Jimi JC100

Topic: Jimi JC100

Hello to everyone interested in JC100 / JC200 device by Jimi Electronic and its usage with Wialon!                                                                                                                         
Here we'll be discussing its functions and setup.                                                                                                                                                                 
The most peculiar questions are how to get photo and video from it.                                                                                                                                               
There's how.                                                                                                                                                                                                       
0. Assuming you have the device online in Wialon.                                                                                                                                                                 
I'll use server adress, although yours might be different.                                                                                                                                   
1. Set HSERVER parameter. This is address where the device will send photo/video.                                                                                                                                 
This can be done by custom_msg command in TCP channel:                                                                                                                                                             
The device should reply OK. You will see it in chat with driver.                                                                                                                                                   
2. Request photo.                                                                                                                                                                                                 
This can be done by custom_msg command in TCP channel:                                                                                                                                                             
First is for picture from inward camera and second is from outward camera.                                                                                                                                         
Device should reply PICTURE, and in several seconds you will see new photo in Wialon.                                                                                                                             
3. Request video.                                                                                                                                                                                                 
This can be done by custom_msg command in TCP channel:                                                                                                                                                             
First is for 8 seconds video from inward camera and second is for 3 seconds video from outward camera.                                                                                                             
Video is taken from real time.                                                                                                                                                                                     
Device should reply VIDEO, and in several seconds you will see new video in Wialon.


Jimi JC100

Re: Jimi JC100

What is the command to point to Wialon server im sending the following command sms it replys ok but still don't see the device .

On device type what should  I choose .


Also does it use the factory firmware or we need update.

Jimlab engineer send me a modified firmware that suppose to work .


Jimi JC100

Re: Jimi JC100

There must be special firmware for Wialon, the last version we got called KM8216_EN_GURTAM_V1.2
It allows to change server ip, as i know.

If you have a modified firmware, do not hesitate to update


Jimi JC100

Re: Jimi JC100

can you provide the firmware I have installed



Jimi JC100

Re: Jimi JC100

Here's the last firmware

https://www.dropbox.com/s/ui09mzkbx4myt … 8.zip?dl=1

i thought V1.1 should've worked too


Jimi JC100

Re: Jimi JC100


I was able to sync the unit with wialon after the firmware upgrade . Requested videos no problem .

Now I don't see is sending coordinates please see attached

thank you

  • Jimi JC100

Jimi JC100

Re: Jimi JC100

Got it working on Wialon Hosting ,
Picture upload and Video upload works fine.

Anyway to get recorded clips from SD card ?

Thanks guys.


Jimi JC100

Re: Jimi JC100

ysv Hi Yasintha
At this time such function isn't described in the protocol.
You can start a new stage of communication with Concox smile
Concox will develop smth. only after requests from customers.

Viktor Yarovenko
Business Analyst

Jimi JC100

Re: Jimi JC100

Hi ,

I will write to them.
Does their protocol support live streaming ?

yavi wrote:

ysv Hi Yasintha
At this time such function isn't described in the protocol.
You can start a new stage of communication with Concox smile
Concox will develop smth. only after requests from customers.


Jimi JC100

Re: Jimi JC100

ysv It's a little bit other integration. If device sends data to Concox platform and than get data to Wialon via API.
At this time we're analyzing such possibility.

Viktor Yarovenko
Business Analyst

Jimi JC100

Re: Jimi JC100

Hi ,

what the status on the integration we are able to upload video and take pictures. Also would like to make event if the unit crash or decelerates to upload video automatically  .


Jimi JC100

(edited by klev 25/02/2019 19:11:56)

Re: Jimi JC100


Video & photo upload is as described in first post.

Event video on unit crash / deceleration is theoretically possible but we don't know anyone who succeeded. In other words, not tested yet.


Jimi JC100

Re: Jimi JC100


[VERSION]KM8216_EN_GURTAM_V1.2_20190108  works great but is not allowing to change the rmtp server can we get the same firmware but that also allow us to modified the rtmp server .

thank you


Jimi JC100

Re: Jimi JC100

Hi ,
Did you hear anything from Concox about below?

live streaming
Get video clips from SD card saved videos.

