Geofence in/out time report for punch in/out time management?

Тема: Geofence in/out time report for punch in/out time management?


I am wondering if we can use the reports tool as a time management function..
Like a punch card in your business!

Also if we can make a weekly or monthly report for this?

Any help would be great! Thank you.


Geofence in/out time report for punch in/out time management?

Re: Geofence in/out time report for punch in/out time management?


You should choose a table "geofences" for that with retrieving of the intervals inside of it (http://docs.gurtam.com/en/hosting/user/ … /geofences)


Geofence in/out time report for punch in/out time management?

Re: Geofence in/out time report for punch in/out time management?

Hi Luxiere,

if you want to use Wialon for time measurements you need to clarify following infos:
- for whom you want to use it?
- how people should tranfer their "status"? by smartphone/app?

If you get this infos into Wialon its no problem to generate a report with "working time"


Politeness dictates it to write his name on a post