Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

Re: Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

phillype_loredo пишет:

For fuel cost it's important understand the situation wich could not works in the income statament,and it's present in the report of the Dealer of Galeleolesky the difference between the volume of the sensor and volume of the volume stocked.

1-Wich goes to the cost (for fleets),it's the total price multiply by the volume.Generaly in the fleet's this aren't tretead,to audit if the fleet's have problems of fuel ,a procedure it's compare the total volume of fuel stocked in the budget  and compare with the volume registred by the sensor.If the volume is positive it's ok,if the volume it's negative you increase the cost ,multiply by the negative difference for the average price.

2-This situation usually happens in industry and gasoline post.If the gasoline post do an inventory and the volume of fuel in the ERP was 200 and the in the inventory was 190,the routine in the ERP it's create an financial account in the budget called "adjusts inventory",and add the difference 10*average cost,in the  income statment account wiil show a value 100.

3-In industries it's common have 1300 unit's of one product,and the conversion factor it's each 27 unit's, the industry could have 48.1481481481 packages, 0,148 kg could be considered waste.

4-The situation treated by the Dealer of Galileolesky,the difference o volume of fuel should be analyzed,due to negative volume could can confuse the managers,and the fleet's don't compute volume of fuel in your income statement.

5-Here is an article talck about that (https://translate.google.com.br/transla … 2520sobras).


Thank you for sharing your ideas and thoughts.

Nowadays, Fleetrun team plans to develop functionality for fuel filling monitor.

At first, it will be only manual creation of fuel filling event. Later on, it might be auto-creation. Manual creation will be very alike service creation. I mean there will be a separate page where you can enter all the necessary data for your fuel filling and save it. Moreover you will be able to export them in .csv file.

For sure, you will be able to create a report by fuel filling with some of mentioned by you attributes:

  • the unit price of the fuel in litre
  • number of Vehicle
  • total kilometer
  • average km per vehicle
  • total diesel consumption in value and etc.
Katsiaryna Papok
Product Manager/Business Analyst, Gurtam

Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

(18/09/2020 10:55:27 отредактировано phillype_loredo)

Re: Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

Thank you for your attention,Could you explain to me why fleetrun call interval what's is cost? In many times the application was  made for one type of a user profile,and it's ok, however there could be other type of management views.We usually recommend the book Atlas Shrugged of Any Rand,to our clients read.In certain of moments ,a recomendentiation  of a book  could be good to taking out of technical subject's.


Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

Re: Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

phillype_loredo пишет:

Thank you for your attention,Could you explain to me why fleetrun call interval what's is cost? In many times the application was  made for one type of a user profile,and it's ok, however there could be other type of management views.We usually recommend the book Atlas Shrugged of Any Rand,to our clients read.In certain of moments ,a recomendentiation  of a book  could be good to taking out of technical subject's.


We are glad that you like the idea to add fuel filling functionality.
As for your question, please clarify the following:

  • Do you ask me why a user should fill in the cost on the Line items tab during an Interval creation? Do I understand your question correctly?
Katsiaryna Papok
Product Manager/Business Analyst, Gurtam

Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

Re: Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

The concept of interval works well with:

1-Payback of maintenance it's 12-18 month (https://nacfe.org/technology/preventive-maintenance/).The user with the value of the maintenance expense and the fuel expense,could do  apportionment criteria,and the see the payback (during the time to invest in maintenance the fuel efficiency increase).

Cost generaly,it's the  "expense of something"  wich goes to some financial account.


Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

Re: Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

phillype_loredo пишет:

The concept of interval works well with:

1-Payback of maintenance it's 12-18 month (https://nacfe.org/technology/preventive-maintenance/).The user with the value of the maintenance expense and the fuel expense,could do  apportionment criteria,and the see the payback (during the time to invest in maintenance the fuel efficiency increase).

Cost generaly,it's the  "expense of something"  wich goes to some financial account.


As soon as we add manual creation of fuel filling, you will be able to see payback of maintenance and fuel filling costs as well.
These data will be shown on unit profile and dashboard. Moreover, you will be able to create line item that will be called "Fuel".
It will be the 3rd line item:

  • part
  • labour
  • fuel (new)

Still, your question "Could you explain to me why fleetrun call interval what's is cost?" is not clear for me. Please give more details. I'd like to help.