Other functions works good.
What is the maximum time for video request ?

ysv wrote:

Hi ,

I will write to them.
Does their protocol support live streaming ?

yavi wrote:

ysv Hi Yasintha
At this time such function isn't described in the protocol.
You can start a new stage of communication with Concox smile
Concox will develop smth. only after requests from customers.


Jimi JC100

Re: Jimi JC100

klev wrote:

Here's the last firmware

https://www.dropbox.com/s/ui09mzkbx4myt … 8.zip?dl=1

i thought V1.1 should've worked too

Hi, I would like to know how I can update the firmware since I downloaded it


Julio R. | Gerente de Producto Telematics

Jimi JC100

Re: Jimi JC100

Hi ,
Send me your email ,
Will share the instructions manual to upgrade JC200



Jimi JC100

Re: Jimi JC100

ysv wrote:

Hi ,
Send me your email ,
Will share the instructions manual to upgrade JC200



Julio R. | Gerente de Producto Telematics

Jimi JC100

(edited by albu 18/06/2020 10:07:45)

Re: Jimi JC100

Instructions for updating JC200 FW via cable

add .pdf to  How to Upgrade JC200 (copy)

link for downloading programs:
https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Q-Y9c … _3DRQzfUkN

link for FW for JC200 with changeable RTMP. With this FW live stream in wialon available, but RTMP-service should be install by yourself
https://drive.google.com/open?id=1PqGiX … EhNJSjIBTn

JC100 needs the custom cable,not same with JC200

link for FW for JC100
https://drive.google.com/open?id=13ir-s … KEeF9xIHw2

How to update FW on JC100
https://drive.google.com/open?id=1dQHqs … 3MGHn8xwvj

Post's attachments

Attachment icon How to Upgrade JC200 (copy) 850.09 kb, 1883 downloads since 2019-04-29 


Jimi JC100

Re: Jimi JC100

with what program can I open the file? How to Upgrade JC200 (copy)


Jimi JC100

Re: Jimi JC100

nmontijo wrote:

with what program can I open the file? How to Upgrade JC200 (copy)

Please add .pdf to " How to Upgrade JC200 (copy)", so you should get name "How to Upgrade JC200 (copy).pdf"
After that you can open file with PDF-reader


Jimi JC100

Re: Jimi JC100

Hello dears! Where can I find cable for JC100 ? if free access no, maybe someone knows how to do it yourself?


Jimi JC100

Re: Jimi JC100

Is there a new firmware for the JC200?


Jimi JC100

Re: Jimi JC100

bmwpmr wrote:

Is there a new firmware for the JC200?

What do you mean under "new firmware"? To works with Wialon JC200 should have special FW


Jimi JC100

Re: Jimi JC100

albu wrote:

What do you mean under "new firmware"? To works with Wialon JC200 should have special FW

KM8216_EN_GURTAM_V1.2_20190108 or new?


Jimi JC100

Re: Jimi JC100

bmwpmr wrote:
albu wrote:

What do you mean under "new firmware"? To works with Wialon JC200 should have special FW

KM8216_EN_GURTAM_V1.2_20190108 or new?

https://forum.gurtam.com/viewtopic.php? … 29#p165829


Jimi JC100

Re: Jimi JC100

Tell me, if I upload a special firmware, can I continue to see the video through the original program?


Jimi JC100

Re: Jimi JC100

bmwpmr wrote:

Tell me, if I upload a special firmware, can I continue to see the video through the original program?

As far as I know - yes, you can. but you also can ask Jimi support about that.


Jimi JC100

Re: Jimi JC100

Jimi support Not responding
supports protocol Wialon IPS 1.1?


Jimi JC100

Re: Jimi JC100

bmwpmr wrote:

supports protocol Wialon IPS 1.1?

No, it's absolutely the other protocol

Viktor Yarovenko
Business Analyst

Jimi JC100

Re: Jimi JC100

How do I get a new firmware V5.0


Jimi JC100

Re: Jimi JC100

bmwpmr It's national holidays in China this week (up to 7th of October). That's why please wait the reply from manufacturer.

