Geofences speed limits

(08/05/2019 00:36:31 отредактировано hasan.ahmed)

Тема: Geofences speed limits


is there is a possibility of adding a speed limit option in the setting of the geofence?

we can use it as a new option for speed detection in addition to the 2 cases of speed detection (in advanced field).

furthermore if the car was inside a geofence ( with no speed limits for this geofence  ) or outside all geofences (with speed limits) it will use one of the other  options for speed detection.

for example use fixed speed limit is set to  80 km/h and there is 5 geofences with different speed limit for each one of them, if the car was inside one of the geofences the report will take the speed limit from the geofence. if the car was outside these geofences the report will work with the default speed limit which is 80.

just like use geofence for address in the address setting of the reports
if there was a drawn geofence the report will display the name of it, otherwise the name of the place on the map will be displayed.


Geofences speed limits

Re: Geofences speed limits


Probably, standard table "Geofences" will suit you, if you activate intervals filtration based on minimal speed with option "Retrieve intervals" turned on.

@ Oleg Zharkovsky
Customer Service / Quality Control and Training
"Timely is the best. But still better late than never."

Geofences speed limits

Re: Geofences speed limits

but how to add the speed limit of the geofence?

i want to control this option when drawing or editing the geofence


Geofences speed limits

(31/05/2019 09:15:33 отредактировано zark)

Re: Geofences speed limits

hasan.ahmed пишет:

but how to add the speed limit of the geofence?

i want to control this option when drawing or editing the geofence

There is no standard functional to set up speed limit in geofence settings. That is why I have shared with you a workaround way to get this information in the report. But my method will work only if you use 1 speed limit for all geofences. In other case you should have one table "Geofences" for each speed limit.

@ Oleg Zharkovsky
Customer Service / Quality Control and Training
"Timely is the best. But still better late than never."

Geofences speed limits

Re: Geofences speed limits

would you consider my idea as a new feature that could be added to the wialon platform?


Geofences speed limits

Re: Geofences speed limits

+ 1 from me for this feature.

We are transitioning to Wialon from another platform which has this functionality. I'd really like to see this in Wialon as well. They allow us to set a maximum speed limit in the geofence which overrides any other speed limit. It is used to great effect.




Geofences speed limits

Re: Geofences speed limits

Coops, welcome to our forum community!

We will consider your request as a new feature.

First I'd like to share with you some Wialon possibilities.

Right now you have the ability to download your speed limits as a custom map in shape or MapInfo format. More details read by link. Your custom map with custom settings will have the highest priority.

If you need to control speedings in particular geofences, then you could use notification with type Geofence or a report with the same name with speed filtration, as my colleague wrote before.

I imagine if we add a parameter speed limit to geofences. The parameter by himself won't be useful without connection to other functions. So we should connect it with notifications as an example. Then if you use notifications, you choose "Speeding type" and set a fixed value, and get notifications from geofences&notification setting.
I see the following problems.
If some geofences overlap and have a different speeding setting, then we don't know what setting is expected.
The user gets a notification that his vehicle drove with speed more then 60km/h, but the notification settings says that it should notify if his speed is more then 90km/h. How can he find the sources of the speed limit, that triggered a notification? Seems that would increase a lot of letters to our support.

For us as for developers also important not to duplicate functions. If your problem is solved with notifications type "Geofences", then it is non-optimal creating another functionality to solve the same problem.

I might miss some description of the issue you try to solve with current tools, but unsuccessfully. If yes, please, describe it again.

Tatsiana Shmihelskaya
Business Analyst, Gurtam

Geofences speed limits

(05/06/2019 19:05:19 отредактировано hasan.ahmed)

Re: Geofences speed limits

hi tata

as you mentioned (The parameter by himself won't be useful without connection to other functions)

this parameter will be linked with reports as the notification already have the option of setting speed limits to a certain geofence.
if there was an overlapped geofences with different speed limit then the smallest geofence will control the speed limit.

this will avoid creating a notification for each  geofence and register an event as violation and then create a report that gather these events.
a single report will be more helpful.

moreover if a geofence was created today, the notification wont be helpful  if i wanted the results of 5 days ago,unlike reports.



Geofences speed limits

Re: Geofences speed limits

Hi, the actual problem of setting a speed limit in geofences is that "the time of the overspeed" in reports isn't real, it send the parameter of how much time the tracker was in the geofence, but not how much time it was on overspeed.

Best regards


Geofences speed limits

Re: Geofences speed limits

Hi Tata,

Thanks for the response. The key functionality that we need is:

  • Instant notifications of over speed in a certain geofence
  • Report on over speed in geofences
  • Event or speed marker on track where the over speed occurred

From what you say, the first 2 points can already be achieved. Can you please explain how we'd trigger a Notification for a unit going over a certain speed in a particular geofence?

In relation to overlapping geofences, I think that Hasan's point of using the lowest speed would be appropriate. Alternatively, give each geofence a "priority" number. The higher the number, the higher the relevance. This would also help with assigning geofence names to a trip when there are overlapping geofences.




Geofences speed limits

Re: Geofences speed limits

Hi Coops

you can check this link for geofence speed violation (notification)

https://docs.wialon.com/en/hosting/user … /trigger?s[]=notification


Geofences speed limits

(06/06/2019 14:30:34 отредактировано hasan.ahmed)

Re: Geofences speed limits

alan Sch

maybe they can set it to send the parameter only when an overspending  occourse


Geofences speed limits

Re: Geofences speed limits


Thanks for the direction. I have set one up for testing.




Geofences speed limits

Re: Geofences speed limits

Dear Hasan
I read again your explanations and I think you can get this information right now.

this parameter will be linked with reports as the notification already have the option of setting speed limits to a certain geofence.
if there was an overlapped geofences with different speed limit then the smallest geofence will control the speed limit.

this will avoid creating a notification for each  geofence and register an event as violation and then create a report that gather these events.
a single report will be more helpful.

moreover if a geofence was created today, the notification wont be helpful  if i wanted the results of 5 days ago,unlike reports.

Did you try the Geofence report with Speed range filtering? It looks like this report may help you to get intervals when some vehicle overspeed in particular geofence. You should set a speed range and choose geofences. Maybe I lose some point that is not taken into consideration in this solution or it is correct?

Tatsiana Shmihelskaya
Business Analyst, Gurtam

Geofences speed limits

(03/07/2019 10:06:37 отредактировано RuthJoan481)

Re: Geofences speed limits

See this: https://fleetup.com/speed-limit-on-geofence//TellTheBell