Ibutton ID number conversion

Topic: Ibutton ID number conversion

I would like to know what conversion wialon performs to show the ibutton ID number.

For example wialon shows: ID=121698057262727288, but the hex of the ibutton is 78000001BD5BB001.

I use ruptela eco light and an ibutton DS1990A

I need to remotely authorize some ibuttons and the ID that wialon shows me is not useful for sending them to the ruptela devices.

Thank you very much for your help


Ibutton ID number conversion

Re: Ibutton ID number conversion

taliban, Wialon does not convert incoming values just like that. If you get 121698057262727288, then somewhere in the same message you should probably be getting the hexadecimal equivalent as well. Please provide a sample of the whole message, that you get from the unit.

Concerning your current example, the 121698057262727288 is the decimal, that is calculated from the reversed hexadecimal value — 01B05BBD01000078. So, for some reason, the initial 78000001BD5BB001 value is reversed to 01B05BBD01000078 and then converted into the decimal value.

I suggest checking the configuration in the General tab of the unit's properties, and making sure the option «Revers format ibutton code as hexadecimal value» is unchecked (you may also activate the option «Format ibutton code as hexadecimal value»):

  • Ibutton ID number conversion

Ibutton ID number conversion

Re: Ibutton ID number conversion

First of all, thank you very much for your help.

I couldn't tell that the hex was inverted. Now I can do the job using the ID= of wialon.

I will have to manually invert the numbers because I couldn't find the "general tab" in unit properties in local wialon. However, doing this would affect the creation of drivers. It would be one thing for another.

Thank you very much again.


Ibutton ID number conversion

Re: Ibutton ID number conversion

taliban wrote:

I couldn't find the "general tab" in unit properties in local wialon.

The menu is called Device configuration. Click a wrench icon in the General tab to access that menu:

  • Ibutton ID number conversion

Ibutton ID number conversion

Re: Ibutton ID number conversion

But no exist option: "I suggest checking the configuration in the General tab of the unit's properties, and making sure the option «Revers format ibutton code as hexadecimal value» is unchecked (you may also activate the option «Format ibutton code as hexadecimal value»):"


Ibutton ID number conversion

Re: Ibutton ID number conversion

taliban wrote:

But no exist option:

What device type do you use exactly? Do you have your unit in Wialon Hosting or in your own Wialon Local?


Ibutton ID number conversion

Re: Ibutton ID number conversion

«Revers format ibutton code as hexadecimal value»

Wialon Local


Ibutton ID number conversion

Re: Ibutton ID number conversion

taliban wrote:

«Revers format ibutton code as hexadecimal value»

Wialon Local

Please provide the exact model of the tracker that is installed in the unit you are referring to. You can also send a request to the support@gurtam.com with the details, so the support can check from their side if this option should be there or not.