Documentation appState.json Wialon Logistics

Topic: Documentation appState.json Wialon Logistics

Hello, let me tell you that I have the need to use the planning, distribution and warehouse configurations of the users in Logistics, I discovered when reviewing the debugger that the logistics saves its configuration in the following file

svc=file/read params ={"itemId":14622129,"storageType":2,"path":"\/wialon\/apps\/ordermanagement\/appState.json","contentType":0}

  from the above the following answer is obtained :

{"content":"{\"o\":{\"res\":14622130,\"e\":\"14622130__46079\",\"eI\":-1,\"eF\":\"14622130__264947942625627\",\"r\":100,\"trt\":3600,\"ut\":600,\"w\":0,\"v\":0,\"of\":131,\"st\":\"08:00\",\"et\":\"17:00\",\"mm\":50000,\"md\":15000,\"moc\":0,\"mi\":3000,\"si\":0,\"crf\":256,\"acch\":false,\"nt\":1200,\"ntf\":16,\"cr\":0,\"af\":[]},\"tc\":1,\"i\":{\"f\":\"dd\/MM\/yyyy HH:mm\",\"s\":\",\"},\"mu\":{\"c\":\"\",\"ec\":\"\"},\"m\":{\"p\":1},\"gis\":{\"p\":1,\"s\":15,\"cityJams\":1,\"countryJams\":1,\"mainprovider\":1,\"sCountry\":\"\",\"sCity\":\"\",\"zoom\":0,\"modetravel\":\"driving\",\"traffic\":1,\"group\":1},\"ap\":[\"compl\",\"next\"],\"aps\":false,\"ep\":false,\"__v\":\"3.10.0\",\"t\":{\"14622130_10\":1526918954,\"14622130_1\":1579629276},\"r\":{\"expt\":\"23:59\",\"type\":1,\"ov\":1},\"tpls\":[]}",

As this is not documented and I understand that it can change at any time, I ask for your collaboration, indicating in detail what each element of the response represents, there are some that are relatively easy to guess, but there are others that are very specific, I have been deciphering them to test and error, however it takes me a lot time, so again I make the request so that they can support me with the documentation or something like that.




Documentation appState.json Wialon Logistics

Re: Documentation appState.json Wialon Logistics

Hey cerpas
As you already mentioned, its internal undocumented app settings and if you change it by hand we can not guarantee correct app work

I don't see reason why do you need it at all? What info are you going to get from there?


Documentation appState.json Wialon Logistics

Re: Documentation appState.json Wialon Logistics

shmi wrote:

Hey cerpas
As you already mentioned, its internal undocumented app settings and if you change it by hand we can not guarantee correct app work

I don't see reason why do you need it at all? What info are you going to get from there?

Hello,just  I need to read this configuration, because I need to know what resource use by default the user, which warehouses, router map provider,  optimization parameters (by weigth, volume, etc),mark orders into radius,etc, etc, etc. For your information, I was build my own logistics API named ALP (API Logistics Planning) based on wialon/orders ALP create a route (create orders, optimize,create route) or many orders in 1 request to make easaer this integration, but for example i don't have any request to see logistics configuration just exist this file, I'll not modify this file just i need read and know what  element in this json file represent the value on logistics config, to build my request with the current configuration on logistics.



Documentation appState.json Wialon Logistics

Re: Documentation appState.json Wialon Logistics

You can use it by your own risk. We can not provide documentation.