Fleetrun - new application for maintenance management

(13/11/2018 18:21:17 отредактировано mars)

Тема: Fleetrun - new application for maintenance management

Dear community,

today is a very special day. Gurtam and particulary Labs department are happy to announce that we have just released new application for maintenance management - Fleetrun. It is a huge milestone in Wialon ambition to become a more sophisticated fleet management system.

Some of you are lucky to have already witnessed Fleetrun during Telematics 2018 and beta-testing. Now it is available under https://fleetrun.wialon.com for everybody.

In this topic our team will elaborate on the newest additions to the solution as well as ways to apply them in your businesses.

Let me briefly introduce you to the app's functionality.

In the center of the app there a Fleet, which is activated for an account of your client. Fleet is basically a container for maintenance intervals, services and line items.

Once you login, the first that you see is a fleet Dashboard. The following information is available in it:

- number of due, overdue and in progress services;
- number of active units and units in service;
- number of created intervals;

- information of all units in the fleet cost per 1 unit of mileage (km/mi);
- graphics with the total cost of all closed services;
- graphics with the fleet mileage and engine hours value.

Fleetrun - new application for maintenance management

So that the dashboard looks informative, you need to start setting up the fleet information and actually control maintenance and other services of your fleet. Let's have a look at what are the possibilities here:

* creation of maintenance intervals

To create an interval you need to specify interval name, description, frequency and advance notice value. This value states when the service (based on the corresponding interval) should be created automatically taken into account the interval frequency. Additionally, the online service reminder will take place.

e.g. The frequency of interval for oil change is 5000 km. The advance notice for this value is 50 km. It means that the service will be created at the 4950 km point of unit mileage.

Under interval creation you can also assign units to the interval. Please note that unlike Maintenance module in WH, a number of units can be assigned to one interval. Eventually there is one interval and a number of services based on it - one service for each assigned unit.

Fleetrun - new application for maintenance management

* registering services

As said above, with the right configuration of an interval for the corresponding units the due services will be created. A due service can be manually moved to in progress or closed status.

Besides that a service in any status can be created manually, it does not necessarily have to be linked to an interval. This can assist you in registering unplanned maintenance, e.g. repairs.

A huge enhancement of registering services is a possibility to attache files to the service: bills from workshop or scanned documents. With such a functionality fleet managers can have more control of performing services.

Fleetrun - new application for maintenance management

Fleetrun - new application for maintenance management

* get detailed overview of each unit in the fleet (unit dashboard as well as units services and intervals lists);

Fleetrun - new application for maintenance management

* execute an extended report regarding all closed services by fleet, specific unit or interval;

Fleetrun - new application for maintenance management

* get online-notification about each service status change to be able to quickly react to the changes in the service;

Fleetrun - new application for maintenance management

* fill in the library of line items so that when registering a service you can select the performed labour and used parts from the predefined list. Library of line items simplifies adding them to the service directly with its cost.

Fleetrun - new application for maintenance management

Migration of intervals and services from Wialon Hosting to Fleetrun will speed up your work with the application and immidiately fill it in with the actual data.

Fleetrun - new application for maintenance management

I would also like to pay your attention to the how the work in Fleetrun is started. So that an end user, fleet manager of an N fleet, is able to start working with Fleetrun, there should a fleet activated for him correspondingly. Activation can be performed by any user with the dealer rights in the Administration interface. Besides that in the Administration interface it is possible to add units to the fleet, grant access rights to the user and configure sending notifications to the external services.

Plase proceed to our enhanced documentation specially for Fleetrun  to find more information abou the solution: https://fleetrun.wialon.com/docs/en/

There is also a blog post that you can get acquianted with: https://gurtam.com/en/blog/fleetrun-for-maintenance

And last but not the least our young apps needs an active engagement from you to understand what side of it should be further developed and advanced. That's why we will be glad to recieve your feedback, questions and ideas at m.starikova@gurtam.com or on forum.


  • Fleetrun - new application for maintenance management
  • Fleetrun - new application for maintenance management
  • Fleetrun - new application for maintenance management
  • Fleetrun - new application for maintenance management
  • Fleetrun - new application for maintenance management
  • Fleetrun - new application for maintenance management
  • Fleetrun - new application for maintenance management
  • Fleetrun - new application for maintenance management
  • Fleetrun - new application for maintenance management
Maria Starikova,
Wialon Hosting Product manager, Gurtam

Fleetrun - new application for maintenance management

Re: Fleetrun - new application for maintenance management

mars, is Fleetrun available for WL also?


Fleetrun - new application for maintenance management

Re: Fleetrun - new application for maintenance management

hhamedk пишет:

mars, is Fleetrun available for WL also?

Nope, need wait until WL 1904

Eduard Vald / GoGPS Service

Fleetrun - new application for maintenance management

Re: Fleetrun - new application for maintenance management

Dear partners,

so that Fleetrun appears in the apps panel in WH you need to perform the following actions:

1) Enter https://cms.wialon.com/ under the top-user account.

2) Select Apps Configurator in the top side menu.

3) Go to the Installed tab.

4) Select Fleetrun from the list.

5) Press OK.

There is more information here: https://docs.wialon.com/en/hosting/cms/apps/apps

Maria Starikova,
Wialon Hosting Product manager, Gurtam

Fleetrun - new application for maintenance management

Re: Fleetrun - new application for maintenance management

mars, may you share your webinar capture?


