
Re: WiaTag


Would you please add a functionality to WiaTag (Android) to set it as Administrator application. This way we can prevent users to remove WiaTag using password.



Re: WiaTag

I have some customers complaining about the sudden stop of the wia tag app

the app suddenly stops sending position with every thing is on (location,network connection....etc)
right now they are handling this issue by pressing send position, when they press it every thing is back to normal

so is there is a remote way to make the phone press send position when its offline for more than a certain time?

a command or something else



(edited by kopa 19/06/2019 14:30:31)

Re: WiaTag

hasan.ahmed Yes, you can send the command "Query position" to the device (manually, by job, by notification's action, etc). But before please enable "Remote control" option at WiaTag's settings.

Mobile Development


Re: WiaTag

thanks, it worked perfectly

another question
i read the release notes of wia tag there was this update

Turning on and off the application service and crash report are added to the Status Messages

what are the  Turning on and off the application, crash parameters that is sent to the server



(edited by hhamedk 22/06/2019 13:17:17)

Re: WiaTag

Pavel Bushuyeu, any update regarding my request?


Would you please add a functionality to WiaTag (Android) to set it as Administrator application. This way we can prevent users to remove WiaTag using password.



Re: WiaTag

i have the wiatag sending a position with Altitude, m = .....
what could be the reason?



Re: WiaTag

hasan.ahmed wrote:

i have the wiatag sending a position with Altitude, m = .....
what could be the reason?

Altitude is one of GPS parameters in 3D positioning so it's normal that each GNSS module calculate it's Altitude.



Re: WiaTag

hasan.ahmed wrote:

thanks, it worked perfectly

another question
i read the release notes of wia tag there was this update

Turning on and off the application service and crash report are added to the Status Messages

what are the  Turning on and off the application, crash parameters that is sent to the server

This is a quote from WiaTag documentation.

Service messages. When this setting is selected, the message contains the following parameters:
service status (s_on=0 — disabled, s_on=1 — enabled);
unforseen service shutdown (cr=1).
Sent messages also contain the parameter 'ls', the value of which depends on the selected location source
ls=3 — when GPS, Wi-Fi and mobile networks are used;
ls=2 — when Wi-Fi and mobile networks are used;
ls=1 — when GPS is used;
ls=0 — when location services are off.

Mobile Development


Re: WiaTag

i have wiatag installed on a Samsung tablet,

i deleted the iemi and created a new unit with the device iemi then i pressed send location several times the tables shows position sent message,but there is nothing in wialon.

i cleared the second unit iemi with zero messages received in wialon and created a third unit,same thing happened so i returned to the original unit and set the iemi to it.

after about 15 min the created unit received the messages that belong to it,after a wile the other unit(3rd) recieved the messages ,a and later the original unit recived the messages that it belong to it.

there was a time delay or shifting

any explanation

  • WiaTag


Re: WiaTag

hasan.ahmed please contact our support team (support@gurtam.com) and please attach WiaTag's log files.

Mobile Development


(edited by kayaburcak 24/12/2019 13:44:22)

Re: WiaTag

How can I find apk file of Wiatag ?



Re: WiaTag

We have found WiaTag becoming popular choice for customers since Coronavirus has seen many new potential customers needing a delivery solution, Logistics app, and this makes a great combination as it is less cost and not needing to purchase hardware and install.

Love the ability to send customers a QR code to activate too. Is there any chance that additional setting options could be added to this site instead of just basics?

Settings such as turning on "Additional parameters" when generating the QR code.

Currently we direct customers to a "How to" video we made showing them how to achieve this, it would be great to just do this for them when we create the QR code to send them to activate it. smile

Onwards and Upwards!!
Knowledge, data & information is power!


Re: WiaTag

QR scanning is not available in the menu selection? How do I enable it?



Re: WiaTag

this should be available under ,
Settings > User Mods > Edit user Mode and go to the section " Main Screen" , tap on Actions , and you will see the list of available actions and enable enable "scan Qr Code"
Once done Click on Action button (+) button in main screen and you should be able to select "scan QR code"



Re: WiaTag

I have some customers complaining about the sudden stop of the wia tag app

the app suddenly stops sending position with every thing is on (location,network connection....etc)
right now they are handling this issue by pressing send position, when they press it every thing is back to normal

so is there is a remote way to make the phone press send position when its offline for more than a certain time?

a command or something else

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Re: WiaTag

Dear ryanebeerman,

i had the same problem and i tried all possible soultions.

the best one was activate remote configuration
create a notification with connection loss type for 1 min, the action of the notification was to send a command to the unit

the notification is (send position).

whenever the unit receive the notification it will sent the position right away.

to be sure that a position is sent i created up to 7 notifications
connection loss for 1 min, 2 min .....7 min

so if the first one didint work the other one will.

these notifications had a time limitation depending on their working time



Re: WiaTag


I found one issue on iOS devices with OS 13+! The issue is that I cannot request a photo from the cameras ( tried all available options ) . When I install it on Android device everything works fine.

Can you please suggest what I should enable in order to fix this?

Kind regards,
Ivo Sinapov


Re: WiaTag


ivo.sinapov wrote:

I found one issue on iOS devices with OS 13+! The issue is that I cannot request a photo from the cameras ( tried all available options ) . When I install it on Android device everything works fine.
Can you please suggest what I should enable in order to fix this?

As I can in documentation for iOS (page 25) there is no possibility to query snapshot from camera in iOS.

@ Oleg Zharkovsky
Customer Service / Quality Control and Training
"Timely is the best. But still better late than never."


Re: WiaTag


Just a curiosity. Do Gurtam have plans to add "Query Videos" using commands in Wiatag?




Re: WiaTag

Is this Topic still being used for Wiatag discussions?

Phoenix Solusi
Mobile Visible Secure
Specialists in data acquisition and analysis for mobile and fixed assets. Integration in to content management systems is a specialty we have.


Re: WiaTag

Why do you ask? Do you want something?