Wialon Hosting release notes

(20/05/2014 17:30:14 отредактировано Anna from Gurtam)

Тема: Wialon Hosting release notes

Latest Wialon Hosting updates dd. 05/15/2014:

• From now on for some types of devices there is a possibility to save the second unique unit ID;
• Now if you want to leave the geofence editing page, you’ll see the question, asking if you want to save changes;
• A new parameter to determine fueling volume was added — “final fuel level search after motion start”
• You can edit subordinate billing plans in CMS Manager;
• Now all Wialon Hosting users can appreciate 4 applications, added by default: Chatterbox, Dashboard, iDriveSafe, Track Player.
• Wialon Hosting Interface is adapted for tablet PCs and other devices.


Wialon Hosting release notes

Re: Wialon Hosting release notes

At http://dev.hosting.wialon.com you can test and evaluate the following functions:

1. Notification of entering/leaving the address.
2. Advanced units filter in import dialog: besides the device name and type, now there is a filter according to creator, custom fields and unit groups.

Approximately in a week these changes will appear at http://hosting.wialon.com/


Wialon Hosting release notes

Re: Wialon Hosting release notes

Slight Wialon Hosting update dd. 06.06.2014:

We corrected several operating errors and added dispatcher ID in EGTS retranslator.

Also, some new amendments and modifications were released at http://dev.hosting.wialon.com for you to test:
1. From now on ArcGIS maps can be connected to Wialon Hosting.
2. "Detalization" of online notification can be now opened not only by using "+", but by clicking the whole box.
3. Notification about entering/leaving the address is improved.
4. Filter in import dialog in wlp format is advanced.


Wialon Hosting release notes

Re: Wialon Hosting release notes

Today, on June 18, 2014 a new update was released by Gurtam development team.
So, what’s new:

•    while importing/exporting user settings, map settings are copied automatically
•    the information about the account in user settings is now displayed in a more user-friendly manner.
•    new notification about entering/leaving the address was added
•    filter while importing unit properties from WLP was advanced: from now on you can filter not only according to the name and hardware type, but also by unit group, free fields and creator
•    ArcGIS maps can be connected to Wialon Hosting
•    "Detalization" of online notification can be now opened not only by using "+", but by clicking the notification heading line outside the text.

Most these functions have been available for you to test at http://dev.hosting.wialon.com since 2014.05.21 and с 2014.06.06.


Wialon Hosting release notes

Re: Wialon Hosting release notes

Hi everyone,
Another portion of new features is available at http://dev.hosting.wialon.com:

  • From now on while creating the command for sending coordinates, by default the checkbox will be marked as “without parameters”. It provides you with the possibility to fill out new coordinates every time performing this command.
  • If you close the pop-up notification/message by clicking the red cross in the top right corner, this window won’t pop out automatically, till you open it once again manually. Also we removed the flag “Close window after deleting all messages” from the interface, so it is applied every time now.

Wialon Hosting release notes

Re: Wialon Hosting release notes

Hello everyone,
Here are updates of this week:
- Mapping scheme for sensor values is changed. all values of sensors are now displayed, not just those which were received in the last message. If the last message does not contain values of sensor, the last received value will be displayed.
- When you enter the default city of the user in the user settings ("User settings" --> "General Setings") in the drop-down list hints appear with territorial affiliation of found cities, including the names of regions and countries.
- The new option, "Block by balance" is added to CMS account settings. Now the manager can edit the balance block settings himself, without contacting support.
- The new option, "Limit by balance" is added to CMS account settings. The manager can now edit the level of balance under which the paid services will be prohibited to the user


Wialon Hosting release notes

Re: Wialon Hosting release notes

Hi everyone,
Here are updates of this week.

- Update to "track parameters" - markers will no longer be present on the track, if the user who is creating a track, has no rights of access to the reports.
- Update of the pop-up tooltip window to the object. It no longer displays the parameters that were obtained more than 24 hours ago.
- The appearance of settings to send a report via e-mail in the "Tasks" and "alert" is changed - tick "Compress files report." is deleted, because the report is always sent compressed.


