How configure Teltonika FMC 125 with Iridium edge

Topic: How configure Teltonika FMC 125 with Iridium edge

Hello familly,
I need to know step by step how to configure the teltonika fmc 125 and Iridium edge. If anyone has experience with this can help me. urgent thank you


How configure Teltonika FMC 125 with Iridium edge

Re: How configure Teltonika FMC 125 with Iridium edge

Cedrick2024 wrote:

Hello familly,
I need to know step by step how to configure the teltonika fmc 125 and Iridium edge. If anyone has experience with this can help me. urgent thank you


Please follow the steps below:

1) Connect Iridium accessory as shown in the first start manual - https://wiki.teltonika-gps.com/view/Iri … rst_Start.
2) On the RS232/RS485 tab of configurator, set Mode as RS232 and RS232 Mode as Satellite Backup.
3) In the SBD config, Iridium Edge should be enabled and save/send period Set. This section can be found in the “Features” tab in the configurator.
4) In Wialon, specify Teltonika IMEI as the first ID and Iridium ID as the second - https://gap.gurtam.team/CUGu7/XoPUPoXI26.png.

You can find more information in the manufacturer's Wiki:

Iridium Edge First Start - https://wiki.teltonika-gps.com/view/Iri … irst_Start
Iridium Edge Configuration - https://wiki.teltonika-gps.com/view/Iri … figuration

Hope it helps. If you have further questions, please, feel free to contact me.

С уважением,
Мария Волошина
Technical Care Engineer (L2), HW Specialist

How configure Teltonika FMC 125 with Iridium edge

Re: How configure Teltonika FMC 125 with Iridium edge

Thanks @mava, i have a problem receiving data from iridium satellite. I'm using traccar server, not sure if it doesn't support Iridium edge. What would you recommend to me?


How configure Teltonika FMC 125 with Iridium edge

(edited by Teltonika Telematics 07/10/2024 14:33:49)

Re: How configure Teltonika FMC 125 with Iridium edge


I would like to advise to reach out to Traccar in order to confirm that the Server supports Iridium Short Burst Data protocol.

As well, to investigate this issue please contact us on our official website https ://teltonika-gps.com and click on the “Contact Us” button. When you will click, please fill the form and submit it.

Kindly provide the following information.

- Number of Affected devices
- dump files
- log files

Note: Please also check what is the firmware version of your device, for Iridium Edge to work properly, correct firmware must installed on the FMC125 unit.

You can download the latest FMC125 firmware with Iridium Edge support here: https ://wiki.teltonika-gps.com/view/Iridium_Edge_Firmware_errata#Firmware_download_for_FMX125

In order to access the referenced pages, please copy and paste the links into your browser, as well please remove the spaces.

Best Regards.


How configure Teltonika FMC 125 with Iridium edge

Re: How configure Teltonika FMC 125 with Iridium edge

Dear Teltonika Team,

We are encountering an issue with our Teltonika FMC125 tracker integrated with an Iridium Edge modem for satellite backup communication. The FMC125 operates perfectly on GPRS; however, when the GSM signal is lost (SIM card removed), the failover to Iridium does not function as expected. Below are the details of our setup:

Firmware and Software Versions:
FMC125 Firmware: Version 03.29.00.Rev.720
Platform Used: Traccar V6.5

Iridium Pin 4Tx (Yellow) → FMC125 Pin 3 Rx(Grey)
Iridium Pin 3 Rx(Green) → FMC125 Pin 4 Tx(Green/White)
Iridium Pin 5 Pwr(Pink) → Equipment Power (12/24V)
Iridium Pin 2 Grd(Brown) → Equipment Ground
Iridium Pin 8 (Red): Outputs 6V during testing but not wiring
Note: The Iridium antenna is installed on the roof of the machine with an entirely unobstructed sky view

Configuration Details:
Iridium Services provider: Configured to send messages to the correct server IP and port. (same IP and Port configured in teltonika)
Settings in Teltonika Configurator:
GPRS Tab: Correct IP and port configured.
RS232 Tab: RS232 mode activated; “Backup Satellite” selected.
Features Tab: SBD configured to send satellite data every 1 minute (for testing).
I/O Tab: GSM signal loss set to “Panic”; other inputs/outputs set to “Low.”

Logs Analysis:

Log File 1:
Iridium Communication:
Signal quality checks succeed (CSQ received: 5), but errors like timeout(10) occur during SBD operations.
Data packets are queued but not sent.
GSM Communication:
GSM signal loss is detected (NO GSM SERVICE), but no successful failover to Iridium occurs.
Frequent SIM failure messages and modem readiness issues (Modem not ready. Skip) may be impacting the GSM-to-Iridium transition.

Log File 2:
Iridium Communication:
The Iridium modem remains active during GSM loss, but errors like Unknown unsolicited msg AT+SBDD0 and timeout(10) persist during data transmission.
SBD packets are generated but fail to transmit successfully.
GSM Communication:
GSM signal loss is detected, but the transition to satellite communication is incomplete.
Summary of the Issue:
When the GSM signal is lost (SIM card removed to simulate network loss), the FMC125 does not switch to satellite communication via the Iridium Edge modem. While the Iridium module remains active and SBD packets are generated, they are not transmitted successfully.

The recurring errors (timeout, SIM failure) and logs suggest a potential configuration or firmware issue.

We have attached two log files for your review:

[Log File 1]
[Log File 2]

We would greatly appreciate your help in identifying the root cause of this issue and providing a solution. If additional details or further tests are required, please do not hesitate to let us know.

Thank you for your support.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon LOG FILE (1).txt 76.89 kb, 48 downloads since 2024-11-23 

Attachment icon LOG FILE (2).txt 91.88 kb, 49 downloads since 2024-11-23 


How configure Teltonika FMC 125 with Iridium edge

Re: How configure Teltonika FMC 125 with Iridium edge

Thank you for deep explanation and your time. Checked logs and there are different posibbble reasons might be:
1. One of the stages is that FMC device sends AT+SBDD0 to iridium, but we can see AT+SBDD0 on the RX buffer, which might indicate that there's either echo enabled OR tx and rx are shorted.
2.[IRIDIUM.FSM]    ERROR: timeout(10) after waiting for number response, need check platform side, try to test on different plarform.
We do strongly recommend contact us directly to resolve questions more quickly.  To analyze we need some aaditional informations such as:
-device configuration
- Number of Affected devices
- dump files
- log files
If you do not have an existing contact with one of our sales managers, you can reach out to them via our official website at https://teltonika-gps.com/. Click on the “Contact Us” button, complete the form, and submit it.

Best Regards,