Coban TK-103

Re: Coban TK-103

wwbusch aka Buwo wrote:

ok, let me try to help you.

first: you need to have a simcard which is enabled for gprs. As i know in Somalia you should use "Hormuud Prepaid"

find out the APN and username/password from your simcard provider. Just call their serviceprovider and ask them for this information.

second: create in WIALON a new unit by going to cms.wialon.com, login with your demo credentials.
go to "units", click to "create new unit", enter a name, enter the IMEI number of your TK103 in field "unique id", choose GPS-103B as "device-type" and click to ok.

third: send following SMS to the phonenumber you put into the gps tracker: begin123456
device should answer with "begin ok".
send next sms with apn: apn123456 (name of the apn, for example apn123456 hormuud)
if your operator needs to set a username and password for gprs connections send following additional SMS:
send sms: up123456 username password (example up123456 gprs secret)

now you need to set the IP adress and port:
send sms with text "adminip123456 20558" (always without quotations!)

now you need to enable gprs:
send sms with text "gprs123456"

last is typicaly to set the update intervall how often device should send.
(ask coban for this command, i dont have it here)

by the way, device should always answer with some kind of OK.


P.S. did you read the documents on http://docs.gurtam.com?
very usefull.
you should start with http://docs.wialon.com/en/hosting/user/quick/quick


Coban TK-103

Re: Coban TK-103

Thank you all friends i am very proud of you!! this is worked fine you helped me much on the mean time so now i have fixed two test devices in my wialon gurtam, so i have another problem and i expect the best solution from you, my problem is you know mechanical engineers in my country are big liars and corrupted and i don't know how to install the devices to the car electric system so is there any documentation or training which i can learn from it how to do the job with my own hands i will very grateful for you if you help me regarding this matter, i have launched telematics company inside Somalia where there is no rule and regulations, the electric engineers always doesn't fulfill the appointments+ they are very expensive in service and may not help you well next time you visit their garages.
sincerely yours.
sidiiq abdalah


Coban TK-103

Re: Coban TK-103

Hi Sidiiq,

well, easiest way is learning by doing :-))

forget documentation, you will not find any.

the easiest way is always: take out the radio, check if you have "always-on" power there (switch of the car, wait 1 hour, check again if you still have power there).  Mostly you find there also Ignition signal.
Connect power, ground, ignition to the tracker. connect gps antenna and put it under the dashboard WITHOUT ANY METAL over it, so that it has just the plastic of the dashboard over the antenna. take care that you put the gps antenna in the correct way (the internal gps antenna must show to the sky)
put the GSM antenna as far away from radio as possible.
Check if you fixed everything correct (try ignition on/off, delay is typicaly 30 seconds to show in Wialon)



Politeness dictates it to write his name on a post

Coban TK-103

Re: Coban TK-103

Thank you so much Mr. wolf you are always helpful and honest


Coban TK-103

Re: Coban TK-103

I'm hoping someone can help with the setup on my TK103. (I've previously setup a Xenum TK102, so am familar with the process)

I'm not convinced that the APN settings have been accepted by my device as it's not clear from the manual how to set the APN username and password.

Currently I've used:-

APN123456 everywhere eesecure secure

The device reports APN, CONFIG OK

If I issue check123456

the unit reports

CHECK, imei 355488020163716, apn everywhere, IP:, cnum:, gps:1, gsm:100, itv:10,300, TZ:0, OS:0, GF:51,0,0,Door:0,vib:0

I'm not sure if this should display the APN username or password, but I've also tried the command USER123456 eesecure secure, which  reports 000, COMMAND ERR as does UP123456 eesecure secure.

Can anyone suggest other ways to check the APN username or to configure the device.



Coban TK-103

Re: Coban TK-103


wondering about the IP adress you programmed into unit. seems to be the ID checker of Gurtam.

If you want to use Wialon, you must set device to
If you want to use Orange (gps-trace) you need to set it to but support is in Orange forum!


Politeness dictates it to write his name on a post

Coban TK-103

Re: Coban TK-103

Great observation Wolf! ))


Coban TK-103

Re: Coban TK-103

I have the TK103B tracker .

I have purchased two extra key fobs but I am unable to sync them to the device .

The instructions tell me to push the SOS button 7 times continuously and the unit will beep once to tell me that it is learning mode .

It then tells me to push the lock and then unlock button.

