Тема: Wialon Reverse-Geocode address highly inaccurate and non-precise
The current location that Wialon mobile application and hosting platform shows too generic that it's hard to know the current location after reading the current address. For example, for lat/long 28.5915333333, 77.3801333333 Wialon shows address as "Shaheed Hawaldar Padam Singh Dharma Marg, India, New Delhi" whereas Google for same lat-long gives correct address: Captain Shashi Kant Marg, Block C, Sector 72, Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201307.
Why is not Wialon applications show address is this format: street_number, route, sublocality_level_1, administrative_area_level_2, administrative_area_level_1, country so that just by looking the address user can figure out current location, instead of zooming the map and guessing the location by seeing near by places.
Please suggest how to resolve this problem.