Troubleshooting of the fuel level sensor data

Topic: Troubleshooting of the fuel level sensor data

We have made some videos about typical troubleshooting of the fuel data (level sensor).
Hope it will be helpful.

Part 1. No sensor data

Part 2. Bad data

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Troubleshooting of the fuel level sensor data

Re: Troubleshooting of the fuel level sensor data

hello sir
good morning
we install digital sensor in street sweeper machine , issue is that when machine ideal and work using only back machine machine for cleaning some garbages a theft report generate automatically but report are not actual , so how can i sort this problem   please reply


Troubleshooting of the fuel level sensor data

Re: Troubleshooting of the fuel level sensor data


nowucsm wrote:

we install digital sensor in street sweeper machine , issue is that when machine ideal and work using only back machine machine for cleaning some garbages a theft report generate automatically but report are not actual , so how can i sort this problem

If I understand you right, you have both vehicle engine and sweeper machine as a fuel consumers, while only one fuel tank is used. So you should have 2 engine ignition sensors and both of them should be binded to the FLS. Also don't forget to type consumption value for both ignition sensors and use time-based calculation in FLS.
Please contact support@gurtam.com and share more details about the issue, if my recommendations won't work.

@ Oleg Zharkovsky
Customer Service / Quality Control and Training
"Timely is the best. But still better late than never."