Availability Metric

Тема: Availability Metric

Availability is a metric to control whether the vehicle was or not in maintenance. Big fleet companies have some dificulties controlling the time of which the vehicles are in maintenances, many times vehicles stays in maintenances for months and they need a way to avoid this.

This metric added inside Fleetrun can help them to control this mistakes. Knowing which vehicles have the smallest times of availability makes possible you acting faster or even renewing vehicles.

Will have fewer vehicles deactivated

Fernando Brochetto
Technical Support, Rastreasul


Availability Metric

Re: Availability Metric

Fernando Brochetto пишет:

Availability is a metric to control whether the vehicle was or not in maintenance. Big fleet companies have some dificulties controlling the time of which the vehicles are in maintenances, many times vehicles stays in maintenances for months and they need a way to avoid this.

This metric added inside Fleetrun can help them to control this mistakes. Knowing which vehicles have the smallest times of availability makes possible you acting faster or even renewing vehicles.

Will have fewer vehicles deactivated

Dear Fernando,

Thank you for your willingness to improve Fleetrun and sharing your idea with other forum users. It will be interesting to know their opinion on this point.
Fleetrun team will think over your suggestion.

Please stay tuned!

Katsiaryna Papok
Product Manager/Business Analyst, Gurtam

Availability Metric

Re: Availability Metric

Thank you kapa,
I belive that in Fleetrun users should get used to differents metrics, metrics that exists in other maintenance softwares and are very useful.

Fernando Brochetto
Technical Support, Rastreasul


Availability Metric

(16/09/2020 17:11:45 отредактировано phillype_loredo)

Re: Availability Metric

Could be the condition payment no ? It's very  common  in Brazil somenthing go to a service,and the payment depends of the credit limit of the company with service provider,or the company make the service and the condition payment it's 30/60/90.

The most common situation are that:

1-The Vehicle goes to the service provider and vehicle generally is :Awaiting release for service,after that there is an order to the company authorizes the service,after that the vehicle start the service, after that the vehicle generally finished the service,after finished the service the vehicle is awaiting billing,  after  the billing   is authorized the vehicle goes to the fleet's.

2-The most common situation it's  the vehicle  finished the service,the companies does not have credit limit with the service provider and the vehicle could   waiting  months with the service provider,or the service provider could release the vehicle by means of the payment of the oldest invoice,consequently the service provider release credit.

3-There is  a demand for Gurtam in US for in-house maintenance (https://forum.gurtam.com/viewtopic.php?id=16715),this means that the fleet's could be internalized the maintenance cost and this situation could be present in Brazil due to the truck driver strike (https://www.wsj.com/articles/brazil-tru … 1527006248),the consequence was the companies decided internalize your cost buy your own truck due to the high price of the freight,however this situation could be present in any market.

4-We have a  retread company in Brazil,this situation it's very common:The fleet's take the tire to retread and the tire goes to the process by means of credit analysis,and your status it's Awaiting release for service,the tire goes to the process when  the fleet's pay for the oldest invoice,or the tire is produce and takes months in the industry for the fleet's authorize the billing.


Availability Metric

Re: Availability Metric

What you could analysis it's the  expenses  with maintenance in the income statement of the fleet's in competence basis and compare with the budget,and see the difference between planned and accomplished,the same situation for cash basis.


Availability Metric

Re: Availability Metric

Hello phillype_loredo, this could be one of the cases for sure. I think that if the vehicle can't be used for some reason, this should be possible to be controlled inside Fleetrun, since this is a tool for controlling the fleet services.

Fernando Brochetto
Technical Support, Rastreasul


Availability Metric

Re: Availability Metric

The  fleet's have  a team of house maintenance or is outsourced ? Look to the demand in the American Market,the client have in house maintenance this situation occur? If the vehicle take months in stopped the maintenance,the fleet could is lose money due to the vehicle is depreciating.

Gurtam does not have an module for fixed assets,and depreciation the vehicle.How-ever you could find a module in treasy of investment as an exemple,to see the depreciation and adapt to this indicator (https://forum.gurtam.com/viewtopic.php?id=14187&p=2).

The fleet's specify which  indicators are not attend in the system?


Availability Metric

(19/09/2020 08:15:01 отредактировано phillype_loredo)

Re: Availability Metric

There some suggestion to this problem,one it's for companies with maintenance in-house (https://forum.gurtam.com/viewtopic.php?id=16715),the other  classify the truck of the fleet's using an ABC analysis,considering their age,market value consedering the depreciation,and the difference between the current vehicle date of the vechicle and the average age of the fleet's (how many years the vehicle stay in the portifolio of the fleet's).

