
(15/03/2016 14:13:19 отредактировано shmi)

Тема: Logistics

Try our new app — Logistics!

This is a simple logistic solution, which allows you to create or import orders, then distribute them among vehicles in the most rational way and, finally, track routes online as well as generate reports upon their fulfillment.

Logistics consists of two applications — web and mobile.

The web application is for operators (dispatchers). It's available on apps.wialon.com and can be added to your service in the usual manner. Besides, there's a separate point of entry on logistics.wialon.com

Mobile application is an addition to the web application. It's aimed to drivers and couriers. Android (released) and iOS (coming soon) platforms are supported. 

Google Play



Re: Logistics

Is there a full user manual available?

Onwards and Upwards!!
Knowledge, data & information is power!


Re: Logistics

Found it, your docs link is incorrect. :-)

Onwards and Upwards!!
Knowledge, data & information is power!


Re: Logistics

FleetPursuit пишет:

Found it, your docs link is incorrect. :-)

Updated, thanks)



(16/03/2016 02:25:35 отредактировано FleetPursuit)

Re: Logistics

No worries shmi, will be having a good look at this over the coming weeks particularly the mobile/tablet app as I have a great client this may be ideal for. Currently are using GPS Tag for all their subcontractors so as to track their deliveries.

Does this App, or can this App be used to maybe replace the GPS Tag?

Onwards and Upwards!!
Knowledge, data & information is power!


Re: Logistics

NO, Wialon Logistic IS NOT a gps tracker.

If you not want to sell real HW for each vehicle, you need to install / use both gpstag and wialon logistics on one device.


Politeness dictates it to write his name on a post


Re: Logistics

Don't be so brutal, Wolf

We're planning to add tracker functionality to logistics app in future



Re: Logistics

You are right shmi, i am sometimes to direct ;-)

I thought long about this and why there is no tracker inside and why i need to connect a driver to an vehicle etc.

But i think the way it is organised now by Wialon is perfect:

1.) Its a logistic application for logistic operations --> use it for transport vehicle and or cars.
2.) gps tracking on simple smartphone uses a lot of energy if you want to have exact tracking. Wialon logistics app does not use huge amount of power and can be used just as a nornal app
3.) our experience with "give employe a smartphone to track him" resulted in "ohh we can block gpstag from receiving location data just by a click" and "ohh sorry i deleted the app" and installation of task managers etc. Thats why all of our customers do use HW in the car which can not be easy interupted in working ;-)
4.) from sales point of view i still believe that its easier to sell additional hardware if no gps tracking in app.

p.s. missing you at the cebit!

Politeness dictates it to write his name on a post


Re: Logistics

Hi Wolf,

Thanks for the confirmation re GPS Tag & Logistics Apps. My reason for asking this is that the Wialon hosting will not allow us to use the same mobile phone number:

"Error: 'Item with such unique property (phone number, name or UID) already exists.'."

So based on this fact, using the practicality of the same mobile for both GPS Tag and complimented with the added benefit of Logistics is not possible - or are we doing something incorrect?

Ideally we would prefer to sell the client hardware given the obvious benefits and extra profit for us :-) it is not practical for our client as the vehicles are not theirs and do not wish to force their subcontractors to purchase additional hardware. Some of them have though as they are looking at all their fleet not just the 1 truck used for the client contract.

These subcontractors will be delivering goods using their trucks not the client's - client needs to track/report on late & on time deliveries. Vested interest for subcontractors to ensure App is on, it will be password protected and set to come on/off at specified times so driver does not need to touch. Additionally our client has mandated this App use throughout the country - subcontractor fails then they lose the contract, simple. Subcontractors have choice of either using App or purchasing hardware.

We won this contract only because we could provide a flexible and cost effective solution while other companies could not.

Regarding the Logistics App we have not yet mentioned to them but see the additional benefit and potential to use both and further cement our contract.


Onwards and Upwards!!
Knowledge, data & information is power!


Re: Logistics

Hi Alan,

i think you do something wrong...

For Wialon Logistics you need to create a DRIVER with phonenumber and key=the password you later enter in the Wialon Logistics.
So having the Phonenumber as phonenumber of a UNIT and of a DRIVER should be possible!

And dont forgett to BIND the Driver to a UNIT, otherwise you will get (now) a error message!


