Fleetrun updates: what's new

Topic: Fleetrun updates: what's new

Dear community,

In this topic Fleetrun team will elaborate on the brand new updates of the application. If you want to ask a question or have an idea to enhance Fleetrun, please leave it in this topic or create a new one here.

Maria Starikova,
Wialon Hosting Product manager, Gurtam

Fleetrun updates: what's new

Re: Fleetrun updates: what's new

Dear partners,

since the release of Fleetrun we have been working hard to enhance the application and make it better. The team released a couple of bug fixing updates so far and today we have one more update with major features like:

- white-labeling of the app;

Now you are able to alter DNS, the title of the app and web-gis for Gurtam Maps. There is also an opportunity to change a link for documentation. If no link is added when setting up the white label, no documentation link will be available for the white-labeled apps.

- ability to select unit type from the units list;

For a more convenient work with the unit types we have added a possibility to change a unit type from the unit list. By selecting the question mark icon (is displayed for those units that do not have a unit type yet) the system will prompt you to select the unit type.

+ Now you do not have to enter each unit’s screen to perform this action - the effort is minimal.

Fleetrun updates: what's new

Additionally, in the unit type filter the types that do not have a single assigned units are disabled.

+ Filtering now should be quicker.

Fleetrun updates: what's new

We encourage you to spend a few minutes to enter the unit types as it is highly important for Fleetrun as well as for Wialon to understand what our users (vehicles) are. And we are on our way to get to know this smile

We are also getting some requests regarding unit groups and we believe that organizing these groups by type is a rather logical solution. This comes from the fact that service types might be different from between light vehicles and lorries.

+ - interface in the Brazilian Portuguese language;

Fleetrun updates: what's new

The interface of Fleetrun is now available in Brazilian Portuguese. If you want Fleetrun to be translated into you language, please address support@gurtam.com or me directly mars@gurtam.com.

The more to come soon!

  • Fleetrun updates: what's new
  • Fleetrun updates: what's new
  • Fleetrun updates: what's new
Maria Starikova,
Wialon Hosting Product manager, Gurtam


Fleetrun updates: what's new

(edited by mars 27/12/2018 11:58:35)

Re: Fleetrun updates: what's new

Dear partners,

today Fleetrun team has released a major holiday application update entailing the following features:

  • bar charts by months on the fleet and unit dashboards;
  • sending notifications to Telegram;
  • Fleetrun API

Let me elaborate in more details about each feature.

Bar charts by months on the fleet and unit dashboards

From now on you can compare the total amount of a fleet expenses and mileage/engine hours values for a particular period in days as well as months. We have added bar charts by months, so that data look more representative and are easier to operate with.

+ To get bar charts by months select option “by months” and the corresponding months. The default periods of 3, 6 and 12 months are also at your disposal.

Fleetrun updates: what's new

Sending notifications to Telegram

Besides getting online-notifications and sending notifications to external servers you can now send notifications to Telegram.

To set up Telegram notifications please follow the instruction below:

+ 1) In the “Administration” page select Telegram as a notification type.

Fleetrun updates: what's new

+ 2) Fill in Channel ID field:
  • create new channel in Telegram

Fleetrun updates: what's new

  • name it and select its type;

Fleetrun updates: what's new Fleetrun updates: what's new

  • in the channel setting find a link to the channel and copy it;
  • paste the link in the Channel ID field.
+ 3) Fill in Bot token field:
  • in the search field in Telegram look for the BotFather bot;

Fleetrun updates: what's new Fleetrun updates: what's new

  • select it and follow the instruction on how to create a new bot;

Fleetrun updates: what's new Fleetrun updates: what's new

  • upon creation copy the bot token;
  • paste the token in the Bot token field.
+ 4) Link the created bot to the channel:
  • enter the settings of the created channel;

Fleetrun updates: what's new

  • select option “Administrators” and “Add administrator”;

Fleetrun updates: what's new Fleetrun updates: what's new

  • in the search field enter the name of the created bot.

