Rough Fuel Chart

(edited by nasnew 27/10/2015 09:03:20)

Topic: Rough Fuel Chart

Hello !

I have been testing the wialon fuel reports using RS232 FLS.  and found out that mainly when the vehicle is in motion the fuel chart appears really rough with full of ups and downs, which may lead to false refilling or drains. the only solution I found to avoid such false alert it setting a tolerance value, but doing this may cause ignoring real fillings and thefts in the tolerable range.

Dont you think it is better to create some smoothing and peak ignoring algorithm considering the property of fuel and a vehicle in motion, so as to provide clients with smooth fuel graph and reliable theft and drain info the smallest possible level.


Rough Fuel Chart

Re: Rough Fuel Chart

try to enable filtration of the fuel sensor - http://docs.gurtam.com/en/hosting/cms/units/fuel This will smoothen readings during rides. As for thefts and fillings - it's better to use their detection on parkings only - situations with drains or fillings during rides are very unlikely


Rough Fuel Chart

Re: Rough Fuel Chart

Fuel theft can occur whilst the vehicle is in motion and we are seeing more instances of this. It is designed to steal small amounts of fuel over an extended period but try to keep it outside of an alerting range. Trying to capture the data in Wialon for a moving vehicle may not be practical as the frequency of capture may be too low. An alternative is to use a micro controller, Arduino or something similar, to capture the data real time from the sensor and then create a smoothing algorithm that will create an entry say every minute and send this to the analogue port of your tracker. We did this for connecting multiple load sensors to a device that only had one analogue port. You could then use Wialon to track fuel usage per distance unit, eg 1 klm, 5 klm etc and alert if the usage is outside of set limits using say a virtual sensor or combination of sensors.

Phoenix Solusi
Mobile Visible Secure
Specialists in data acquisition and analysis for mobile and fixed assets. Integration in to content management systems is a specialty we have.

Rough Fuel Chart

Re: Rough Fuel Chart

consider also to 'force' the sensor itself to smooth/compress the data before send it to avl equipment, most of manufacturers provide that option @t installation time.

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