Katsiaryna Papok
Product Manager/Business Analyst, Gurtam

Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

Re: Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

The concept of Markup work's better to this situation that you and your team developer(https://forum.gurtam.com/viewtopic.php?id=14187&p=2).What is the situation that we see here in Brazil and in other countries in the public transportation,in the same route ,the number of  passenger decreases ( Nimbus show the number of passenger) and they have same cost's like:Leasing , depreceation of the  vehicle,maintenance,fuel cost.

https://translate.google.com.br/transla … sem-onibus (this a report  that was in Brasilia,but  we have have the same situation in Pernambuco).


Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

Re: Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

phillype_loredo пишет:

The concept of Markup work's better to this situation that you and your team developer(https://forum.gurtam.com/viewtopic.php?id=14187&p=2).What is the situation that we see here in Brazil and in other countries in the public transportation,in the same route ,the number of  passenger decreases ( Nimbus show the number of passenger) and they have same cost's like:Leasing , depreceation of the  vehicle,maintenance,fuel cost.

https://translate.google.com.br/transla … sem-onibus (this a report  that was in Brasilia,but  we have have the same situation in Pernambuco).

Let's follow step by step for my understanding as I still cannot understand your idea.
Could you please explain what is the concept of Markup?

I've studied the link you sent.

Katsiaryna Papok
Product Manager/Business Analyst, Gurtam

Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

(25/09/2020 15:54:59 отредактировано phillype_loredo)

Re: Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

i   will send the income statement (it's important don't mix the concept with the fuel cost pre-programmed in fleetrun),it's managament KPI used in all business.There is a file in excel,you should go to the second tab and look to the line called Resultado Operacional (operational result's),this KPI it's the Break Even Point of the companies,how many they have to sell to pay all your cost's.

If the operational result's it's positive,the companies could pay the interest of a leasing,if the operational results it's negative the companies it's lose money,and if the operational results it's zero the company does not lose money and get profit.

The concept of operational results it's important to Nimbus,and the logistic modulus.For the maintenance modolus it's important understand that the situations when the companies of the public transport need works with the buss with a  higher capacite to be profit (a situation that could be present in emerging markets,due to this will case mechanics problems.

It's important distinguish the situation,when the companies works with the maximum capacite and respect the load capacity of the vehicle,when the companies need exceed the load capacity to be profit.

Your partner Cargo.Run in Russia probably could help you ? due to their experience with accounting system (https://gurtam.com/en/soft-developers),business analyst will works with indicators,projections.

The other indicator's it's Média dos 8 meses=Average of 8 months, Total de impostos =Total net taxes ( desconsidering due to was not include in the simulation),Receita Liquida=Net Revenue (in the simulation was considered the total value of sales,how ever in the  companies using Net Revenue= Sales-Total net taxes),Custo com serviço prestado = Raw Materials used in the product that was sold in the month,Lucro Bruto= gross profit (to Calculate was considering gross profit=  Net Revenue- Raw Materials),despesas operacionais=Operational expenses,Mão de obra e encargos=Labor cost,Total de custo pessoal=Total labor cost,despesas gerais= General expenses,Resultado Operacional=Gross profit-Labor cost- General expenses,Percentual de crescimento=percentage of growth,Saldo Finais=closing balances,projetado=projected,total=total.

The structure of income statement (as  business view not accounting) it's:

1-Value of total sales

2-Total net taxes

3-Net Revenue=1-2

4-gross profit=  Net Revenue- Raw Materials (these rules depending of the business)

5-Total expenses

6-Operational results=4-5 (This metric   use  to evaluate if companies are profit,with the result's of the operational results the companies take decisions to pay for a leasing,etc).


Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

(26/09/2020 19:52:00 отредактировано phillype_loredo)

Re: Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

You could use the concept of operational result's in:Nimbus,in Fleet's,depending the situation in agrilcuture,due to they will buy a vehicle to use in the operation,the vehicle will need operate to be profitable.

Please desconsidering the concept of Markup, and the complete definition of "what's cost in the income statement" .The break-even point concept, will be easily to understand.

https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoi … BkMjIzYSJ9 (this is a dashboard wich could ilustrate the process).


Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

Re: Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

phillype_loredo пишет:

You could use the concept of operational result's in:Nimbus,in Fleet's,depending the situation in agrilcuture,due to they will buy a vehicle to use in the operation,the vehicle will need operate to be profitable.

Please desconsidering the concept of Markup, and the complete definition of "what's cost in the income statement" .The break-even point concept, will be easily to understand.

https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoi … BkMjIzYSJ9 (this is a dashboard wich could ilustrate the process).

Thank you for such an amount of information!
Nevertheless, it is not transparent how to make it a part of Fleetrun functionality? Could you explain what value it can bring to a user?
I am looking forward to your reply!

