Topic: Street based Speed limits
At the moment we can modify Open Street Maps to show speed limits on streets and use these limits in reports and this is a great thing. However we need the ability to change speed limits for particular customers as they impose speed limits based on their own policies. For example we have a highway that has a designated speed limit of 100kph and the customer has a policy that particular trucks that are fully loaded cannot exceed 70kph on that highway. A light vehicle however cannot exceed the normal 100kph
What I would like to see as a future enhancement is that the speed limit is added to a geozone with a time before violation recording and we have the option to use the geozone speed limit as the one that is used in the violation reports. The time before recording is to cover a situation where the company policy is that the driver must be at the overspeed level for say 10 seconds before a violation is recored.
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