could works with fleetrun well,due to there aren't largest alterations  of these expenditure in the fleet's.And the fleet's use the expenditure of the last year to project the expenditure of the next year.

https://truckingresearch.org/wp-content … 2019-1.pdf


Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

(18/11/2020 08:30:34 отредактировано phillype_loredo)

Re: Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

I have read your messages about fuel. Thank you for your vision how it can be implemented.
1) Do I understand you correctly that your main idea is to know a vehicle consumption.
2) Then, it would have been interesting to know dependency of a vehicle year of production and its fuel consumption, haven't it?

Yes,due to  the old vehicles   they lost their value (they  depreciating) according their service life  (accounting criteria),the  most common management criteria could be:Age,total kilometer of the vehicle and Engine hours.


Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

Re: Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

phillype_loredo пишет:

It's simples you could create routines in fleetrun for the user specify wich increase the product quantity and ,decreases the product.In the report that i will send to you the field entradas (product entry), it's the sum of the initial value of the user related added  in the field (INVEN ENTR) plus the filed compras ( product purchases).

1-The first step it's the user register the products in fleetrun,and put the initial quantities of the product's.

2-The second step ,are  the routines wich will increase the quantity of the product's.You could create a routine ,or a checkbox when the user import the invoice of a part,increase the quantity of the product that the user selected.

3-In the end of the page it's possible  see this fields.


I believe it is the main idea of inventory to register parts or other goods that are present for fleet maintenance, for example. The same way as remove them from inventory as soon as they are no longer available.

Thank you for idea about showing in the reports initial quantities, their increase and decrease and etc.

Katsiaryna Papok
Product Manager/Business Analyst, Gurtam

Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

(15/12/2020 02:16:01 отредактировано phillype_loredo)

Re: Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

The last update  itwas ok, it's important read this article about cost centers to work with fleetrun: https://www.fleetequipmentmag.com/bestp … -centers/, https://www.fleetequipmentmag.com/bestp … al-fleets.

The case for truck and trailers the basic applications are:Manage well your cost's,works with fault codes and see your impact in fuel consumption (fuel cost and fuel volume),and use well the ecodriving modulus.The reference could be founded at these articles: "Check for  active diagnostic    trouble    codes    and    determine    if    the code    has    an impact    on    fuel    economy" page 24 of the report of NACFE.



https://www.fleetequipmentmag.com/tire- … eds-costs/

The case to other machines could be the same:Work with fault codes for maintenance inspections,manage the cost's (fuel cost's,maintenance cost's,fuel volume).


Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

(13/12/2020 22:52:11 отредактировано phillype_loredo)

Re: Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

All the indicators that the fleet's need they can get in fleetrun due to the real kpi's it's based on their cost  ( the expenditure) with a relationship of the usage of the product in the operation.For example for truck tires it's Millimeters per Km,and for Mine Tires and   Agricultural tires it's the Engine hours of the machine per Millimeters.

Congratulations for the work that you and your team have done. My doubt's it's possible integrate the fuel cost in fleetrun and the Fuel control of Wialon per vehicle?

other point that's important to point it's for the fleet's put the information of fuel spending by the emission date, not by the payment date,this is a very common mistake.


Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

Re: Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement


For us, first and most important is to made import by csv,xls(other fomats) ... of fuel fillings and other expenses like road toll,lease etc.If someone has a fleet of only 100 units imagine to write into Fleet run every filling by hand,or any other expense.

Fuel filling without that option is useless.

Best regards


Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

(17/12/2020 00:34:17 отредактировано phillype_loredo)

Re: Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

The expenses without/with  Gurtam they are manuals.In the national market all ERP system of fuel control they have options for the user take the invoice automatically,or manual (https://gestran.com.br/gestao-de-frota-combustivel/),you could verify.

Why leasing expenses should integrate fleetrun? This is permanent assets (in a leasing operation generally there are three types of  accounting entries they are different( fixed assets, interest and depreciation) ,it's prudent the company see this procedures with your accounting department or your accountant).

What it's possible to do it's work with Centre Cost,more (at a business level) information you could find in this articles (https://www.fleetequipmentmag.com/bestp … t-centers/).

All exportation to a system from other system,it's necessary perform an audit,due to type errors,wrong expense launches.When we compare fleetrun to other competitors in the National market they does not have:A maintenance modolus,a modulus to entry general expenses (If you go to the option Gestão de frotas or fleet management in english you will see the option em breve or peeding in the maintenance modulus and in the expense modulus.

  • Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement
  • Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement
  • Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

(15/12/2020 10:01:48 отредактировано phillype_loredo)

Re: Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

That's it's not the problem.All the solutions that you want  for expenses ,will be  necessary create a register in fleetrun to recive the informations.

1- One solution for expenses could be the user register the expenses with a  code,generate a txt file with the name of the expenses and their code.If the expenses aren't register create a warning mensage,for the user insert all the expenses,otherwise the user could delete  the item in a specific line in the txt file.

2-The second point it's create a routine that prevent's the user put the same code in other object.

3-The same reasoning would be for  individual expenses,the user have to specify the expenses individually in the service object's.In the example that will send to you for this case it's possible see the vinculation between the external code,and the service object.The fields preço médio= avg price,QTDE= quantity (for fuel could be the total of liter's),vlr total=total value.

4-The point one about the warning mensage you will see the mensage:Linha 14 vendedor não cadastrado,Linha 14 vendedor não cadastrado,codigo 683 inexistente.The translation are: Line 14 seller not registered, Line 14 seller not registered, code 683 does not exist (item not found,or could be the service object).


Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

(22/12/2020 02:36:30 отредактировано phillype_loredo)

Re: Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

aahero do you have a solution for this problem:In this picture there is a  report with the volume of the sensor and the volume stocked.How explain this difference? In the report VOL.DARWIN=Vol of the Darwin (volume of the sensor),VOL.POSTO=volume stocked,DIFERENÇA=the difference  of volume  in numbers and   %DIFERENÇA= difference  of volume  in percentage   ,%R$ Litro= unit price of the fuel in liter.

A cost adjustment should be considered,besides that there are cases where the invoice it's eletronic and the gas station pump is integrated with the tax authority, wich it's very difficult see differences in volume.In this case could be digit error by caused  by the user of some filed of the  manual invoice.

The same problem could be present in the manual invoices of   fuel  in Gurtam.If the user digit a number wrong of the manual invoice  ( fuel price or  fuel volume), an audit it's necessary to compare the informations of the manual invoice with the information inserted in fleetrun (or other system).

For this case could be necessary to create a routine to recalculate the cost in fleetrun (all the insertion inserted in fleetrun),due to the insertion to correct the previous error  generally occur months later of the expenses be inserted in fleetrun.

  • Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

(22/12/2020 19:14:33 отредактировано phillype_loredo)

Re: Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

So the report of the dealer of Galileosky could be interesting with fuel cards,to use with that way:To adjust the cost of the price of the fuel,due to the variation of  fuel volume (for a less value,or a plus value).It's possible see in the report that the volume  stocked was 257 and the volume of the sensor was 260,in this case the procedement  will adjust the cost of 3 liters,the same reasoning to the others.

In the end of the month,with fuel card the company should compare the total,as the picture above and make an cost adjustment with the Supplier.The o problems are:The companies should choose well your suppliers ,due to large variations of suppliers could difficult  to make the cost adjustment,the company should have credit with the gas station network due to this reasoning it's  for the end of the month the company do this.

It's important evaluate correctly with your partners (Kilometrazh,Cargo.Run,here in Brazil we have a treasy a account company ).This is a procedure that are present in other's ERPS to adjust the price in function of the  quantity variation,  it's very common in other industries (your partners that manufacturer GPS for example).

The problems of fuel card it's mix the competency basis ,with the cash-basis,besides that it's important discuses with the fleet's:Methodologies,Benchmarks practicies for the fleet's take the   decision that it's good to your business.

  • Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

(22/12/2020 14:17:40 отредактировано phillype_loredo)

Re: Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

It's important point some informations for you  understand better your market,in US and Abroad.

1-  The major product that you have  for truck's ,it's founded in the Smartway program in US (Ecodriving,Logistics,etc),some information you could find here:https://www.epa.gov/smartway/smartway-webinars-events (https://www.epa.gov/smartway/webinar-st … nvironment),in US they have the ELD mandate.

2-Your company and your partners participate from exposec,but don't know the Fenatran the major event's for truck's in latin america (https://www.fenatran.com.br/en-us.html).

3-In Brazil the law changed recently for IOT devices,it's interesting the Dealers and your manufacturers understand well the recently change in taxation,regulations: Here it's a video in youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmBrvsw7M1s,

https://translate.google.com/translate? … lang%3Den.

https://abinc.org.br/ (Brazilian association of internet of things)

4-The Dealer in national market have difficult to understand our tax regime to compose the price of the product.Depends on the regime the price of telematics device could vary,it's important they share this informations with their telematics supplier due to there are interesting companies in buy directly from the manufacturers.A neutral organization could be endeavor (https://endeavor.org.br/?gclid=EAIaIQob … gL18fD_BwE).