Viktor Yarovenko
Business Analyst

Jimi JC100

Re: Jimi JC100

Guys please tell me which SMS you need to send to the JC200 to connect to wialon


Jimi JC100

Re: Jimi JC100



Jimi JC100

Re: Jimi JC100

Thank you


Jimi JC100

Re: Jimi JC100

Добрый день, коллеги.
Ниже во вложении скриншоты с настройками JC 200 в Виалоне. Подскажите пожалуйста, где я ошибся. Фотографии не делаются. Спасибо.

  • Jimi JC100
  • Jimi JC100
  • Jimi JC100
  • Jimi JC100

Jimi JC100

(edited by albu 08/10/2019 12:23:49)

Re: Jimi JC100

shaggiekeN wrote:

Добрый день, коллеги.
Ниже во вложении скриншоты с настройками JC 200 в Виалоне. Подскажите пожалуйста, где я ошибся. Фотографии не делаются. Спасибо.

Добрый день!
Что устройство ответило на команду HSERVICE?
Так же, если не ошибаюсь, устройство чувствительно к буквам (заглавные, строчные)


Jimi JC100

Re: Jimi JC100

albu wrote:
shaggiekeN wrote:

Добрый день, коллеги.
Ниже во вложении скриншоты с настройками JC 200 в Виалоне. Подскажите пожалуйста, где я ошибся. Фотографии не делаются. Спасибо.

Добрый день!
Что устройство ответило на команду HSERVICE?
Так же, если не ошибаюсь, устройство чувствительно к буквам (заглавные, строчные)

Добрый день.
Приходит ответ Upload service command is sent to success


Jimi JC100

Re: Jimi JC100

попробовал установить привязку к Wialon как трекера, а фото и видео просматривать только через оф приложение... не получается
Можно ли использовать два сервера разных для отправки координат? Тех поддержка так и мочит


Jimi JC100

Re: Jimi JC100

shaggiekeN wrote:
albu wrote:
shaggiekeN wrote:

Добрый день, коллеги.
Ниже во вложении скриншоты с настройками JC 200 в Виалоне. Подскажите пожалуйста, где я ошибся. Фотографии не делаются. Спасибо.

Добрый день!
Что устройство ответило на команду HSERVICE?
Так же, если не ошибаюсь, устройство чувствительно к буквам (заглавные, строчные)

Добрый день.
Приходит ответ Upload service command is sent to success

Спасибо за ответ. Пробуйте команду Picture отправлять с большой буквы


Jimi JC100

Re: Jimi JC100

bmwpmr wrote:

попробовал установить привязку к Wialon как трекера, а фото и видео просматривать только через оф приложение... не получается
Можно ли использовать два сервера разных для отправки координат? Тех поддержка так и мочит

По этому вопросу информации у нас нет.
У Китайцев до 7-го числа были выходные, скорее всего из-за этого не отвечали.


Jimi JC100

Re: Jimi JC100

Добрый день
У кого-то есть прошивка ver 3.6.2 или выше? Техподдержка тупит уже который день
Вопросов много у них а результата 0 )


Jimi JC100

Re: Jimi JC100

Выяснил что два сервера разных для отправки координат нельзя


Jimi JC100

Re: Jimi JC100

I tried to upgrade the firmware for Gurtam to JC100 but I didn't have a good response.  I'm using I think  the good procedure in a computer with Win 7, I check with the vysor and have good conection, but when I use SP_Flash_ tool,  choose the right firmware file put "Upgrade Firmware and after Download I conect cable Male USB to computer and after conect with ten pins conector and after ACC to B+ and for last conect the power, after this the firmware doesn't want to star.  Please tell me whatcan I do


Jimi JC100

Re: Jimi JC100

Подскажите, Live у кого-то заработал при привязке к Wialon?


Jimi JC100

Re: Jimi JC100

Может я не туда пишу в техподдержку? скиньте в личку куда вы пишите


Jimi JC100

Re: Jimi JC100

bmwpmr live video hasn't been supported yet because manufacturer doesn't give an option to change RTMP server adress.