Wialon Hosting release notes

Re: Wialon Hosting release notes

Hello everybody.
On this week we moved some features from dev.hosting.wialon.com to production, and here's the list:
- we added Apps library to cms, now you can turn apps on and off easier
Wialon Hosting release notes
- you can go to unit properties right from messages tab, there is a wrench right next to the drop-down menu where you choose the object. Click on it and you will get to unit properties
- in import-export dialogue you can import and export the user right templates
- in sensor's parameters there is a checkbox "last message only", if it is on, the data from the sensor will be shown in tooltip only if the value was in the last message, when not activated, in tooltip you will see the last received and accounted value
- now you can import and export full set of user settings, there is a button "Full copy".
- now new or freshly-edited report is chosen for executing by default
- while copying the user, only some data will be copied - timezone, maps, daylight saving time, and the format of address
- "new command" window, "new service interval" and some other have new design
- in "new command" checkbox "without parameters" is now deactivated by default
- when you input the default city of the user, in the drop-down menu you will see the list of cities with are and country
- checkbox "automatically display popup events" is not deactivated if you close one of those events, but it will be activated if you expand one of them
- we renewed our track player
Wialon Hosting release notes
- geofence's parameters are now changing dynamically when you are editing it
- new type of sensor value control: by delta of values. You can find it in the new tab "Value lip", where you can put the data for controlling  sensor values using the difference in values
- in access tab for all items you can save and implement access rights templates


Wialon Hosting release notes

Re: Wialon Hosting release notes

Hello everybody,
We've added some new features and here is the list:
1. Now, when you click on the unit on the map, the pop-up menu will appear, it containes menu options which are enabled in monitoring panel customizer. But, if you don't have any options enabled, "show track" and "execute report" will be shown anyways
Wialon Hosting release notes
2. "Access" dialogue in account properities in CMS is changed - we've added a button called "Edit Templates". When you click on it, buttons "Create", "Save" and "Cancel" will appear. With the help of this function, you can edit, rename, create and delete templates.
Wialon Hosting release notes
3. Now, when you click on the name of the Apps, it will be opened in the new browser tab. If you click on the button, it will be opened in Wialon Hosting tab
Wialon Hosting release notes
4. "Register events" ACL turned into "Manage Events" ACL. User with this ACL enabled can add and delete events
Wialon Hosting release notes
5. For units which didn't  send any location messages more than 1 hour, arrows of movement directions will not be shown
6. Amount of units in the group is shown next to its name
Wialon Hosting release notes
7. We deleted "minuses" from Quick reports in monitoring panel customizer - now, if there are no report templates this function will be disabled
8. If unit didn't send any messages more than 2 days (48 hours), it begins to dissapear from the map
Wialon Hosting release notes
9. We've prioritized markers on track, here is the list of priorities from highest to lowest one:
Fuel theft marker
Event-violation marker
Speeding marker
Fuel-filling marker
Events marker
Grouping marker
Images marker
Paring marker
Stop marker
Wialon Hosting release notes
So, if you had fuel theft and parking at the same place (on track and when you minimize they will be overlapped) - the fuel theft marker will be shown on top of parking marker


Wialon Hosting release notes

Re: Wialon Hosting release notes

Hi everyone,

Let me introduce Wialon Hosting update dd. October 25. Look what we’ve got for you here:

•    New builtin file server. It will keep icons, units and POIs files, different images, files with tachographs, firmware, units configuration and other data. It allowed to decrease traffic and speed up the system work;
•    The calendar in messages panel is no longer cleared up till the day of the last message. In other words the interval, set by the user, is always kept;
•    Improved RTTI retranslation protocol for transmitting the numeric organization code;
•    Added animation. While you’re centering the unit on a map, you’ll see dispersing circles;
•    Renewed the standard marker, showing the point (message, address and etc.) on the map;
•    Changed point lighting method during track hittest (Pulsating point);
•    Changed color set in Tracks panel;
•    While using time limitation in reports, there is a new possibility to cut the intervals (intervals are retrieved according to the specified range, however, there can be ‘slices’ at the beginning and at the end);
•    Removed ‘map entrance position’ setting. From now on in order to define the map position by default, use the user setting ‘City’ from the ‘General settings’ tab;
•    For all the digital sensors (including ignition and engine hours) there is a possibility to set a timeout (if it is exceeded the interval breaks down) in the sensor properties.