5-Personally I am studying open my company in Estony, due the less bureaucracy facilities that they offer.


6-To your partner's it's interesting know the platform Genexus,due to it's a low code platform.

https://www.moderntiredealer.com/articl … -innovator

https://www.genexus.com/en/company/succ … s/maddenco

7-About the agricultural market it's intersting know that  they use Barter operations to buy machines,input's,etc.

https://translate.google.com/translate? … icultores/

https://translate.google.com/translate? … colas.html

8-It's intersting to create   a platform to connect the client's to gurtam (i will send a example).


Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

(05/01/2021 04:24:13 отредактировано phillype_loredo)

Re: Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

Are important point that the limitations (These are the case for truck) for usage of the ECU parameters, Volumetric measurements obtained by measuring fuel volume in the fuel tank,etc.The methods wich are acceptable they are:Gravimetric measurement,or . Flow meters are allowed if they satisfy the calibration requirement,according to sae J1321.

The rational solutions could be combine recommended practices of the industry (sae j1321) with calibration methods,and adjust the fuel consumptions algorithms according the calibration methods.Besides that it's important use cost methods,to complement this.

Mechatronica is the only supplier with  an experician with calibration methods (it's  what we see  in the forum).

  • Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement
  • Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement
  • Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

(26/12/2020 00:40:13 отредактировано phillype_loredo)

Re: Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

The case for truck's the impact in the fuel consumption there is
the caracteristic's of the vehicle,like the picture above for example with vehicle with cruise control and vehicle without cruise control,the other factors they are:Driving style,maintenance,input's like low rolling resistence tires they increase the efficiency (it's possible see that at the picture above RP1111B and in the payback's studies),there is logistics practicies (see the picture of NACFE
about operational practicies).

The solutions produced by the Gurtam partners like Tyreman (https://tyreman.ru/fueleconomy),https://tyreman.ru/blog/monitoring-na-base-wialon they are equivalent to some  the practicies in the US market,https://nacfe.org/technology/tire-pressure-monitoring-tractors/.The same case for Mechatronica in the technical discussion:"To know fuel consumption you just need more optimal solution - our fuel flowmeter. Or if you wish both to know weight in the bus and to control fuel at the same time and to see the shedules, how fuel comsumption depends on the weight, we can offer both-flowmeter together with axle load sensor",it's compatible with SAE J1321.


  • Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement
  • Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement
  • Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement
  • Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement
  • Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

Re: Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

phillype_loredo пишет:

All the indicators that the fleet's need they can get in fleetrun due to the real kpi's it's based on their cost  ( the expenditure) with a relationship of the usage of the product in the operation.For example for truck tires it's Millimeters per Km,and for Mine Tires and   Agricultural tires it's the Engine hours of the machine per Millimeters.

Congratulations for the work that you and your team have done. My doubt's it's possible integrate the fuel cost in fleetrun and the Fuel control of Wialon per vehicle?

other point that's important to point it's for the fleet's put the information of fuel spending by the emission date, not by the payment date,this is a very common mistake.


We think about it but we believe it is not the nearest plan. First of all, we proceed with export and import.

Katsiaryna Papok
Product Manager/Business Analyst, Gurtam

Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

Re: Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

phillype_loredo пишет:

So the report of the dealer of Galileosky could be interesting with fuel cards,to use with that way:To adjust the cost of the price of the fuel,due to the variation of  fuel volume (for a less value,or a plus value).It's possible see in the report that the volume  stocked was 257 and the volume of the sensor was 260,in this case the procedement  will adjust the cost of 3 liters,the same reasoning to the others.

In the end of the month,with fuel card the company should compare the total,as the picture above and make an cost adjustment with the Supplier.The o problems are:The companies should choose well your suppliers ,due to large variations of suppliers could difficult  to make the cost adjustment,the company should have credit with the gas station network due to this reasoning it's  for the end of the month the company do this.

It's important evaluate correctly with your partners (Kilometrazh,Cargo.Run,here in Brazil we have a treasy a account company ).This is a procedure that are present in other's ERPS to adjust the price in function of the  quantity variation,  it's very common in other industries (your partners that manufacturer GPS for example).

The problems of fuel card it's mix the competency basis ,with the cash-basis,besides that it's important discuses with the fleet's:Methodologies,Benchmarks practicies for the fleet's take the   decision that it's good to your business.


We also plan to add integration with fuel fillings.

Katsiaryna Papok
Product Manager/Business Analyst, Gurtam