How to set Speed Limit in Graph

Topic: How to set Speed Limit in Graph

Hello Everyone

Good Morning

I have a question can i set speed limit detector in any units settings or in templates?

For example- i want to show speed in graph only if vehicle is moving with speed of 20km/h because i'm facing coordinate jumping in teltonika fmb125.
when ignition is off but vehicle is showing moving condition.so that i want to show only speed in graph greater than 20km/h .


How to set Speed Limit in Graph

Re: How to set Speed Limit in Graph


All speed is usually shown in Wialon charts.
But it is possible to solve your issue, just follow the instruction below:
1. Create a custom sensor based on parameter "speed"
2. Set 20 as lower bound in calculation table.
3. Add chart to the report template
4. Add line "Custom sensors"
As a result you'll see value of the sensor that cuts off all the speed below 20.

@ Oleg Zharkovsky
Customer Service / Quality Control and Training
"Timely is the best. But still better late than never."

How to set Speed Limit in Graph

Re: How to set Speed Limit in Graph

To set a speed limit in a graph, you typically need to define the range of values that represent your desired speed limit on the x or y-axis, depending on your graph's orientation. This can be done using data visualization tools like Excel, Google Sheets, or more advanced software like Tableau. You can use conditional formatting or a reference line to visually represent the speed limit threshold on the graph. Much like how Traffic Rider APK allows players to experience the thrill of speed within controlled environments, setting a speed limit in a graph helps maintain clear boundaries and ensures data remains within specified parameters for better analysis and decision-making.


How to set Speed Limit in Graph

Re: How to set Speed Limit in Graph

Yes, you can typically set a speed threshold for data display in devices like the Teltonika FMB125, either through settings or templates in the software you’re using. Many GPS tracking systems allow you to configure filters or conditions to display data only above a certain speed, just like the Traffic Rider game just like managing data thresholds, players must carefully control their speed to avoid obstacles and maintain smooth progress. Both scenarios highlight the importance of setting clear limits to achieve optimal performance and accuracy.