Fleetrun updates: what's new Fleetrun updates: what's new

5) Select statuses of services upon which the notifications should be sent and enter the notification text;

6) You are all set!

Fleetrun API

Fleetrun API is now available and you can adapt the application to the particular needs of your clients. To start working with Fleetrun API please create an API token:

  • select option “API keys” in the side menu;
  • enter your login and password;
  • select option “Create key”, enter key name and select the access rights that should be granted to the token. At least one access right should be selected;
+ Список API ключей:

Fleetrun updates: what's new

  • go to API documentation, select Authorize and enter the created token in the Value field. This way the system will be able to identify each of your REST requests.
+ Fleetrun API documentation, entering the API key:

Fleetrun updates: what's new

Fleetrun updates: what's new

  • Fleetrun updates: what's new
  • Fleetrun updates: what's new
  • Fleetrun updates: what's new
  • Fleetrun updates: what's new
  • Fleetrun updates: what's new
  • Fleetrun updates: what's new
  • Fleetrun updates: what's new
  • Fleetrun updates: what's new
  • Fleetrun updates: what's new
  • Fleetrun updates: what's new
  • Fleetrun updates: what's new
  • Fleetrun updates: what's new
  • Fleetrun updates: what's new
  • Fleetrun updates: what's new
  • Fleetrun updates: what's new
  • Fleetrun updates: what's new
  • Fleetrun updates: what's new
  • Fleetrun updates: what's new
Maria Starikova,
Wialon Hosting Product manager, Gurtam

Fleetrun updates: what's new

(edited by mars 17/01/2019 17:16:58)

Re: Fleetrun updates: what's new

Dear community,

today is another update of Fleetrun for which a huge part of functionality was taken from your ideas on forum. Thus, thank you and keep it up!

Let's see what is new:

Register service with the current mileage and engine hours data

At the moment when registering a closed service the system will provide users with the current data for mileage and engine hours in the fields “Service mileage” and “Service engine hours”.

Previously this behaviour was not true in regards to automatically created due services.

Register service with the actual mileage and engine hours data on the date of service

Let’s imagine that today is the 18th of January and you want to register closed services of an oil change for vehicle N that took place on the 15th of January. Previously the system would provide you with the mileage and engine hours data on the 18th of January, now we give you an ability to get the mileage and engine hours data for the 15th of January. This will make your service data more precise.

+ To do this please specify the “Closed” status for a service and select whether to get the initial value of mileage/engine hours for 15th of January or the final one.

Fleetrun updates: what's new

Cost column in services

+ Cost of upcoming and in progress services is now available directly in the list of the corresponding services.

Fleetrun updates: what's new

Ability to edit/delete archived services

One of the most awaited features: from now on we give you an ability to edit and delete services in Archive - closed and rejected ones.

+ Please note that users will be able to edit and delete services only in case they are granted the corresponding rights.

Fleetrun updates: what's new

Sorting of users by the availability of access rights in Administration

For more convenience we have provided you with the new sorting of users under the Access rights tab in the Administration section.

Now in the upper section of the users list the system displays the users that have at least one access right to the fleet. In the frameworks of these users they are sorted in the alphabetic order.

  • Fleetrun updates: what's new
  • Fleetrun updates: what's new
  • Fleetrun updates: what's new
Maria Starikova,
Wialon Hosting Product manager, Gurtam


Fleetrun updates: what's new

Re: Fleetrun updates: what's new

Dear partners,

today we have made another update to Fleetrun.  The following features are now embedded in the application:

  • interface is translated into Estonian;
  • interface is translated into Bulgarian;
  • ability to view when the next service will take place.

I would like to elaborate more about a great ability to get to know when the next service will take place based on a particular interval or in terms of a particular vehicle.

How this functionality can become helpful to you:

Let’s imagine that an accountable employee of yours have to take vehicle N to the service for an oil change tomorrow. With the new ability your employee will also have a chance to see which other vehicles will soon require oil change and provide a service to all of them at once.