Wialon Hosting release notes

Re: Wialon Hosting release notes

And again some modifications available in Wialon Hosting:

—    While creating a new unit “Rotate icon” flag will be always enabled;
—    Excessive users’ access flags to drivers and trailers are removed (separate flags for the element and group are replaced by the single one);
—    “Timeout” parameter was added to the ignition sensor, custom censor and engine efficiency sensor. This parameter will be considered in the reports for dividing the intervals when it is exceeded.


Wialon Hosting release notes

Re: Wialon Hosting release notes

New functionality available for Wialon Hosting users today. Please check and subscribe to our weblog!

http://weblog.gurtam.com/2014/12/wialon … 014-12-14/


Wialon Hosting release notes

Re: Wialon Hosting release notes

Hi everyone,

Here's the first Wialon Hosting update in 2015. Let's have a look and discuss it together:
http://weblog.gurtam.com/2015/01/wialon … e-in-2015/


Wialon Hosting release notes

Re: Wialon Hosting release notes

Wialon Lite update:
- Automatic map clearance after closing the pop-up window with report results (additional map settings such as track, geofences, POI, etc.);
- Multiresource reports added.


Wialon Hosting release notes

Re: Wialon Hosting release notes

The official Wialon mobile client has been released by the same team, that developed popular smartphone tracker GPSTag.

Android version is already in the market, iOS version has been submitted to AppStore and should appear in next 5-10 days, after successfull review by Apple.

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Wialon Hosting release notes

Re: Wialon Hosting release notes

March 2nd has been set an official date for several migrations from Dev. branch to Masters

- The Wialon Locator feature, which allows to easily share the unit location with an external party via providing a web link to it, has now been officially released.
- An interesting feature for developers, especially those willing to set up the real-time connection between Wialon and their own software products is the HTTP request function available in Wialon. Internally Gurtam developers have found it effective for performing the real-time push-notifications for Wialon mobile application, officially released last week.
- The LBS detector, which makes Wialon a network-agnostic product, has now been released. In places where GPS signal is blurred or unavailable – the LBS detector, based on cell tower signals, will become a handy alternative to GPS.
- The CMS-manager has been slightly changed with the introduction of the new Custom Fields for customer/ user accounts. The custom fields will help to organize the important business-related notes about customer accounts in Wialon.
- Wialon Route planner has now been officially rolled out to the main product branch!

Hope these features will be of great help to you and your customers, and bring the convenience of using Wialon.


Wialon Hosting release notes

Re: Wialon Hosting release notes

Dear Wialon Hosting Customers!

Finally, Apple revisors team has approved iOS version of our mobile client and it is avaible in AppStore for download and installing to iPhones. Both iOS and Android versions are in active development stage, we constantly working on them and adding new features taking into account usability & functionality. You can post your proposals directly to this topic on the forum. Among next new features will be direct push-notifications from Wialon to mobile client, possibility to examine reports and possibility to execute remote commands over units.

One more feature, that was in active development and testing on real customers for a few monthes is eco-driving.

Now it is avaible in main branch you can enjoy it and tune accroding to requirements of your customers. The algorithm itself is very flexible and can be used to track driving quality for all types of trackers and vehicles - from motobikes to traktors or ships. Do not hesitate to discuss this feature on our forum, there we are sharing initial configuration examples from which you can start to create own eco-algorithm.

For deep examining of cases of eco-penalties in the individual trips, we recommend to use our new special application - EcoDriving. It is very similar to iDriveSafe, but instead of only 9 options for specified GPS-based algorithm for driving quality detection it is using the new system, which can be configured in unit properties (or totally tab and app could be disabled in CMS Manager, account features tab).