Viktor Yarovenko
Business Analyst

Jimi JC100

Re: Jimi JC100

seff wrote:
albu wrote:

Instructions for updating JC200 FW via cable

add .pdf to  How to Upgrade JC200 (copy)

link for downloading programs:
https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Q-Y9c … _3DRQzfUkN

link for FW for JC200
https://drive.google.com/open?id=1jbE5A … JzWDu08yc1

JC100 needs the custom cable,not same with JC200

link for FW for JC100
https://drive.google.com/open?id=13ir-s … KEeF9xIHw2

How to update FW on JC100
https://drive.google.com/open?id=1dQHqs … 3MGHn8xwvj

I'm not using Windows 7, I'm using Windows 10 and the driver for Windows 10 is not included. Where can I find the driver that works so that I can update the firmware for the camera using Windows 10? - Driver_Auto_Installer_EXE_v5.1632.00 for Windows 10

Kindly contact to the manufacturer


Jimi JC100

Re: Jimi JC100

albu wrote:
seff wrote:
albu wrote:

Instructions for updating JC200 FW via cable

add .pdf to  How to Upgrade JC200 (copy)

link for downloading programs:
https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Q-Y9c … _3DRQzfUkN

link for FW for JC200
https://drive.google.com/open?id=1jbE5A … JzWDu08yc1

JC100 needs the custom cable,not same with JC200

link for FW for JC100
https://drive.google.com/open?id=13ir-s … KEeF9xIHw2

How to update FW on JC100
https://drive.google.com/open?id=1dQHqs … 3MGHn8xwvj

I'm not using Windows 7, I'm using Windows 10 and the driver for Windows 10 is not included. Where can I find the driver that works so that I can update the firmware for the camera using Windows 10? - Driver_Auto_Installer_EXE_v5.1632.00 for Windows 10

Kindly contact to the manufacturer

Thanks, I found the firmware and got the JC200 flashed, but I can't connect to Wialon. I've entered the Device Type, Server Address ( and texted it to the device in the specified format, entered the IMEI number, the default password: 666666 and clicked okay...but teh device still won't connect to Wialon and show on the map.


Jimi JC100

Re: Jimi JC100

seff wrote:
albu wrote:
seff wrote:

I'm not using Windows 7, I'm using Windows 10 and the driver for Windows 10 is not included. Where can I find the driver that works so that I can update the firmware for the camera using Windows 10? - Driver_Auto_Installer_EXE_v5.1632.00 for Windows 10

Kindly contact to the manufacturer

Thanks, I found the firmware and got the JC200 flashed, but I can't connect to Wialon. I've entered the Device Type, Server Address ( and texted it to the device in the specified format, entered the IMEI number, the default password: 666666 and clicked okay...but teh device still won't connect to Wialon and show on the map.

Kindly contact to us (hw@gurtam.com) and specify device ID in email.
Thank you.


Jimi JC100

Re: Jimi JC100

albu wrote:
seff wrote:
albu wrote:

Kindly contact to the manufacturer

Thanks, I found the firmware and got the JC200 flashed, but I can't connect to Wialon. I've entered the Device Type, Server Address ( and texted it to the device in the specified format, entered the IMEI number, the default password: 666666 and clicked okay...but teh device still won't connect to Wialon and show on the map.

Kindly contact to us (hw@gurtam.com) and specify device ID in email.
Thank you.

Thanks Albu, I got it connected and working


Jimi JC100

Re: Jimi JC100

Добрый день, коллеги.
Подскажите а где есть полный список доступных команд для JC200?
Вообще интересует как сделать блокировку двигателя, какая команда для этого нужна.


Jimi JC100

Re: Jimi JC100

Set the petrol/electricity control    RELAY,[A]#       
A=0/1 0 means connection, 1 means cut off default: 0.
RELAY#        Check the status of the control.

Viktor Yarovenko
Business Analyst

Jimi JC100

Re: Jimi JC100

yavi wrote:

Set the petrol/electricity control    RELAY,[A]#       
A=0/1 0 means connection, 1 means cut off default: 0.
RELAY#        Check the status of the control.

Спасибо Вам большое. Все работает.
А есть ли еще какой нибудь список команд кроме фото видео и блокировки?


Jimi JC100

Re: Jimi JC100

shaggiekeN Concox GT06 не уверен что все команды подходят, но что то должно

Viktor Yarovenko
Business Analyst

Jimi JC100

Re: Jimi JC100

I am running a Windows 10 Pro machine and cannot get the driver installer or the flash tool to work ...is it compatible with Windows 10?

