Topic: Xexun TK-103
I do not want to accept a phone number even though it is in international format.
I do not want to accept a phone number even though it is in international format.
Check input rules once more … noj_pochty
Or maybe the phone number you're entering already exists in the system.
Dear all,
Someone of you know how to edit the commands on the properties unit display for a TK-103 or similars?
I understand that there are commands for SMS such as:
But the question is how do you type the commands for GPRS protocol?
Someone knows or has the list?
The commands are the same for SMS and for GPRS. I create commands on the unit properties with the same text that I send on the SMS configuration.
Hope this helps...
I don't know, but you can find the answer on
These are the commands you need to configure TK103
1 begin123456
2 ip(xxxxxxxxx)port(YYYYY) - remember to include the alphabets ip & port before the ip & port numbers
3 apn123456#(APN Address)
4 number(Sim number)
5 web123456
6 at120sum0
Hope it helps
Por favor si alguien tiene el sofware usb que me pase. Necesito graciaas
Friends something very strange is happening, I am newbie in wialon hosting, what happens is that I have 120 unds tracking, among these 20 units have GPS103-be Xexun 103-2 Brazil, everyone stop sending location to servers hosting wialon. I'm going crazy, I can not solve. Has anyone had this problem before?
Remember that the same happens in GPS-free orange trace servers. Recofiguração already realized from the beginning with "begin123456" anyway pessiste the default command.
Hello, Renato.
If you are using m2m SIM cards for your trackers, maybe you forgot to pay for GSM provider's service?
Otherways, send us some UIDs of trackers, who are not responding to - we'll check the logs of the server on the incoming messages from them.
Hi Renato,
do you have other GPS Tracking hardware which you can use to test the SIM-CARDS?
For Debugging i would recomend using the following steps:
1.) take one unit which is not sending anymore
2.) take simcard out of this unit and put it into a mobile phone, configure APN and do a ping test (download a ping app) to
if that works, with SIMCARD and Network everything is fine.
3.) reset device by sms and configure the unit fully again. if it still does not send any data, check with this device if you receive any data
4.) if SIM is ok and also show receiving data, than something in WIALON receiving script must be changed which is not fully compatible with your devices. contact with the ID you are testing and the steps you already did for checking.
p.s. all this xexun tk-xxx devices totaly sucks. they are not really stable and always forgetting their configuration or just stop connecting via gprs.
i never got a device in my hands which is really stable. remember: you always get what you pay!
friend thank you for the help
What exactly is the 21hours 0minuto and 0 seconds is the failure occurs exactly at 00:00:00 h, EVERYTHING BACK TO NORMAL !!! 'll Go insane with it. In another tracking platform fuciona 100%.
I'm sure it's something in Wialon Hosting server. Look at all that are with this strange crash ....... begin with 86307001 and 35971004, which fucionam configuring the devices gps-103b and Xexun 103-2.
I appreciate more help
Sorry do not know any English, use the translator of Google
Renato Brazil
Renato, this should be related to timezone. The best way is to e-mail to with details, then you'll be asked to point device to debug IP and then withing 24 hours I suppose your issue can be resolved.
Hello All,
I have purchased a Xexun Tk-103-2 and i am trying to configure the ignition sensor for the device. I have tried using the parameters mentioned on the … ?id=280015 however no luck.
Has anybody worked with this device and successfully setup the ignition status. As the Vehicle just shows moving all of a sudden.
Hi friends
I installed nine XEXUN TK103-2 ,I have tried to create ACC sensors but some devices show parameter " ignition" and others no , so even I use " ignition" as parameter to create sensors it wasn’t work .please help me to solve the problem?
TK-102 or TK-103?
Hi, I´ve been working on this issue for several days now and didn´t succeed. On another portal (operated by the seller of the unit) the device delivers satisfactory outputs. Not on GPS-Trace so far.
I established the connection on the wialon 20222 Check-site and my device was identified as a TK-103 with 12-digit ID-Number (xxxxxxx39647). This seems strange since the device looks like a Xexun TK-102 and accordingly should be identified by its 15-digit imei.
Afterwards on the GPS-Trace-site I did not succeed in adressing the device. I assumed that this may be caused by the discrepancy in the imei characteristics. Therefore I tried it both ways: TK-103 with the abbreviated 12-digit imei and TK-102 with the full imei - no joy.
Does anybody know a workaround or alternative solution?
Siggi747 If indicates some id, you should use exactly this id (without variants).
There are so many devices which look like some Xexun and similar, but it doesn't mean that communication protocol is the same. That's why to research the problem you should ask exactly your supplier the communication protocol of exactly your device
The protocol has no specific name. You can try to check the protocol on the manufacturer's site ( TK103 GPS Vehicle tracker user manual3.doc):
Please clarify what goal are you trying to achieve? Have you tried pointing the device at Wialon as Xexun TK-103? Is there an issue getting data?