Politeness dictates it to write his name on a post


Re: Logistics

Hi Wolf,

Yes we created the driver with the phone number and key and bound to GPS Tag unit.

When we first did this we already had a GPS Tag set up in the system for the same mobile phone number. It wouldn't allow: "Error: 'Item with such unique property (phone number, name or UID) already exists.'."

We went in and changed the GPS Tag mobile number just so that we could use the Driver one in order to review Logistics App.

Later we thought we'd correct the mobile number GPS Tag is associated with so as to review as a whole solution as it should be, however - "Error: 'Item with such unique property (phone number, name or UID) already exists.'."

I have attached a couple of screenshots.

  • Logistics
  • Logistics
  • Logistics
Onwards and Upwards!!
Knowledge, data & information is power!


Re: Logistics

Phone is unique parameter for all Wialon items
Try to leave phone in unit setting empty and set it only for driver



Re: Logistics

Yes I have done this as a temp work around, but how will this ultimately effect GPS Tag?

Onwards and Upwards!!
Knowledge, data & information is power!


Re: Logistics

good to know that!

Politeness dictates it to write his name on a post


Re: Logistics

When will this great app be available for iOS?

Onwards and Upwards!!
Knowledge, data & information is power!


Re: Logistics

FleetPursuit пишет:

When will this great app be available for iOS?

Now the application to review. Next week should appear in App Store.

Denis Strakh, Gurtam


Re: Logistics

What address data is used when app generates Route (or tries to generate)?
My routes are mainly straight lines. I can generate the same route normally on Tools->Routing.
What could I be missing...



Re: Logistics

That will be great, looking to trial with a couple of clients! Feedback from a couple of our clients was good, only thing they suggested as a need was more than just "today & tomorrow" - needs a minimum of a week for ideal planning. Potentially puts too much restrictions on staff by constantly having to do daily when they know deliveries a week ahead.

Onwards and Upwards!!
Knowledge, data & information is power!


Re: Logistics


We look at this as a day to day ever changing delivery function, normally we see Routes  as a standard daily or regular run that may occasionally change. Routes function is great for this but Logistics is great for the changing delivery required and allows for driver to provide direct interaction and instant status updates via the driver phone app.

Onwards and Upwards!!
Knowledge, data & information is power!


Re: Logistics

FleetPursuit пишет:

When will this great app be available for iOS?

Now app available for iOS users https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/wialon- … 1&mt=8

Mobile Development


Re: Logistics

kopa пишет:
FleetPursuit пишет:

When will this great app be available for iOS?

Now app available for iOS users https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/wialon- … 1&mt=8

Great, we will download the iOS App and check it out. We provided access for a client and they thought the Logistics app was great except ideally like to be able to set beyond only today and tomorrow.

Onwards and Upwards!!
Knowledge, data & information is power!


Re: Logistics

yeah, we also would like to set different dates (and also check/organize different dates).

today/tomorrow is not flexible enough

Wolf --> going to play with german version on IOS hihi

Politeness dictates it to write his name on a post


Re: Logistics

Yes Wolf, exactly what our clients said.

They further advise that the use of "today" would not happen because they have the delivery drivers runs/data prepared and ready the day before as their drivers start very early in the morning prior to office opening. Delivery drivers have their trucks loaded on the morning based on the list provided by dispatch from the day before (or maybe days or week before).

Once driver had left warehouse nothing can be added to his deliveries.

Although they did "love" the Logistics App they will hold off its use until dates are flexible, which is unfortunate.

Onwards and Upwards!!
Knowledge, data & information is power!


Re: Logistics


Need a bit of help, clarification regarding importing orders.

We created a "test" list of orders, with Address (not coordinates), Order, Client, Time from, Time to and Comments - imported this and the list and correct locations were shown.

Set columns as required in Logistics - Address first.

Selected Save - and had a "pop-up" saying total number incorrect, in this case "All of them" then created an incorrect csv file to be saved.

Tried removing columns and adding deleting data all came back incorrect. Have attached a screenshot and csv.

What are we missing - we have done as we thought was correct as per documentation....


  • Logistics
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Onwards and Upwards!!
Knowledge, data & information is power!


Re: Logistics

Time from/Time to should be full date (e.g 03-23-2016 8:00), format can can be set in settings

FleetPursuit, wwbusch aka Buwo
Creating orders on an arbitrary date will be available soon