Topten GT08

Topic: Topten GT08

Hi good day we have Top Ten units GT08 on our system and want to move over to wialon but dont have gprs commands to set up in Walion the only ones available is 9stop car and restore car) we need the commands for ARM and DISARM is there antone who can assit please

Thank you


Topten GT08

Re: Topten GT08


We were able to find such information about commands to connect device:


n IDN: The tracker’s ID, it is the last 14 digits of IMEI which can't be changed.
n IPN: The IP address or domain name of the GPRS server
n COM: The communication port for the GPRS server
n APN: The Access Point Name for the GSM SIM card.
n RPT: The interval for the uploading GPRS packet (Unit: sec.)
n SLP: The interval for uploading GPRS packet when car is parked (Engine is OFF and no vibration). (unit: sec.);
n RUN: GPRS connection setting. 0=close, 1=TCP, 2=UDP.
n IDN: The tracker’s ID, it is the last 14 digits of IMEI which can't be changed.

Example, if server is: nl.gpsgsm.org, TCP port is 21586, APN is web.gprs,mtnnigeria.net, apn user:web, apn password: web, time interval is 60 seconds, Then the command is:


User can send one or more options at the same SMS commands, such as:
This is to set the server’s address and port separately.
Example: 111111WWW:IPN:www.51track.com;COM:8500;

This is to set the APN (access point name). Please use “,” to separate the APN, APN username & APN password.
Example: 111111WWW:APN:web.gprs.mtnnigeria.net,web,web;

This is to set the upload time interval. The unit is second, the minimum value is 10 seconds. The default setting is 60
Example: 111111WWW:RPT:60;   (Upload time interval is every 60s)

X=0;  is to close down the GPRS;
X=1;  is to open the GPRS via TCP
X=2;  is to open the GPRS via UDP
Eg: 111111WWW:RUN:1; (Open the TCP connection)

You can send 111111WWW: to check the GPRS settings.

What about ARM/ DISARM:
SMS command: 111111ARM or 111111DSM

You can find more information in the manual, which are available in open sources on the Internet. For example: https://www.manualslib.com/manual/10232 … -Gt08.html

You can also write on "support@gurtam.com" and our hardware specialists will try to help you set up devices in Wialon.


Topten GT08

Re: Topten GT08

Hi good day thank you so much for helping i need the gprs commands gor arm and disarm and cut fuel and restore fuel
I have sms commands but need to set up in gprs template and dont know how to get gprs commands
I am ussing 404000165468410167173641140142800D0A this is command in their protocoll
and it works but if i need to send to another device i neet to keep changing the iemi number is there no way to add something in the above comand to
to automatically insert the iemi of the selected device

Thank you so much


Topten GT08

Re: Topten GT08

I'm not sure if this is possible. You can check this information with the manufacturer.
You can also send this question to the address "support@gurtam.com" and our hardware specialists will try to help.