Wialon Reverse-Geocode address highly inaccurate and non-precise

Тема: Wialon Reverse-Geocode address highly inaccurate and non-precise

The current location that Wialon mobile application and hosting platform shows too generic that it's hard to know the current location after reading the current address. For example, for lat/long 28.5915333333, 77.3801333333 Wialon shows address as "Shaheed Hawaldar Padam Singh Dharma Marg, India, New Delhi" whereas Google for same lat-long gives correct address: Captain Shashi Kant Marg, Block C, Sector 72, Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201307.

Why is not Wialon applications show address is this format: street_number, route, sublocality_level_1, administrative_area_level_2, administrative_area_level_1, country so that just by looking the address user can figure out current location, instead of zooming the map and guessing the location by seeing near by places.

Please suggest how to resolve this problem.


Wialon Reverse-Geocode address highly inaccurate and non-precise

Re: Wialon Reverse-Geocode address highly inaccurate and non-precise

to recover address (as been told you by the e-mail) Hosting need actual address data to be uploaded to Gurtam Maps - it is possible either if you send us a file with locations or edit them by yourself in OSM and let us know, when you are done to update them. We are using our own cartography server (actually developed for Wialon purposes only) because the geocoding requests are massive - around 20 millions an hour and even more - none of the existing services (including Google) allow to hande so many requests in such a limited time.

so basically we let you resolve your issue the way you want - just send us the data to display.
If you think that this will take long time and much efforts from you - start with something small - for instance with your office and a district, where it is located - we will load that data piece by piece untill you get the desired result.



Wialon Reverse-Geocode address highly inaccurate and non-precise

Re: Wialon Reverse-Geocode address highly inaccurate and non-precise

for the more interested people:

Google will charge you soon or later for your API Key. Here in Europe they already charge you 10.000 euro / year / domain name.
For this you are allowed to do 25.000 reverse geocodings per day. If you calculate 8 hours per day, 60 messages per hour, thats 52 Units which you can use until reverse geocoding for your domain is finished. (and this for 10.000 euro / year!)
For the free API Key (which you are not allowed to use for gps tracking) you can only use 2500 reverse geocodings per day = 5 Units.

So if you want to have adresses for notifications etc. the only (payable) adress source for India is Open Street Maps. Spent the 10.000 Euro/USD you should pay for google maps to Open Street Maps Project and ask them to make Indian Map better :-)))


Politeness dictates it to write his name on a post

Wialon Reverse-Geocode address highly inaccurate and non-precise

Re: Wialon Reverse-Geocode address highly inaccurate and non-precise

Hi Wolf,

Thanks for the info. Do you know if 25K is a daily limit or does it work on a monthly basis for example, i.e., you get 25K x 30 = 750K requests monthly regardless of when during the month you use them?


Wialon Reverse-Geocode address highly inaccurate and non-precise

Re: Wialon Reverse-Geocode address highly inaccurate and non-precise

Hi Sergei,

If you read google maps api licence terms you will find "you are not allowed to use the google maps free licence key for any tracking of objects" (and on some other points as well...) (https://developers.google.com/maps/terms#10-license-restrictions here 10.4.C.4 "No asset-tracking unless you have purchased the applicable Maps for Work license."

so if you want to be on the right side, dont use that api key for free.

i also mixed something in my brain...

you are allowed to use 25.000 Maps-Calls and 2.500 Apicalls per day
(https://developers.google.com/maps/pric … ans/?hl=en)


Politeness dictates it to write his name on a post

Wialon Reverse-Geocode address highly inaccurate and non-precise

Re: Wialon Reverse-Geocode address highly inaccurate and non-precise

Hi Wolf,

I am aware that it's against Google's policy to use free key for commercial tracking. I was just wondering regarding daily limit if it's tracked monthly or daily. Sounds like the latter.