To get this information you need to:

  • select the corresponding interval;
  • enter the Assigned units tab;
  • pay attention to the Next service information.

+ Please note that in case the corresponding service is now overdue the application will display the overdue value in the red color.

Fleetrun updates: what's new

+ You can quickly pass this information to the person who is going to take vehicles to a service by make a csv export.

Fleetrun updates: what's new

On the other hand you can get information on what services should be done soon to a vehicle based on all the intervals assigned to the vehicle.

To get this information you need to:

  • select the corresponding unit;
  • enter the Assigned intervals tab;
  • pay attention to the Next service information.
+ Next services from the unit page:

Fleetrun updates: what's new

  • Fleetrun updates: what's new
  • Fleetrun updates: what's new
  • Fleetrun updates: what's new
Maria Starikova,
Wialon Hosting Product manager, Gurtam

Fleetrun updates: what's new

Re: Fleetrun updates: what's new

Dear all!

Today the Fleetrun team has delivered another update of the application. Below is the description of the functionality that was included into the update:

  • grouping  of units by the unit type.

At the moment it is possible to filter services, intervals (and assigned units), units and data in the reports by the corresponding unit group. For this you need:

1) assign unit type to a unit, we have added the ability to perform this directly from the units’ list;

+ 2) select filtering by the unit type in the list of data you are working with.

Fleetrun updates: what's new

We hope that now your activities with the data will become more convenient to perform.

  • ability to specify the number of used parts.

While adding parts to a service or an interval you can now specify their quantity. This is our first step in enhancing the line items functionality which is more about not specifying the usage of one and the part twice.

+ In the nearest future we plan to include the same information in reports as well.

Fleetrun updates: what's new

Moreover, the Fleetrun interface was translated into the Azerbaijani language.

  • Fleetrun updates: what's new
  • Fleetrun updates: what's new
Maria Starikova,
Wialon Hosting Product manager, Gurtam

Fleetrun updates: what's new

Re: Fleetrun updates: what's new

Dear all,

we have delivered another minor update of Fleetrun. The following functionality is included into it:

  • Cost column in the archived services
+ Previously such a column existed only in the upcoming and in progress services.

Fleetrun updates: what's new

  • Сhroatian language is added to the interface

We have also done some optimization works that will allow now managing fleet faster.

  • Fleetrun updates: what's new
Maria Starikova,
Wialon Hosting Product manager, Gurtam

Fleetrun updates: what's new

Re: Fleetrun updates: what's new

Dear community,

Today we have delivered the feature that many of you have asked for - e-mail notifications. Let me tell you more about how it can be applied.

Set up comes first. To start setting of the e-mail notifications you need to enter the Administration section, select the fleet that you would like to work with and select the Notifications tab.

The interface should be pretty familiar to you as it already entails creating notifications to external servers and Telegram. The ‘E-mail’ option is what you need in this case.

We provide you with two alternatives on how e-mail notifications can be sent: either from the Fleetrun e-mail address or from your own SMTP server that is easy to create. The second alternative should be interesting for the owners of the white-labeled app.

Anyway for both of the options the following data is required to be filled in:

  • Name of the notification;
  • Recipient address N1 (e-mails can be sent to two additional addresses);
  • E-mail subject;
  • Status or statuses upon which the corresponding notification should be sent.
+ With only these settings the notifications will be sent from the Fleetrun e-mail address.

Fleetrun updates: what's new

If you would like to send notification from your own SMTP server as an example please follow the instructions on how this can be done in Google:


In Fleetrun you are required to enter the following additional information:

  • SMTP server (in case of Google it will be smtp.gmail.com);
  • Port (in case of Google it will be 465);
  • Sender’s e-mail address;
  • Username (in case of popular public account, e.g. Google, username is both name before @ the e-mail itself);
  • Password (from the e-mail corresponding account).
+ Setting up notifications via the personal SMTP:

Fleetrun updates: what's new

So if you enter all the above information Fleetrun will be able to send notifications from the e-mail that you provide.