Phoenix Solusi
Mobile Visible Secure
Specialists in data acquisition and analysis for mobile and fixed assets. Integration in to content management systems is a specialty we have.

Jimi JC100

Re: Jimi JC100

Good afternoon, colleagues.
There is a JC200 device. Connected the device to WIALON.
I can not get parameter 1: SOS ALARM. Clicked the Alarm Button. But the parameter does not come.

Tried on two different devices.


Jimi JC100

Re: Jimi JC100

molotok Please send all details to hw@gurtam.com (unit id,  exact time when you activated SOS button)

Viktor Yarovenko
Business Analyst

Jimi JC100

Re: Jimi JC100

molotok wrote:

Good afternoon, colleagues.
There is a JC200 device. Connected the device to WIALON.
I can not get parameter 1: SOS ALARM. Clicked the Alarm Button. But the parameter does not come.

Tried on two different devices.

By experimental way we realyzed, that SOS button should be pushed during 8+ seconds...
We have no ideas about the reason...

Viktor Yarovenko
Business Analyst

Jimi JC100

Re: Jimi JC100

I can´t update FW. The driver was installed correctly, but I have an error (Code 45) “Actually. This device hardware doesn´t connect to the CPU”. Then the SP_Flahs_Tool, can´t be used.

Can you help me?

Ing.  Oscar Muñoz García
12090304 ext. 2019

Jimi JC100

Re: Jimi JC100

Most US companies do not allow Flash to be installed due to security risks. There is no way for most US customers to view video if Flash Player is the only option. Changing the device preference to not be flash does not work. Please provide an alternative video player solution.

Skype: eron.iler

Jimi JC100

Re: Jimi JC100

eron.iler At this time flash player is required.
We'll try to develop new video solution during 2020 but there are no any other details at this time.

Viktor Yarovenko
Business Analyst

Jimi JC100

Re: Jimi JC100


To turn on/off hotspot


For X seconds video from both cameras.

As for automatic video upload, it's not automatic on carmatrix/tracksolid app with default fw.

Server is handling video upload requests (at least that is for VIbration alarm, i dint test other alarms yet)

Does anyone have link to download default jimmy fw for jc200 ?


Jimi JC100

Re: Jimi JC100

Добрый день
Изменилось ли что в плане онлайн видео с данных устройств за эти пару месяцев?


Jimi JC100

Re: Jimi JC100

bmwpmr no

Viktor Yarovenko
Business Analyst

Jimi JC100

Re: Jimi JC100

Есть ли пример трека который рисует JC200 ?


Jimi JC100

Re: Jimi JC100

Добрый день. Для jc100 и  jc200 есть некоторая информация,а у меня на руках jc400. Знает ли кто нибудь как подключить его к wialon?При попытке отправить смс с заменой сервера,приходит ответ ERROR.


Jimi JC100

Re: Jimi JC100

Разобрался,нужно поставить прошивку KMC28_JC400_WABA_CUST_V2.0.0_200826  Если кому-то надо,пишите в личку,есть подробная инструкция по подключению к виалон.


Jimi JC100

(edited by onPointConnect 17/12/2020 18:10:32)

Re: Jimi JC100

Disregard my previous request, I received the custom FW from Jimi Support.

>> Where can I find / download KMC28_JC400_WABA_CUST_V2.0.0_200826?
>> Где найти или скачать KMC28_JC400_WABA_CUST_V2.0.0_200826?

>> Thanks in advance!


Jimi JC100

Re: Jimi JC100

Hello Team,
I have 2 JC400P and 1 JC400D, I need the above firmware and detail instruction to upgrade them because I have joined one of the devices to wialon but is not working, I am told I need the following firmware:
KMC28_JC400_WABA_CUST_V2.0.0_200826.pac  -Use USB cable to upgrade
KMC28_JC400_WABA_CUST_V2.0.0_200826         -Use T card to upgrade

I will appreciate if anyone could send me the link to the above firmware.
I appreciate all your help.



Jimi JC100

Re: Jimi JC100

moli8552 Qual foi o comando sms que utilizou por favor?

What sms command did you use please?


Jimi JC100

Re: Jimi JC100

What sms command did you use please?