We were able to find such information about commands to connect device:
n IDN: The tracker’s ID, it is the last 14 digits of IMEI which can't be changed.
n IPN: The IP address or domain name of the GPRS server
n COM: The communication port for the GPRS server
n APN: The Access Point Name for the GSM SIM card.
n RPT: The interval for the uploading GPRS packet (Unit: sec.)
n SLP: The interval for uploading GPRS packet when car is parked (Engine is OFF and no vibration). (unit: sec.);
n RUN: GPRS connection setting. 0=close, 1=TCP, 2=UDP.
n IDN: The tracker’s ID, it is the last 14 digits of IMEI which can't be changed.
Example, if server is: nl.gpsgsm.org, TCP port is 21586, APN is web.gprs,mtnnigeria.net, apn user:web, apn password: web, time interval is 60 seconds, Then the command is:
User can send one or more options at the same SMS commands, such as:
This is to set the server’s address and port separately.
Example: 111111WWW:IPN:www.51track.com;COM:8500;
This is to set the APN (access point name). Please use “,” to separate the APN, APN username & APN password.
Example: 111111WWW:APN:web.gprs.mtnnigeria.net,web,web;
This is to set the upload time interval. The unit is second, the minimum value is 10 seconds. The default setting is 60
Example: 111111WWW:RPT:60; (Upload time interval is every 60s)
X=0; is to close down the GPRS;
X=1; is to open the GPRS via TCP
X=2; is to open the GPRS via UDP
Eg: 111111WWW:RUN:1; (Open the TCP connection)
You can send 111111WWW: to check the GPRS settings.
What about ARM/ DISARM:
SMS command: 111111ARM or 111111DSM
You can find more information in the manual, which are available in open sources on the Internet. For example: https://www.manualslib.com/manual/10232 … -Gt08.html
You can also write on "support@gurtam.com" and our hardware specialists will try to help you set up devices in Wialon.