+ Here is how the e-mail notification can look like:

Fleetrun updates: what's new

  • Fleetrun updates: what's new
  • Fleetrun updates: what's new
  • Fleetrun updates: what's new
Maria Starikova,
Wialon Hosting Product manager, Gurtam

Fleetrun updates: what's new

Re: Fleetrun updates: what's new

Dear partners,

We have just released another update of the application with the following features:

  • Information about unit position, speed and last message on map of the unit

If you want to access more information on the unit’s position, speed and last message time just tap the unit pin on the map and the corresponding data will be immediately displayed.

+ Now it has also become possible to make the map bigger.

Fleetrun updates: what's new

  • Access rights for editing and deleting archived services in the Fleetrun API

As we have provided an ability to edit and delete archived services you can now also grant the rights for these actions in the usage of the Fleetrun API.

+ It means that when creating an API token you can now specify whether the token should entail the corresponding rights.

Fleetrun updates: what's new

Looking forward to your feedback and suggestions here.

  • Fleetrun updates: what's new
  • Fleetrun updates: what's new
Maria Starikova,
Wialon Hosting Product manager, Gurtam

Fleetrun updates: what's new

Re: Fleetrun updates: what's new

Dear partners,

Today we are delivering a minor update to the system with the following feature:

displaying the number of invalid and successful activations of notifications sent to external servers, telegram and e-mail.

In case the notifications that you create are not activated successfully you will be able to see how many of such activations are there for each notification configuration. By hover overing the icon the system will also display the total number of activations.

+ This is the first step from our side for you to immediately understand whether the setup of notifications is correct.

Fleetrun updates: what's new

We will appreciate you sending us some feedback on the notification types that you use and their purposes. What is more we are interested to know what functionality Fleetrun misses in terms of notifying its users on the services statuses. Let us know here!

  • Fleetrun updates: what's new
Maria Starikova,
Wialon Hosting Product manager, Gurtam

Fleetrun updates: what's new

Re: Fleetrun updates: what's new

Dear community,

today we have released an update to Fleetrun with the following features:

1) ability to test whether sending a notification (e-mail, telegram, external server) is possible immediately upon setting it up. Just click the "Test" option and the application will let you know whether sending notification is successful or display an error message with the code for further analysis of what is wrong in the setting.

+ See more:

Fleetrun updates: what's new

2) the Finish language in the interface.

  • Fleetrun updates: what's new
Maria Starikova,
Wialon Hosting Product manager, Gurtam

Fleetrun updates: what's new

Re: Fleetrun updates: what's new

Dear all,

Today we are introducing a major update to Fleetrun. The functionality of reports has become more advanced. Now users are able to run reports for any services status (previously it was possible only for closed and rejected services). Besides, the system currently allows to get data for more than 1 element (interval, unit type and unit).

As for the statuses it is possible to get data for the following ones: due, overdue, in progress, closed and rejected.

+ The selection of only one status is provided.

Fleetrun updates: what's new

Please mind that in case you select due, overdue and in progress services upon running a report the system will provide all services of such statuses that currently exist in your fleet. Thus, period choice is disabled.

+ If you would like to have data for e.g. two units in your report, simply select these two units in the Element field.

Fleetrun updates: what's new

The next step for us (coming next week or so) will be a possibility to group data in reports by interval, unit type and unit. So follow our updates!

As Fleetrun is becoming a more efficient application, we are highly interested in feedback from those of you who have already started using it with real projects. Tell us more here or e-mail us directly at mars@gurtam.com.

Have a nice day!

  • Fleetrun updates: what's new
  • Fleetrun updates: what's new
Maria Starikova,
Wialon Hosting Product manager, Gurtam

Fleetrun updates: what's new

Re: Fleetrun updates: what's new

Dear partners,

As promised we have just delivered another update of Fleetrun, the second one in our attempt to advance the functionality of reports.

