Hello dear hhamedk,
Thank you a lot for such a detailed description of your request. I want to provide you some comments and ideas for resolving your case.
Now we execute reports on geofences and Wialon processes data and give us all information about unit inside the geofence (from entrance to exit).
We are looking for the possibility to have all information which are happened outside geofence (from exiting time from geofence to enter to geofence again).
Let's think we have a city and create geofence for this city. Anything is happening or happened inside city is not important for us, we want to know what happened outside the city, mileage, time, duration anything.
For such an example, the parameters "Off-time" and "Off-milleage" in the Geofence table are perfect. Off-time parameter shows the time during which the unit was outside the geofence from the first exit to the next entrance to the geofence. Off-mileage — the mileage outside the geofence from the first exit to the next entrance to the geofence.
Also, the Trip table with intervals retrieving "outside geofences", in my opinion, is also suitable for your example. You can select a specific geofence, which is your city, and get all the information about trips outside the selected geofence. If you want to control stationary units, you can try to use the Engine hours table. But these tables have one nuance - they do not have parking intervals, so the situation can be described incompletely. .
You may also consider using the Chronology table. The Chronology report gives information about all the actions and changes in the unit state during the indicated period of time. Unlike most of the tables that are dedicated to a particular state (parkings, sensors, trips, etc.), this table combines events of various kinds, which allows to see the complete picture of the movement. This table also has the ability to filter data depending on whether the unit is outside the geofence or inside the selected geofence.
In some tables now we have possibility to filter data based on geofences. Let's talk about trips table, we can filter trips which are happened inside particular geofences or outside them. We need same possibility for geofence table, to process what happened inside geofences or outside them.
Regarding this proposal, I would like to say the following. The Geofence table only reflects visits to selected geofences, i.e. those intervals at which the unit was in the radius of a particular geofence (inside the geofence). Accordingly, we cannot in any way extract the intervals “outside the geofence” from the intervals “inside the geofence”. Therefore, we cannot add a similar function to the Geofence table.
In Geofences or other objects of Wialon what are related to Geofences (like Reports) it would be interesting if we have an option to intersection 2 or more Geofences or subtract them. Please check attached charts for better understanding of what i have in my mind.
Could you tell us more about this idea? So far, I'm not really getting the main point and essence of such development. Please describe in detail your proposal and how you plan to use it.
Nastassia Maslovskaya
Business Analyst, Wialon