Speed limit in geofence

Тема: Speed limit in geofence

I have client has many geofences and each geofence has speed limited . he need to know which unit is entered his geofences and moved more than speed limited for example if the unit enters the geofences it's speed limit =80 kmp
and a unit  moves with 85 at time 10:10:00
and moves with 90kps at 10:10:12
and moves with 95   at 10:10:22

he needs those three speeds with it's time

help  please


Speed limit in geofence

Re: Speed limit in geofence

You should try to use several tables "Geofences" with intervals filtration by different speed value.
E.g. first table should control speed range 85-90 kmh, second should control speed range 90-95 kmh, etc.
(Don't forget to activate option "Retrieve intervals" in intervals filtration.)

@ Oleg Zharkovsky
Customer Service / Quality Control and Training
"Timely is the best. But still better late than never."

Speed limit in geofence

Re: Speed limit in geofence

zark пишет:

You should try to use several tables "Geofences" with intervals filtration by different speed value.
E.g. first table should control speed range 85-90 kmh, second should control speed range 90-95 kmh, etc.
(Don't forget to activate option "Retrieve intervals" in intervals filtration.)

my customer need all geofences with speed limited in one table.


Speed limit in geofence

Re: Speed limit in geofence

You can create several different notifications with speed control in geofences. Notification action should be "Register event for unit" or "Register as violation". Output of such notifications can be displayed in one table "Events" or "Violations".

If you use events/violations registration as action for other notifications also, then you can filter only the needed events with a help of text/description mask.

@ Oleg Zharkovsky
Customer Service / Quality Control and Training
"Timely is the best. But still better late than never."