Now it has become possible to group data in reports by intervals, unit type und units.

+ This means that for example in one report you can compare how much is spent on different intervals or vehicles that have different types.

Fleetrun updates: what's new

+ Moreover, grouping is also available in the export xlsx file.

Fleetrun updates: what's new

As long as we are preparing some other enhancements of reports, we are in the extreme need of your feedback on what is missing in them. Please let us know! (e-mail to mars@gurtam.com or leave your message here)

  • Fleetrun updates: what's new
  • Fleetrun updates: what's new
Maria Starikova,
Wialon Hosting Product manager, Gurtam

Fleetrun updates: what's new

Re: Fleetrun updates: what's new

Dear all,

another significant milestone is reached: now it is possible to send scheduled reports to e-mail in Fleetrun.

This setting is available to fleet administrators in the administration panel under the tab ‘Reports to e-mail’.

The interface of reports to e-mail configuration is pretty the same as settings of a report execution on the display. Besides providing settings of reports themselves, you also need to specify the following information:

  • Starting point. It defines the date on which the first report you will be sent to the entered e-mail/e-mails. For the selection the current date and the future dates are available;
  • Frequency. It defines the basic schedule of reports sending. It can be every day or once in a week/month/year;
+ Setting up sending reports to e-mail

Fleetrun updates: what's new

  • For previous. This setting is applicable only for reports where services have closed and rejected statuses.

+ For previous field:

Fleetrun updates: what's new

Other settings such as e-mail themselves or SMTP-server are already known to you.
Please note that reports are sent as attachments of e-mails.

  • Fleetrun updates: what's new
  • Fleetrun updates: what's new
Maria Starikova,
Wialon Hosting Product manager, Gurtam

Fleetrun updates: what's new

Re: Fleetrun updates: what's new

Dear all,

we have just released an update of Fleetrun. Now there is Help that is available for our users inside the application with the most valuable information on how to effectively operate in Fleetrun:

+ Help

Fleetrun updates: what's new

The 'hat' icon, located at particular places in the app opens the information that corresponds the section where the icon is located.

To open the Help window please select the Help option in the side menu.

  • Fleetrun updates: what's new
Maria Starikova,
Wialon Hosting Product manager, Gurtam

Fleetrun updates: what's new

Re: Fleetrun updates: what's new

Dear all!

Last week we have released a long-expected update. Now it has become possible to perform certain actions (basically the same that are available for units) towards drivers and trailers. To be precise these include adding drivers and trailers to fleet, assigning intervals and registering services for them and receiving notifications when it is necessary to perform a service or it was already closed. Within August we are also planning to add the functionality of reports in regards to services done for drivers and trailers and display the corresponding widgets in the dashboard.

Some more details about the changes that you might have noticed:

1) Units (vehicles), drivers and trailers are united by the term Service objects, meaning objects that are participants of some service. When adding service objects to the fleet and assigning them to an intervals as well as when working with the list of services, intervals and service objects you can apply the filtering tool.

+ Service objects

Fleetrun updates: what's new

Fleetrun updates: what's new

2) Interval for drivers and trailers is considered to be valid only in case its frequency is specified by time - days, weeks, month, etc.

3) When registering a service the system allows first selecting the type of service object and afterwards selecting the particular service object.

+ Registering a service

Fleetrun updates: what's new

Follow news on our updates and share with us your feedback here.

  • Fleetrun updates: what's new
  • Fleetrun updates: what's new
  • Fleetrun updates: what's new
Maria Starikova,
Wialon Hosting Product manager, Gurtam

Fleetrun updates: what's new

Re: Fleetrun updates: what's new

Dear all,

yesterday we made it possible to run reports for services that you perform towards drivers and trailers. To be able to do this, select the corresponding report type. You can also group data by drivers or trailers by selecting 'By service object' grouping. Depending on the report type, the services will be grouped either by drivers or by trailers.