In the reports you can now see new EcoDriving table and column with the same name has appeared in most of other tables.

Our new eco-driving penalties detection algorithm is smart enaugh to calculate acceleration between two points by GPS (compatible mode) or take it directly from trackers that are suporting this feature. Full list of already natively supported devices by firmware and protocol is avaible here and we are open to add this feature to all other trackes, just contact us at hw@gurtam.com.

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Wialon Hosting release notes

Re: Wialon Hosting release notes

Dear everyone!

While Gurtam team is opening up the 1st day of CEBIT 2015 in Hannover, Wialon updates from Belarus won't make you wait in anticipation.

Today a range of smart functions are migrating from the development branch to the masters, just to become readily available for our users. These small upgrades for Wialon Hosting are slighly less tangible than Eco Driving profiles or the Wialon mobile application, yet will be of great value to some of our users and especially engineers.

To begin with, a smart new offering will be the dynamic search by resource of different elements, such as POI, reports, geofence, and properties dialogues. The retranslator now has the quick filter by name, device type, creator, custom fields and workgroups. We believe this will make the managing of rather big workgroups easier for the operator.

Secondly, the route planner as part of Gurtam Maps allows to calculate the distance and the traveling time of units to the given point in the  Nearest Units tool. Also, today we activated new, very fast address searching backend.

Another exciting development in reports is the possibility to filter intervals with geofences. There are multiple application of the given feature, including but not limited to mileages per countries and regions, the operations of HCVs outside the established geofences based and cargo dispatch controls based on timestamp, etc.

To list a few other small implementations in Wialon Hosting, there's a "Query snapshot from specified camera"command, the possibility to copy POI, the "Display names of route check points" has become optional in map visualizations, mileage sensor has gained an option for value overflow.

We believe you and your customers will enjoy these new nice features and wish you a good work week!

At the dark side of telematics...

Wialon Hosting release notes

Re: Wialon Hosting release notes

Hello to everybody!

This snowy spring day Gurtam is ready to present some nice new features that are already avaible in your Wialon Hosting.

The very first and most important one is our new Find & locate tool. It can search everything that has location and name - units, drivers, trailers, geofences, POIs, cities, addresses, etc. Tool is extremely fast and simple to use (think about Google in Wialon) and I'm sure in the nearest time you will hardly ever imagine how you could live without it.

Second important feature is the possibility to create own images library by using our new application Icon Library. Uploaded images immediatelly become avaible for all units, grous and POI under the Library button.

One of the most interesting new features for visitors of Gurtam booth on the CeBIT was EcoDriving and drivers rank. We are moving two steps further with it: from now EcoDriving column now avaible in various group and driver reports and additionally driver column has appeared in EcoDriving report by itself. So now you may compare drivers and vehicles with each other. Another step was the communication that we established with various GPS hardware manufacters on the exhibition - most of them agreed to implement our algorithm into the firmware so that eco-driving capabilities of their device will be supported by Wialon in the native (e.g. more efficient) mode.

In the European Union tachographs became more and more popular reason for paying for GPS monitoring system by the user. And we are moving even further with it, now Wialon can calculate each violation according to AETR specification. Now this information is avaible in special report that can be run for driver, a bit later it will be avaible in the TachoView application as well.

Also we finally moved to new locator and from that moment old locator that provided access to current position of all units avaible to user is no more avaible.

(same with images)

Wish you a nice work week and warm sunny beams outside!

At the dark side of telematics...

Wialon Hosting release notes

Re: Wialon Hosting release notes

Hi everybody!

The development team mostly concentrated on the upcoming Wialon Local 1504 release, which is avaible for beta-testing already. So not much to do for Wialon Hosting.

Only one interesting feature was introduced today - possibility to use groups in locator.

Yeah, as any respectfull service company doing important 24/7 service for its customers we now have NOC - network operations center, which we will use for notifications about instant events and scheduled maintenance works with the platform. NOC avaible at http://noc.wialon.com and you can read more about it here.

In upcoming weeks be ready for numerous new features in the locator and mobile clients. Wish you a nice work week!

