I'm still facing the route selection and direction issues while creating a route in Nimbus. I created a new route for a bus service, Nimbus used the local roads for route selection but the bus service uses the motorways to reach the stops. So, after this, a long and very hectic process starts. That is to delete the already created route points one by one and then create a new route in replacement. (screenshot attached & explained)
This screenshot represents the two stops within this route. This route is almost 1400 km long. I have to change 500 km route manually. And I have 6 more routes pending to be correct.
This is obvious that Nimbus created routes are not according to the requirement of the client every time. Mostly, there is a need to customize the routes according to requirement. Minor changes can be handled via deleting and adding points within the route. But long routes can create a problem while changing from one point to another.
The only solution to this problem is to add an option to import routes in KML file (as Stops can be imported from KML file).
In this way, each client can import its customized routes. Also the client has the option to customize the routes further by deleting and adding the route points (existing feature in Nimbus).