Fleetrun - new application for maintenance management

(22/11/2018 16:45:57 отредактировано mars)

Re: Fleetrun - new application for maintenance management

hhamedk пишет:

mars, may you share your webinar capture?

Dear Hamed,

the webinar recording will become available tomorrow. Please follow the news here.

Maria Starikova,
Wialon Hosting Product manager, Gurtam

Fleetrun - new application for maintenance management

Re: Fleetrun - new application for maintenance management

Hello everyone!
The webinar record is available here.
Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or suggestions.
Best regards.


Fleetrun - new application for maintenance management

Re: Fleetrun - new application for maintenance management

mars, does Fleetrun support RTL languages? If No, then what's your plan for RTL support?


Fleetrun - new application for maintenance management

(14/12/2018 15:20:12 отредактировано mars)

Re: Fleetrun - new application for maintenance management

hhamedk пишет:

mars, does Fleetrun support RTL languages? If No, then what's your plan for RTL support?

Dear Hamed,

thanks a lot for the question.

Fleetrun does not support right-to-left languages at the moment. The reason for this is that RTL interface localization is highly difficult to maintain and will require constant improvements from our side;

Frankly speaking, there are no specific plans for adding RTL that I can share with you. However, we will keep your request in mind and will return to it as soon as we have news.

Also let's see whether other partners give voice to the same request.

In the meantime, do you have any plans to connect units to Fleetrun? Have you already tested the application?

I will appreciate your feedback!

Maria Starikova,
Wialon Hosting Product manager, Gurtam

Fleetrun - new application for maintenance management

Re: Fleetrun - new application for maintenance management

mars wrote:

In the meantime, do you have any plans to connect units to Fleetrun? Have you already tested the application?

I will appreciate your feedback!

We mostly use WL and we will test and use it as it will be available for WL. For now, we are working on localization of it as no one in Iran uses any languages except Persian. We are going to to all vocalizations before next WL release which may can provide Fleetrun also.


Fleetrun - new application for maintenance management

Re: Fleetrun - new application for maintenance management

This Allan,
i have activated fleet run for our fleet, but i seem to have a limitation on the following

Profiling on the units ( if i have trucks and One is Isuzu and another is Actros ) the unit profile limits us from customization to our fleet

i would wish to have a vehicle jobcard printed or emailed to the vehicle owner after the service

Also how can i capture Fuel cost in fleet run

is it possible to import service inventory


Fleetrun - new application for maintenance management

Re: Fleetrun - new application for maintenance management

Dear alwanyaga!

I am glad you are being so active on making Fleetrun a more efficient application.

Let me please comment on all the the points that you are mentioning:

1) "Profiling on the units ( if i have trucks and One is Isuzu and another is Actros ) the unit profile limits us from customization to our fleet"

We are having some plans on advancing the unit profile, that's why such a request is just up to the point.
Could you please with us why it is necessary to differentiate between various makes of one vehicle type? How would you like to apply this in Fleetrun?

2) "i would wish to have a vehicle job card printed or emailed to the vehicle owner after the service"

Here you are talking about a service job card. Could you please explain what you mean by the vehicle job cards?

3) "Also how can i capture Fuel cost in fleet run"

If you mean the fillings, then we are analyzing the potential of this feature at the moment and would like to provide our customers with an ability to have such a possibility.

4) "is it possible to import service inventory"

Could you please provide us with more details on this request? What is meant by service inventory? Do you by any chance have some kind of a file with these data to share with us?

Your feedback is much appreciated!

Maria Starikova,
Wialon Hosting Product manager, Gurtam

Fleetrun - new application for maintenance management

Re: Fleetrun - new application for maintenance management

Dear Mars

Thanks for the feed back
allow me share my comments below  on some of the items
1) "Profiling on the units ( if i have trucks and One is Isuzu and another is Actros ) the unit profile limits us from customization to our fleet"
We are having some plans on advancing the unit profile, that's why such a request is just up to the point.
Could you please with us why it is necessary to differentiate between various makes of one vehicle type? How would you like to apply this in Fleetrun?

Remark AL:- i will need to know the Cost per Km on the different  vehicle makes for example i have Nissani, Toyota,KIA etc

2) "i would wish to have a vehicle job card printed or emailed to the vehicle owner after the service"
Here you are talking about a service job card. Could you please explain what you mean by the vehicle job cards?
Remark AL:- The service jobcard is initiated when the Vehicle has been booked into service i have attached a template

3) "Also how can i capture Fuel cost in fleet run"
If you mean the fillings, then we are analyzing the potential of this feature at the moment and would like to provide our customers with an ability to have such a possibility.

Remark AL:- That will be Great But also you can create a provision of In putting fuel Manual or through an Import file

4) "is it possible to import service inventory"
Could you please provide us with more details on this request? What is meant by service inventory? Do you by any chance have some kind of a file with these data to share with us?
Remark AL:- when you do service you issue items to the Vehicle which is Fleet Run its called Line Item Libraries or description. we have these items in the ERP so possibility of linking this will be good

5) is it possible to have Mechanics allocated to a service or repair, i need to know which mechanic serviced which vehicle


Fleetrun - new application for maintenance management

Re: Fleetrun - new application for maintenance management

Dear alwanyaga!

Thanks a lot for all of your ideas. To some extent we are looking in one direction as to how Fleetrun should be evolutionized.

Besides, other partners are able to get to know your suggestions and utter their own opinion on them.

For a more detailed conversation I have sent you an e-mail.

Maria Starikova,
Wialon Hosting Product manager, Gurtam