At the dark side of telematics...

Wialon Hosting release notes

Re: Wialon Hosting release notes

Hi everybody!

A couple of new Wialon Hosting features appeared today and are ready for use.

The most interesting are updates to locator page.

Look at locator interface, now you can:
- from bottom-right corner manage visualization settings, hide/show unit names, trails on the map
- from top-left corner create unit path from the moment locator was issued also locate and lock map view on some unit
- from unit popup window (avaible if you click on unit icon) you can see its current status, same way as in mobile client
- specify unlimited life for links

New mobile client is in hard testing by QA department at the moment, part of it new features are avaible from monitoring web-page - top-right block near user settings - "Manage applications". Here you can manage mobile clients authorized with your name and also setup where to which phones to send instant push-notifications.

Please subscribe to our weblog to get instant notification when we will release new version of mobile client in the upcoming days.

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Wialon Hosting release notes

Re: Wialon Hosting release notes

Hi everybody!

This day, opening hopefully warm and sunny summer Gurtam Team is proud to present you a list of new features appeared today in Wialon Hosting.

The main idea for May was to commit to CMS Manager and implement there tools that will simplify the life for You, as manager of telematic business. We would like to invite You to CMS Manager and  discover all these numerous new features by yourself, but here is just a short list of most important:
- sorting of all columns;
- resources/accounts modes are available with different set of columns;
- actuality column with last message time info for units;
- special Contents report fort accounts
- account column in all tables, Parent Account column for accounts;
- trash for restoring deleted items;
- hidden feature: for fast entering of payment just click on Balance or Days column of account;
- possibility to create subaccounts for dealers from without requirement of switching to them;

But CMS Manager is not the only one target for our first summer update.

Now it is possible to make special messages table in the report template. If you want to have Sensor values columns - use sensor trace report, if you want just messages with raw parameters - use messages trace report.

We modified Locator - now track feature show track for only last 24 hours and using the same technology as our mobile client - so tracks retrieval is really very-very fast. Also it is now possible to locate own position inside locator with magic button in right bottom corner of the window.

We finally managed with bringing LBS - GSM cell based location detection system - inside Wialon. So all you need is to activate special Allow positioning by cellular base stations in advanced settings of unit properties and viola - you’ll get LBS working for location detection when GPS is not available everywhere, including tracks rendering and reports.

For developers of alternative platforms we implemented interesting new feature in retranslation using Wialon Retranslator and Wialon IPS protocols - possibility to inject into messages values of know sensors - so that they can use powerful Wialon sensors calculations and receive for example ignition state or fuel level for tank in unified form from any type of device.

Special grouping mode - by shifts now is available in report templates. Shifts working time is specified report template settings.

Fresh reports for ecodriving and driver data analyzing from tachographs are now available fro drivers and driver groups as well.

We optimized Wialon monitoring web site. Now the load is 100% depends to the number of active units in monitoring panel and do not depend on total number of units available to user. With simple words it mean - now our largest customers with tens thousands of units can use monitoring site even better.

For sensors now it is possible to specify bounds after calculating sensor value - e.g. specify limits for fuel tank in liters, not in raw mV.

Wialon now support video-streams from devices, same way and in the same places as camera pictures supported.

And some new features, please read update announces to testing branch to get complete picture.

Wish you nice month and prepare for next update, that is already scheduled to june 29,
Gurtam Team.

At the dark side of telematics...

Wialon Hosting release notes

Re: Wialon Hosting release notes

Hi everybody!

Welcome to Wialon 2906!

Wish you sunny and relaxing july,
Gurtam Team

At the dark side of telematics...

Wialon Hosting release notes

Re: Wialon Hosting release notes

Hello Everybody!

Nothing can stop the progress, event weather cataclysms that may occur sometimes in Minsk as well smile

So today we present to you Wialon 2707 with nice new features. I recommend to put special attention on new reporting features like custom sorting and grouping of any data in the tables. These are very powerfull tools for you to deliver exactly required information to your customers.

We wish you a good harvest in the august,
Gurtam Team.

At the dark side of telematics...