1-There is a list of the maintenance  process,There was a resource where the operator starts an operation, the system starts a time counter and, the moment the operator finishes typing and finishes an operation on the tablet, this elapsed time (opening date / time and closing date / time) will be saved. The increase in information is developed by being able to calculate the time elapsed from the operation and the time between operations (provided that all criteria are respected).

If the maintenance process stop due to there aren't resources to do the process,the operator should make an appointment indicating the reason for the stopping  process.Besides that,this type of information (normal time,  and standard time of an operation),could be analyzed by the manager to identify problems in the process caused by the  workers.

2--Use the ABC curve could be interesting,to evaluate the alocation of  the maintenance resources based in their market value and the age of the vehicle.Vehicle with a recent manufacturing data will demand more preventive maintenance,and the older vehicle could demand more corrective maintenance,The manager could evaluate apply this metrics ,to allocate resources maintenance.


Availability Metric

Re: Availability Metric

phillype_loredo пишет:

There some suggestion to this problem,one it's for companies with maintenance in-house (https://forum.gurtam.com/viewtopic.php?id=16715),the other  classify the truck of the fleet's using an ABC analysis,considering their age,market value consedering the depreciation,and the difference between the current vehicle date of the vechicle and the average age of the fleet's (how many years the vehicle stay in the portifolio of the fleet's).

1-There is a list of the maintenance  process,There was a resource where the operator starts an operation, the system starts a time counter and, the moment the operator finishes typing and finishes an operation on the tablet, this elapsed time (opening date / time and closing date / time) will be saved. The increase in information is developed by being able to calculate the time elapsed from the operation and the time between operations (provided that all criteria are respected).

If the maintenance process stop due to there aren't resources to do the process,the operator should make an appointment indicating the reason for the stopping  process.Besides that,this type of information (normal time,  and standard time of an operation),could be analyzed by the manager to identify problems in the process caused by the  workers.

2--Use the ABC curve could be interesting,to evaluate the alocation of  the maintenance resources based in their market value and the age of the vehicle.Vehicle with a recent manufacturing data will demand more preventive maintenance,and the older vehicle could demand more corrective maintenance,The manager could evaluate apply this metrics ,to allocate resources maintenance.


Thank you for your idea described in detail. It is clear that units should be somehow identified as unavailable. Plus, some report is needed in order to demonstrate statistics of the whole fleet availability by periods.
Please let me know whether we are on the same page!

Katsiaryna Papok
Product Manager/Business Analyst, Gurtam

Availability Metric

(24/09/2020 17:38:35 отредактировано phillype_loredo)

Re: Availability Metric

SRT to your client in the US market this will subsized than

"About the RP 1606A Standard Repair Time Implementation Guidelines. — The purpose of this RP is to lead
third-party maintenance service providers
through the process of selecting and implementing a standard repair time (SRT) guide for
providing estimates on applicable repairs. "

(It's important make cleare that this is a suggestion,and it's important the participation of the  Dealer), and the managers
of the company.


Availability Metric

(24/09/2020 20:26:25 отредактировано phillype_loredo)

Re: Availability Metric

Do you try talk to your client,to work with pareto (A,B,C),fault codes ? In the general there aren't change in the process,in the fleet's,in the companies they could have  the same physical process (mechanical physics works),when the vehicle become older there is more expensive with maintenance,etc.


Availability Metric

Re: Availability Metric

phillype_loredo пишет:

Do you try talk to your client,to work with pareto (A,B,C),fault codes ? In the general there aren't change in the process,in the fleet's,in the companies they could have  the same physical process (mechanical physics works),when the vehicle become older there is more expensive with maintenance,etc.


For sure, before taken this functionality into development we will communicate with our partners and make sure that we have the necessary metric to measure the success.
As of now, this functionality is not our nearest plan that is why the deep analysis is postponed till it is taken into plans.
Thank you for so much information to investigate!

Katsiaryna Papok
Product Manager/Business Analyst, Gurtam

Availability Metric

(28/12/2020 09:49:24 отредактировано phillype_loredo)

Re: Availability Metric

It's important think that about what the  ceo of Queclink of Latam  said about the maintenance priority at a interview at Navyx:" If the Truck is stoped,the company is lose money,the cost of a stop= maintenance of on hour or two it's higher than the stop of more hour's or month's,the right communication between the accounting  managers and other manager's are important,and the fleet's they learning with this situation when  they lose money (the point in the interview they are between the 19 minutes and 25 minutes (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0yk52aoQhwI).

