Fuel Sensor -Trucks keep having fuel theft and fillings-pls help

(edited by nadeemyj 31/05/2016 10:55:40)

Topic: Fuel Sensor -Trucks keep having fuel theft and fillings-pls help

Dear all,

I have a very serous issue with my Analog Fuel sensors installed. Almost all the Medium to Heavy duty cargo trucks have the same issue.

Randomly the fuel level drops and rises hence triggering a fuel theft of fuel filling .  Some times the thefts showing are in the range of 5 to 12 liters on some trucks 11 to 25 liters. For our customers we need to set the fuel theft detection to at least 6 liters, as mostly the drivers will not steel more than that at a time.

In this message i will put forth data and setting of one such truck.. Hopefully some one can help us figure out how to solve this issue.

Truck DT-5j-xxxx has had around 9 theft in last month as shown in table. If we examine the fuel theft o 12.5 liters on the 15th-05-2016 item number 6 on the table we can get the following graphs.

On the 1st graph( Fuel level vs ignition and trips) it can be seen that when ignition goes off at 21:32 the fuel sensor data falls. This seems to be common in all the thefts.  Further more if you look at the second graph (Fuel Level VS Ext Battery Voltage ) you can see that the 24 v batter voltage fluctuates around 2 volts at same time as the ignition off time. 21:32 ...

I am very confused and not sure if the battery is causing this problem or not. Maybe the fluctuation in the battery is causing the data to change but if thats the case the data should return to normal immediately once the fluctuation has stopped.

last one is raw data of Ext Bat and Fuel Level.  blue line is Fuel level and the green is the ext bat..

  • Fuel Sensor -Trucks keep having fuel theft and fillings-pls help
  • Fuel Sensor -Trucks keep having fuel theft and fillings-pls help
  • Fuel Sensor -Trucks keep having fuel theft and fillings-pls help
  • Fuel Sensor -Trucks keep having fuel theft and fillings-pls help
  • Fuel Sensor -Trucks keep having fuel theft and fillings-pls help

Fuel Sensor -Trucks keep having fuel theft and fillings-pls help

Re: Fuel Sensor -Trucks keep having fuel theft and fillings-pls help

for me it looks like a technical problem in the fuel level sensor... it should not drop that much and than suddenly jump up again.

did you ask the manufactor of the fuel level sensor about this?

also strange for me that you have the same behaviour in all of your trucks.


Politeness dictates it to write his name on a post

Fuel Sensor -Trucks keep having fuel theft and fillings-pls help

Re: Fuel Sensor -Trucks keep having fuel theft and fillings-pls help

I also think that this problem - it is a technical faults.
Analogue fuel level sensors are potentially dependent on fluctuations in voltage on-board the vehicle. So we abandoned the analog fuel level sensors, and use only digital.


Fuel Sensor -Trucks keep having fuel theft and fillings-pls help

Re: Fuel Sensor -Trucks keep having fuel theft and fillings-pls help

Analog sensor are affected from several things including, on board voltage, cable routing,  missmatch with the locator, the first thing is obviously ask to MFG, it can be fixed may be trough configuration software, also add an in line voltage regulator or some kind of filter ONLY to know that there is no issues by the feeding voltage, i can help if you give more details.

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Fuel Sensor -Trucks keep having fuel theft and fillings-pls help

Re: Fuel Sensor -Trucks keep having fuel theft and fillings-pls help

I will also agreed that it probably will be fuel level sensor problem.  This is our analog fuel level sensor report from heavy machinery (in attachment) if it is interesting for you just contact me miroslav.s@eljunga.com

  • Fuel Sensor -Trucks keep having fuel theft and fillings-pls help

Fuel Sensor -Trucks keep having fuel theft and fillings-pls help

Re: Fuel Sensor -Trucks keep having fuel theft and fillings-pls help

Dear All,

Thanks for your support.

Yes you are right it was a problem with the way we plugged the device. We had not used the same source for Power for both the gps device and the fuel sensor.

However now we have another problem which is very frustrating. We are using Chinese FLS from a very big company which we have visited.

The problem is that we are getting fake thefts and fillings just when the vehical stops for a few seconds( 30seconds or so) in traffic. Most of the fuel thefts and fillings are around 7 to 10 liters and take place within just 30 to 40 sec. This seems to be not possible as when you see the graphs you can see the Vehical engine was on and had just stopped for 30 sec or so. What kind of setting can we apply to avoid this.

The problem is the the sensor by default filters the data for over 120 sec by default.

I am very confused on how to solve this problem .. please can someone help


  • Fuel Sensor -Trucks keep having fuel theft and fillings-pls help
  • Fuel Sensor -Trucks keep having fuel theft and fillings-pls help
  • Fuel Sensor -Trucks keep having fuel theft and fillings-pls help

Fuel Sensor -Trucks keep having fuel theft and fillings-pls help

Re: Fuel Sensor -Trucks keep having fuel theft and fillings-pls help

what is your AVL? kind of tracker and installation can affect on your FLS.

Samaneh Saz Dolphin Apadana Co.
Tel: +983137790974-6
Web: www.mydolphin.ir

Fuel Sensor -Trucks keep having fuel theft and fillings-pls help

Re: Fuel Sensor -Trucks keep having fuel theft and fillings-pls help

possible failures are; bad installation/calibration, some cheap fls loss the resolution after months of installlation, if the fls has filters use it, check again voltage or better you can make a simple regulator 9-10v to feed the sensor and discard any variation on the readouts.

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Fuel Sensor -Trucks keep having fuel theft and fillings-pls help

Re: Fuel Sensor -Trucks keep having fuel theft and fillings-pls help

Reading Error


Fuel Sensor -Trucks keep having fuel theft and fillings-pls help

Re: Fuel Sensor -Trucks keep having fuel theft and fillings-pls help

If you need help with this we have possibly one of the best Analog Fuel Solutions and fully Integrated in Wialon let me know if you are interested in info.


United States

Fuel Sensor -Trucks keep having fuel theft and fillings-pls help

Re: Fuel Sensor -Trucks keep having fuel theft and fillings-pls help


We have installed analog sensor and its working good but client vehicle fill fuel once a day but in track history it shows many time fuel filling marks and theft marks too. what is the setting we should change for this ?Please help.

i set "filter fuel level values" so its changed but on which thing based on this value should be set ? Please help to solve the issue.

  • Fuel Sensor -Trucks keep having fuel theft and fillings-pls help

Fuel Sensor -Trucks keep having fuel theft and fillings-pls help

Re: Fuel Sensor -Trucks keep having fuel theft and fillings-pls help

It might be issue with fuel consumption setting. Try to make filteration level between 8 to 12 and also avoid time based filling and theft if it is truck.