Тема: Custom Counter Values to calculate Toll tax Paid
I need to calculate the amount of toll tax paid by a vehicle using geofence notification.
Whenever the vehicle is crossing a particular Geofence, I am saving an event with text - "Toll Gate A Rs. 30" in the unit history. Later I am retrieving a report for event using a text mask - "toll". This gives me a list of all toll taxes paid by the vehicle.
Now, in the report, there is an option of grouping by total. In the present case, the total shows the count, i.e. number of times the "Toll **" event has been generated.
If we could set the counter values as per geofences --
Meaning --
Say Vehicle crosses Geofence A, event counter is increased by 30 (instead of 1)
Say Vehicle crosses Geofence B, event counter in increased by 25 (instead of 1).
So when I fetch the evnt report with text mask - "toll", I get the list of toll tax paid and the counter total at the bottom shows me the total tax paid so far (for the interval in question.
Can you do this? - Add a custom counter whose value increase per event can be set by the user?
Please refer to the screenshot - I have used a text mask "arrived" to generate this geofence event report.