+ Reports by drivers and trailers

Fleetrun updates: what's new

  • Fleetrun updates: what's new
Maria Starikova,
Wialon Hosting Product manager, Gurtam

Fleetrun updates: what's new

Re: Fleetrun updates: what's new

Dear all!
We’ve just released the next Fleetrun update. Now the information on drivers and trailers can be seen on the "Dashboard" tab. New widgets appeared on this tab: "Drivers" and "Trailers", which display information on the number of drivers, trailers "Active" and "In service". The total cost of the services closed for units, drivers and trailers can be seen on the graph "Total cost".

+ show spoiler

Fleetrun updates: what's new

We’ve also implemented the widget "Cost per 1 eh." The information "Cost per 1 eh" for the fleet you can now get on the "Dashboard" tab or for a separate  object on the "Service objects" tab,

+ show spoiler

in the "Unit info" section.
Fleetrun updates: what's new
Fleetrun updates: what's new

  • Fleetrun updates: what's new
  • Fleetrun updates: what's new
  • Fleetrun updates: what's new

Fleetrun updates: what's new

Re: Fleetrun updates: what's new

Dear all,

there is a small update that has become available today:

1) E-mail notifications and reports of white-labeled services will be sent from the address that includes the app-alias. Previously even for the white-labeled apps the e-mails were sent from fleetrun@wialon.com and users had to configure sending e-mails from their own SMTP so that 'fleetrun' and 'wialon' do not become available.

So, how it works?

The name of the address (part of an e-mail before @) for the white-labeled services = registered app_alias
The domain name (part of an e-mail after @) for the white-labeled services = address at which the application is opened for the user.

E.g. if the app_alias is Maintenance and the address at which the application is opened is maintenance.partner.com, the e-mail will be sent from the following address: maintenance@maintenance.partner.com.

2) Now in the text field 'Notification text' we use not only the placeholders for tags, but also the titles of tags, so that text becomes more readable.

Maria Starikova,
Wialon Hosting Product manager, Gurtam

Fleetrun updates: what's new

Re: Fleetrun updates: what's new

Dear all,

today we have updated Fleetrun with the ability to create services and intervals for several units at a time. Previously we had heard from you that there are cases when several vehicles are taken to a workshop for, for example, oil change and these data need to be entered in the system. Before this update you had to select each unit separately and work with it for service creation.

Now, having enabled the 'Bulk operations' mode, you can select the units you need to continue with either interval or

+ show spoiler

service creation:

Fleetrun updates: what's new

  • Fleetrun updates: what's new
Maria Starikova,
Wialon Hosting Product manager, Gurtam

Fleetrun updates: what's new

Re: Fleetrun updates: what's new

Dear all,

today we have released a major update of Fleetrun with the functionality of mass services creating and editing.

We think that it may come in handy if you take several vehicles to a workshop for a planned maintenance (mostly for planned services rather than ad-hoc) and later on want to enter the data in the application. Working in the ‘bulk operations’ mode will hopefully save your time.

To active the ‘bulk operations’ mode select the following option in the services list page:

+ show spoiler

Fleetrun updates: what's new

Depending on the tab you view at the moment upon activating the ‘bulk operations’ options the system will suggest the corresponding next steps: to change the date of the upcoming service, move the service to the in progress status, close, reject and delete it.

+ show spoiler

Fleetrun updates: what's new

Please pay attention to the flow of closing services.

1) In the following window you can check the data of each selected service prior to eventually select to close them:

+ show spoiler

Fleetrun updates: what's new

2) If you would like to make changes to the services just select the Edit option and the system will display the screen where it is possible to apply any edits and save services correspondingly:

+ show spoiler

Fleetrun updates: what's new

It would be great to get feedback from you on this functionality in case there is something that we can improve or just whether you find this functionality useful or not.