The feedback it's individualize the solutions for the client's,explore well all the portfolio that the Gurtam,Flespi and your partner's offer.The kpi's they are indivudals,they should be able to choose wich metric's make sense to them.

Some customers have requested the possibility to integrate the Flespi solutions to the fleetrun,due to they are related with maintenance.

https://flespi.com/blog/syrus-4g-iot-ga … qtt-broker


Availability Metric

(06/01/2021 08:34:29 отредактировано phillype_loredo)

Re: Availability Metric

If we look to the notes of fleetrun, it's possible see that  fleetrun show the actual mileage and the total mileage.Consequently if the vehicle is stopped ,your   total mileage  will be less than the other vehicles.

The reasoning will be the same to this problem:https://forum.gurtam.com/viewtopic.php?id=17640,the only considerations it's the development of a  counter parameter.

What it's possible to do is the user inform if the vehicle it's in maintenance.When the user point the vehicle it's in maintenance and the ingnition it's off, you shoud start a counter paramater (hours,day,etc),when  the service is finished (the user shoud point) and the ingnition it's on,you finished the counter and  compute the final  difference between the final value- initial value.

If the value it's to large,the user should  specify the parameters:More than two days when the ingtion it's off,the counter the should be initialized,to compute the indicator.Besides that,the documentation of fleetrun contemplate  this business logic.

"1. Service object: Mileage from the start of operation
From now on, you will be able to enter a mileage from the moment you started to operate the vehicle Unit: Unit profile page.
It means that you will see two mileages on unit page:

Total mileage - counted from the moment the vehicle is bought. It is the odometer reading. Previously it was called: Current mileage.
Actual mileage - counted from the moment you started to operate the vehicle.
To calculate the actual mileage should do the following:

Actual mileage = Total mileage - Mileage from the start of operation"


Availability Metric

(06/01/2021 16:31:17 отредактировано phillype_loredo)

Re: Availability Metric

The logic solution to this problem it's look similar:To control the time of the vehicle was in maintenance it's necessary specify the  time that the igntion was on and off and compute the difference,if the value it's to large could be  necessary compute the time that the ignition was off (at the counter parameter it's the current date+1 day).

It is not possible to create such parameters by Wialon. Parameters are sent by trackers, and some devices can have a built-in logical algorithms to count something like you need.

"Still it is possible to display in reports the data you requested. Some possible solutions were already mentioned in previous messages. Here is one more:
1. Create ignition sensor with a name "Engine status" (that's just an example).
2. Create a custom digital sensor with a name "Engine is off" and formula: const1-[Engine status]
3. Use table "Digital Sensors" to display duration of active sensor status.
    Don't forget to set a sensors mask "Engine is off" to show only this sensor. To filter minimal duration of 3 days use "Min duration" option.
    Both of mentioned options can be found in intervals filtration in table settings."

https://forum.gurtam.com/viewtopic.php? … 25#p186725

  • Availability Metric
  • Availability Metric
  • Availability Metric

Availability Metric

Re: Availability Metric

phillype_loredo пишет:

The logic solution to this problem it's look similar:To control the time of the vehicle was in maintenance it's necessary specify the  time that the igntion was on and off and compute the difference,if the value it's to large could be  necessary compute the time that the ignition was off (at the counter parameter it's the current date+1 day).

It is not possible to create such parameters by Wialon. Parameters are sent by trackers, and some devices can have a built-in logical algorithms to count something like you need.

"Still it is possible to display in reports the data you requested. Some possible solutions were already mentioned in previous messages. Here is one more:
1. Create ignition sensor with a name "Engine status" (that's just an example).
2. Create a custom digital sensor with a name "Engine is off" and formula: const1-[Engine status]
3. Use table "Digital Sensors" to display duration of active sensor status.
    Don't forget to set a sensors mask "Engine is off" to show only this sensor. To filter minimal duration of 3 days use "Min duration" option.
    Both of mentioned options can be found in intervals filtration in table settings."

https://forum.gurtam.com/viewtopic.php? … 25#p186725

Thank you very much for explanation and ideas how it can be made. It became much clear.

Katsiaryna Papok
Product Manager/Business Analyst, Gurtam