It's important point some informations for you understand better your market,in US and Abroad.
1- The major product that you have for truck's ,it's founded in the Smartway program in US (Ecodriving,Logistics,etc),some information you could find here: ( … nvironment),in US they have the ELD mandate.
2-Your company and your partners participate from exposec,but don't know the Fenatran the major event's for truck's in latin america (
3-In Brazil the law changed recently for IOT devices,it's interesting the Dealers and your manufacturers understand well the recently change in taxation,regulations: Here it's a video in youtube, … lang%3Den. (Brazilian association of internet of things)
4-The Dealer in national market have difficult to understand our tax regime to compose the price of the product.Depends on the regime the price of telematics device could vary,it's important they share this informations with their telematics supplier due to there are interesting companies in buy directly from the manufacturers.A neutral organization could be endeavor ( … gL18fD_BwE).
5-Personally I am studying open my company in Estony, due the less bureaucracy facilities that they offer.
6-To your partner's it's interesting know the platform Genexus,due to it's a low code platform. … -innovator … s/maddenco
7-About the agricultural market it's intersting know that they use Barter operations to buy machines,input's,etc. … icultores/ … colas.html
8-It's intersting to create a platform to connect the client's to gurtam (i will send a example).