Katsiaryna Papok
Product Manager/Business Analyst, Gurtam

Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

Re: Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

Hello kapa,
I think that including a schedule screen for looking the services happening/done/to be done would be a great tool for organization. Take a look on this example.

  • Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement
Fernando Brochetto
Technical Support, Rastreasul


Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

(29/09/2020 00:52:54 отредактировано phillype_loredo)

Re: Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

So Fuel cost it's a  variable cost variable ( could depends of the number of the passenger,).The KPI for the  fleet's could be
their ebit or their  operational results divided by the total of vehicle.Look at the case of the buses companies,the number of their passanger decreases how-ever they have the same maintenance cost, and the same fuel cost's .The write   interpretation for this  could be   , their ebit it's negative and they have the same maintenance cost,and the same fuel cost for a less volume of  transported passanger .

(https://translate.google.com.br/transla … sem-onibus)

If you add fuel cost in a maintenance module, the managers should have to look at their transporte capacity,due to they could have the same
fuel cost or maintenance cost,and a less volume of cargo transported.

Probably your partner in Russia Cargo.Run ( integration with accounting ERP's it's their expertise),they  could will understand better this situation.


Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

(29/09/2020 03:12:00 отредактировано phillype_loredo)

Re: Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

There is a demand to Gurtam integrate a tire management solutions modules.You will be find this type of software
in Clients of Gurtam ,like Tyre-man wich use the Entire software, companies like Translogik wich developer a  product to
measure the tread-deapth.In Brazil you will be find this solution in company like Gecaf wich use the product of translogik
,Pneu-Plus have a  software option  for tire  management.

It's intersteting the approach did by the american Benchmarks do:They consedering tyre as a preventive maintenance routine  in the companies,this approach could be used to unify the demands,due to be a demand in US developer an app,for in-house.The approach did by the americans that i've cited here (https://forum.gurtam.com/viewtopic.php?id=14188&p=2),depends of the company could be intersting,due to  the existence of mixed fleet's and new trucks in the general they need more preventive maintenance, they have guarantee of the manufacturer,their tires are new and will be retread in the future,etc.

The suggestions it's based on the TMC RP's (you should go to the topic,mayde a search put the word RP    211C ).The RP's works
as  an example to understand better the situation,and developer one solution of maintenance (if is possible).

Here it's an example where you could find this type of solution

1-Pneu-plus offers many modules include:An complete ERP for the fleet's,they have a tire management  (https://translate.google.com.br/transla … a-pneus%2F),however, they have no maintenance modules like fleetrun (you could see in the site),they have a solution for fuel cost wich it's intersting to note (https://translate.google.com.br/transla … ustivel%2F),they have an integration with GPS however telematics it isn't their expertise.

2-The other companies here which use the old product of the translogik,it's Gecaf (https://translate.google.com.br/transla … .com.br%2F),they have a focus in maintenance.

3-Probably could be  a solution like this of translogik ((https://trans-logik.com/partners),https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9b3aAetMMsc&feature=emb_title in software.

4-Could be a solution like this that a retread company based  Vaculug in UK ,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_Ib4i … emb_title.

5-You will be a find a solution like this,in your client's like Tyreman wich use the software Entire based in Australia.

This was the demand (https://forum.gurtam.com/viewtopic.php?id=17043),and the user don't return any answer.


Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

(29/09/2020 23:51:29 отредактировано phillype_loredo)

Re: Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

This reasoning could be intersting,for fleet's do their caracteristics (https://forum.gurtam.com/viewtopic.php?id=16695),if we look to the data the market share of TPMS in fleet's it's very low,normaly they buy more low quality  tires than good tires.The situation in the other market's it's very different,it's possible see that Bridgestone don't buy all the product's of Translogik,they buy only the solution for the OTR market
(https://www.bridgestone.com/corporate/n … 62501.html)  .

The software company called Entire wich works in Tyreman group probably have a good knowledge between the difference of the OTR market and the fleet's market.The owner indicate to me Translogik,and your company are present in many countries outside Australia,and your company have an interesting business model wich an engineer take the doubt's  of your client's.

The moviment of Continental could be   intersting:To promote your TPMS they have announced an integration with many Telematics companies (https://www.continental-tires.com/trans … heck/about).Other moviment that i saw,was the product of Stemco Aeris,  an Automatic Tire inflation system, get out of line due  Stemco start an    restructuring  process (https://www.stemco.com/product/suspensi … r-springs/).


Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

(02/10/2020 08:42:31 отредактировано phillype_loredo)

Re: Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

Hello Katsiaryna in this case was compared the volume of the sensor in the truck,and the volume  stocked by an invoice,and compute the difference between the volumes.Did wialon do this ? So your partner in Russia  Kilometrazh work with fuel card and treat the anomaly between the volume stocked in the price.

It's interesting analysis other possibilities:Separate in a report the volume of the sensor and the volume stocked,and in the part of the fuel cost if the volume of the sensor it's equal to the volume stocked it's ok, if the volume of the sensor it's less than the volume stocked,you could increase the fuel cost and if the volume of the sensor it's bigger of the volume stocked, you could decrease the cost,and write a program for that.

The Dealer of Galileolesky if you see they have a report to treat the volume,and a report of average price of the fuel (http://www.technolog.com.br/?post_type=relatorios),INDICADOR DE PREÇO DE COMBUSTÍVEL.

It's common ERP of industries,have a routine to treat this in the,inventory module.


https://gurtam.com/en/case-studies/smar … ith-wialon


Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

(02/10/2020 07:25:30 отредактировано phillype_loredo)

Re: Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

In the report there is a column with the fields:Valores= Field of the total values,Sobra=Field with the total value relationship in the inventory,if the value  of the quantities listed in the inventory is greater than the quantity listed in the system, the ERP records this quantity in this field, Falta=Field with the total value relationship in the inventory,if the value  of the quantities listed in the inventory is  less than the quantity listed in the system, the ERP records this quantity in this field, Valor Sobra=Filed with the total value in monetary value,Valor da falta=Filed with the total value in monetary value,Valor DIFERENÇA=Valor Sobra-Valor Falta .

The other fields it's Relacionado=Total of itens relationships (could be the total of cars,trucks),Saldo do dia=Value of ERP,CONTADO=Value of the quantity related.


Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

Re: Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

phillype_loredo пишет:

In the report there is a column with the fields:Valores= Field of the total values,Sobra=Field with the total value relationship in the inventory,if the value  of the quantities listed in the inventory is greater than the quantity listed in the system, the ERP records this quantity in this field, Falta=Field with the total value relationship in the inventory,if the value  of the quantities listed in the inventory is  less than the quantity listed in the system, the ERP records this quantity in this field, Valor Sobra=Filed with the total value in monetary value,Valor da falta=Filed with the total value in monetary value,Valor DIFERENÇA=Valor Sobra-Valor Falta .

The other fields it's Relacionado=Total of itens relationships (could be the total of cars,trucks),Saldo do dia=Value of ERP,CONTADO=Value of the quantity related.


We are thinking about fuel cards addition. Thank for an example of a report. It looks similar to what we want to have.

Katsiaryna Papok
Product Manager/Business Analyst, Gurtam

Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

Re: Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

Maybe could be easily,you start implement an  inventory parts module.It's could be simple,the first step it's import the parts,the second step gurtam have wich is the invoice,and the third step it's the user perform the process exit.I've a model of dashboard with minimum quantitie and maximum wich could works very well in Gurtam with intervals.

There is a demand for Gurtam developer an app (https://forum.gurtam.com/viewtopic.php?id=16715).I sent the documentation  very slowly,with the step by step.


Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

(07/10/2020 06:10:52 отредактировано phillype_loredo)

Re: Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

The other situation in maintenance, it's take the interval of fuel level between the inspections,with  samples of vehicles of the fleats.Due to diversal situations:Vehicle when they become old they spend more fuel ,there are products wich really generate fuel economy (combine  Low Rolling resistence tires with eletronic engine devices,like the product of Xmetra),or using the product of Xmetra only,payback of maintenance,the only way to do this it's with regular inspection of the samples,and take the interval of fuel level between the inspections.

The portal of transparency of my state have ,a model of Dashboard to do this (http://web.transparencia.pe.gov.br/fisc … -veiculos/)

(I will send the details today).


Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

(09/10/2020 03:10:13 отредактировано phillype_loredo)

Re: Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

In the report called posição do estoque was generate  at the date of 4/04/2016 to the date 12/04/2016.The field estoque inicial represents the initial value of the product's of a specific interval,the field entradas was the quantities of values that was added by the invoices,and the field saidas was the quantities that was used in the process,saldo was the result of the product by the movimentation.

The negative unit's of the report ,could happend due to the  selection of the interval (the date).The user should export the  initial value of the quantities of the product's,and the make the appointment of the quantities used.

You could iniatly create a field with the maximum quantities ,and the minimum quantities to the user list (the Dashboard will illustrate better).


Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

(12/10/2020 05:21:13 отредактировано phillype_loredo)

Re: Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

I have analysed your last update could be ok for the most of the fleet's.The demand for inventory for parts,could be different due to the fleet's  they buy the part's to do stock,it's not all fleet's wich do this.

The point for fuel could be  intersting (for payback) using with inspection,and select the volume of  the fuel between the inspections,and see the maintenance  by the vehicle (of a sample).Due to the Vehicles when they become old, they spend more fuel.Could be intersting inspect the samples ,not the all vehicles (it's possible do this in fleetrun ,however in  fleetrun the user delete the information, it's ok.With the samples,it's easly control the information,and inspections is something that is important to all companies ,independent of the information system that the companie use,due to in the inspections procedures the companies will indentify the problems).


My doubt is:The fuel module could guive this information? If you import the volume of fuel to fleetrun,and create a  routine  to group  the maintenance  expenditure of the vehicle by age,could be intersting due to the user could see the fuel consumption and your maintenance cost along the years.


Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

Re: Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

Katsiaryna Papok do you know the tool Genexus? Due to the demand that we see in Gurtam for development,app etc,Genexus it's a low code platform,with a focus in business rules,it's easly create App's,many companies use  Genexus.Demand of the user,it's part of all business,unfortunately it's impossible attend all the solitations of the users at the time that they want,and it's important use tools which could accelerate this process.

Here it's some cases

https://translate.google.com.br/transla … -clique%2F

https://translate.google.com.br/transla … %3Drelease



Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

Re: Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement


I wish to share some drawback and new additions to overcome and make fleet run better.

Usually every manufacturer recommend to follow a certain service plan for each brand or category of vehicles.
A new vehicle will have a 1000kms / one month inspection scheduled after the date of first sale.
Thereafter the service intervals falls like every 1000 Kms inspections, 5K, 10K, 20K, 30K etc and usually name as Lube service, Periodic service, Minor service, major service etc.
In general the service checks contain Visual inspection, Functional check, Realignment, Overhaul, Repairs, Replacement etc.
Lets consider “Visual Inspection” and under this, there are checks done outside the vehicle, called external checks, checks inside vehicle called internal checks and apart from that, inspection in areas like underwood, drivetrain, axles, brakes etc.
When we classify the charges, in Fleet run, there are Labour and Parts only. But it is god to include the following too like, Lubricants (Engine oil, clutch fluid, gear oil, power steering fluid, axle fluid etc), Tires (tires & tubes), Consumables (cleaning materials, cables, connectors, solders etc, Sublet (repairs done by third party like turbo overhaul, alternator repairs, stereo  repair, ECU repair) etc.
When we mention the description (say 1000 Kms Inspection), the description field should be flexible to add add the items for inspection as there will be one Labour charge for all the checks which might take 2-3 hours.
In certain other jobs the price of labour and parts are almost fixed, Eg, Lube service (labour+Parts+Lube), Jobs which are done frequently can be added in the Fleet run very easily and now the challenge is in inputing specific jobs which occur once or twice and will be different for different vehicles (eg Replacing gasket for exhaust manifold). In these cases the transport manager have to add these items before uploading all the cost for the respective vehicle doing a Running repair update.

Babu Abraham


Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

Re: Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

orosgroup пишет:


Dear Babu,

Thank you for your idea to make Fleetrun better!
I would be great to get reaction from other partners on this idea as well.
Your idea has already been registered but I cannot provide particular period when we can take it into development.

Please let me know if I can contact you directly when we start deeper analysis of this feature.

I am looking forward to your answer!

Katsiaryna Papok
Product Manager/Business Analyst, Gurtam

Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

Re: Ideas regarding Fleetrun enhancement

phillype_loredo пишет:

Maybe could be easily,you start implement an  inventory parts module.It's could be simple,the first step it's import the parts,the second step gurtam have wich is the invoice,and the third step it's the user perform the process exit.I've a model of dashboard with minimum quantitie and maximum wich could works very well in Gurtam with intervals.

There is a demand for Gurtam developer an app (https://forum.gurtam.com/viewtopic.php?id=16715).I sent the documentation  very slowly,with the step by step.

Dear Phillype!

Thank you for your ideas to make Fleetrun better!
I am sorry it has taken me too long to answer your requests. I was on sick leave.

Please give me some more time to answer your requests. They require deeper analysis. I will try to answer them within the next 2 days.
I hope for your understanding!

Katsiaryna Papok
Product Manager/Business Analyst, Gurtam