My problem is that after 7 SOS  button pushes it is not beeping or suggesting that it is in learning mode .

Am i missing something or getting it all wrong.

Is there a way it can be put into learning mode via an SMS message and then back into normal mode  ?

Any suggestions will be gratefully received




Coban TK-103

Re: Coban TK-103

Hi Neil

sorry, i dont think that you will get some support in this case here from forum users as most of us use some more know manufactors...

who is the manufactor of the device? did you buy it directly at the manufactor or via aliexpress/deal-extrem/ebay etc?

I think without contact to the manufactor you will not solve this problem.


Politeness dictates it to write his name on a post

Coban TK-103

(edited by hhamedk 17/05/2015 17:06:10)

Re: Coban TK-103

Hi there
I use some http://wialon.com/en/hardware/Device/GPS103-B devices. When device lost GSM/GPRS it save vehicle positions automatically on internal memory but when GSM/GPRS comes back it doesn't upload saved positions on memory automatically on the platform (Wialon), So i need to upload them manually or using Jobs. I want to create a command in Unit Properties to send upload command and use it as a Job. Based on manufacturer GPRS Protocol document for uploading stored positions in memory we have:

Server --> device
load the tracking data of 18th April 2011 to monitoring platform.
device --> Server
imei:359586018966098,116,0809231929, ,F,055403.000,A,2233.1870,N,11354.3067,E,0.00,,;

So, We should send  [**,imei:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,116,Current Date]  to the device, Since we create each command in one device i think the IMEI is not a problem but about the Current Date how i should indicate it in command? let me to explain more, i want  when i run this command the system put the current date in command and run it and then i can able to use such command as a Job and run it every day, So Wialon will do which the device didn't basically :-)
Kindly please share your Majestic ideas ;-)


Coban TK-103

Re: Coban TK-103

Hello, hhamedk

What you describe is a custom form of parameter in command each time, it is sent (every day) - that is why you should modify a job every time before it is activated - either manually or with API resource/update_job call (http://sdk.wialon.com/wiki/en/sidebar/r … update_job) - "cmd_param" is what you need. In such a case you create a "send custom message" command in the unit properties without parameters, then create a job to send it to mentioned units and write a scrips, which will login, call the list of jobs and modify the one, you created with the needed parameter before it is sent.


Coban TK-103

Re: Coban TK-103

another think in my eyes with fixed task is, that you dont know if device is just online in this moment. Commands will be send only if device is online, if device is not online --> Kismet.

So you need to check with SDK if unit is online and than send coresponding task...


(p.s i would choose different HW ;-)

Politeness dictates it to write his name on a post

Coban TK-103

Re: Coban TK-103

hhamedk, simply contact hw@gurtam.com and describe your problem there. I think it can easily be done from server-side without the need to create hack-commands.

At the dark side of telematics...

Coban TK-103

Re: Coban TK-103


I am new in gps device .Please help me how i can read vehicle gps device tk 103 in visual studio c#.



Coban TK-103

Re: Coban TK-103

I assume you want to do this whilst the vehicle is moving. So you need to point the device to your server and then capture the incoming messages and parse it into meaningful messages using their protocol.

Phoenix Solusi
Mobile Visible Secure
Specialists in data acquisition and analysis for mobile and fixed assets. Integration in to content management systems is a specialty we have.

Coban TK-103

(edited by samuel 26/04/2016 09:42:40)

Re: Coban TK-103


I have a GPS103-B , I have been used for six months, and today it stop working, I went to check everything and it was right (power, ground antennas etc) But the IMEI has changed, and somebody else is using that IMEI in the wialon or Orange servers, and I cannot used it. Can be possible or somebody change the device ?

Best regards


Coban TK-103

(edited by yavi 26/04/2016 09:48:20)

Re: Coban TK-103

May be  device updateded the firmware and started to send new id instead of Imei.
1) Please write your previous id which worked in the past
2) Tell the current id (please use id.wialon.net service).

If you don't want to share the id in this topic please write to yavi@gurtam.com

Viktor Yarovenko
Business Analyst

Coban TK-103

Re: Coban TK-103

Thank you Yavi,

I did Already, but it appears an error when I write the ID.


Coban TK-103

Re: Coban TK-103

Let's continue discussing via email. I replied your last message.

Viktor Yarovenko
Business Analyst

Coban TK-103

Re: Coban TK-103

Thank you !!!