  • Fleetrun updates: what's new
  • Fleetrun updates: what's new
  • Fleetrun updates: what's new
  • Fleetrun updates: what's new
Maria Starikova,
Wialon Hosting Product manager, Gurtam

Fleetrun updates: what's new

Re: Fleetrun updates: what's new

Dear all,

the second update within one week is here. Look what we have managed to include into it:

1) now it is possible to hide the position of the unit in case the reality is such that users (e.g. mechanics whose main task is being responsible for performing maintenance) are not allowed to know where is it located. To make is happen we have added the new access right - Geolocation - which is turned on by default. If you turn it off, the map of the unit in the corresponding unit page won't be displayed.

+ show spoiler

Fleetrun updates: what's new

2) Manual entering and editing of the date/period in the calendar in reports, archived services, dashboard. Previously you could only use the UI controls to select the period in the corresponding calendars, now it has become possible to enter it with the help of the keyboard:

+ show spoiler

Fleetrun updates: what's new

3) Fleetrun is now translated into 13 languages, together with the new language - Polish.

  • Fleetrun updates: what's new
  • Fleetrun updates: what's new
Maria Starikova,
Wialon Hosting Product manager, Gurtam

Fleetrun updates: what's new

Re: Fleetrun updates: what's new

Dear all,

today we are happy to announce another update of Fleetrun which entails the following functionality:

1) Ability to change the name of the fleet.

Previously it was not possible to alter the name of the fleet in the interface even though the name of the corresponding account in Wialon was changed.

Now administrators of the fleet can do it in the fleet settings:

+ show spoiler

Fleetrun updates: what's new

2) When administrating the fleet the users can view the name of the fleet where a particular unit is already added. Previously users could only know that the corresponding unit is added to a different fleet and experienced problems with figuring out in what fleet exactly. Now the process is easier as they see the name of the fleet from the very beginning.

+ show spoiler

Fleetrun updates: what's new

I hope you find this update useful.

  • Fleetrun updates: what's new
  • Fleetrun updates: what's new
Maria Starikova,
Wialon Hosting Product manager, Gurtam

Fleetrun updates: what's new

Re: Fleetrun updates: what's new

Dear partners,

today Fleetrun team has released another major update of the application. Starting from today it is possible to import services from a file (.csv and xlsx formats).

The point of adding such an ability is that one part of Fleetrun targeted audience are users that have never ever before used any maintenance management solutions and mostly controlled intervals and services using Excel and other notepad-like systems. Now with the Fleetrun available they can easily start using it and import the history of their services with just a few clicks.

Besides that, in case you used some maintenance management solutions before moving to Fleetrun and want to transfer data from that system, it is possible to export them and then import into Fleetrun. This way nothing will be lost.

Below is a small step-by-step instruction on how to use the new functionality:

1) Import button is located by the Create service option:

+ show spoiler

Fleetrun updates: what's new

2) Upon selecting the file that you would like to import please specify the necessary import settings:

+ show spoiler

Fleetrun updates: what's new

3) Once the system shows displays the results of potential services import you need to specify the columns to which the data correspond:

+ show spoiler

Fleetrun updates: what's new

4) You can address the Help by clicking on the "hat" button to get acknowledged with some of the import rules:

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Fleetrun updates: what's new

I hope you find the new functionality useful and will be interested to get your feedback here.

  • Fleetrun updates: what's new
  • Fleetrun updates: what's new
  • Fleetrun updates: what's new
  • Fleetrun updates: what's new
Maria Starikova,
Wialon Hosting Product manager, Gurtam

Fleetrun updates: what's new

Re: Fleetrun updates: what's new

Dear all,

a couple of days ago we have delivered an update of Fleetrun with the functionality of line items import in the Line items library.

Basically it functions the same way as the import of services does. The option to click on to import line items is situated by the option to create a new line item.

The data that can be imported for line items are the following: name, type and cost. Name and type are required fields. By selecting the "Hat" icon the system displays some instructions on the required data format.

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Fleetrun updates: what's new

  • Fleetrun updates: what's new
Maria Starikova,
Wialon Hosting Product manager, Gurtam