iOS & Android client for Wialon

Re: iOS & Android client for Wialon

flexgps пишет:

I also wanted to comment on after the latest update for the IOS you have added a great feature which is the name of the Unit on the Map customers are going to love this what I have noticed is that the effect on the lettering makes it very hard to read I use an Iphone 6 Plus and it is hard to see the letters clearly I believe this is something that may be solved by using a different or eliminating the effects on the letters

We made a hotfix with the font corrections. Please, try the latest version. We will be glad to hear your opinion on it.

Tatsiana Shmihelskaya
Business Analyst, Gurtam

iOS & Android client for Wialon

Re: iOS & Android client for Wialon

Thai is Great the fixed worked perfectly once we have Grouping on the IOS it will make the Application look better when you have multiple vehicles in the same Location

Great Job

United States

iOS & Android client for Wialon

Re: iOS & Android client for Wialon

There is no notification showing in Android Mobile, and Commands Option is not visible too.

Kindly Guide, How to use Command & Notifications in Android Mobile?


iOS & Android client for Wialon

Re: iOS & Android client for Wialon

shabbir.sarrahraj, are you using latest version of Android client?

At the dark side of telematics...

iOS & Android client for Wialon

Re: iOS & Android client for Wialon

yes it is android 4.4.2


iOS & Android client for Wialon

Re: iOS & Android client for Wialon

shabbir.sarrahraj, I mean latest version of Wialon application. Please ensure this (e.g. update app in Google Play).

At the dark side of telematics...

iOS & Android client for Wialon

Re: iOS & Android client for Wialon

I like the conciseness of the wialon mobile app and the way trips and parks are summarized. How can this same forma be made on the hosting site?

South East Asia

iOS & Android client for Wialon

Re: iOS & Android client for Wialon

jac, they (hosting website & mobile app) using different technologies that may produce differences. But you may use locator for current unit state detection on the web.

At the dark side of telematics...

iOS & Android client for Wialon

Re: iOS & Android client for Wialon


Thanks for developing this Mobile Application. As you know that all business owners now especially small car fleet owners are in great need for this product.

I have two major comments

1- User need to draw the car track for full day unlike the application which allows only for segment trips.
2- User need to generate reports directly from the Application without going to another platform "Dashboard". Using his pre-defined reports under his account.

I will provide more a more with time if i became familiar with it.


iOS & Android client for Wialon

Re: iOS & Android client for Wialon

linky пишет:


Thanks for developing this Mobile Application. As you know that all business owners now especially small car fleet owners are in great need for this product.

I have two major comments

1- User need to draw the car track for full day unlike the application which allows only for segment trips.
2- User need to generate reports directly from the Application without going to another platform "Dashboard". Using his pre-defined reports under his account.

I will provide more a more with time if i became familiar with it.

Hi Linky,

let me comment this as a regular daily user of the mobile apps:

1.) even on big screens the view of a "whole day" track is irritating. The "view" by trip is much more understandable and i very much would like to have it in the web-frontend of Wialon... Imagine the chaos of a whole day trip on the little screens of a smartphone...

2.) same same here. if you want to use "other" reports the app must show the original "pdf-output" or "html-Output" of the report. other app(s) are doing this but it looks terrible.
The Wialon-App shows exactly what 99,9% of users need: EASY and one-klick informations...
in my practical experience with our customers they just check where their devices are at the moment and check single trips.

It would be interesting, what other reports your customers are using (in real)...


Politeness dictates it to write his name on a post

iOS & Android client for Wialon

Re: iOS & Android client for Wialon

Whole day track & stats will be avaible in the next release of app.

At the dark side of telematics...

iOS & Android client for Wialon

Re: iOS & Android client for Wialon

shal пишет:

jac, they (hosting website & mobile app) using different technologies that may produce differences. But you may use locator for current unit state detection on the web.

Thanks for the reply Shal but my users would like the concise per trip (history) report just like in the app and see it on the desktop monitoring site. The  Trip Report and Chronology  not as good. The app shows exactly the questions on their mind like where is vehicle now, its state, how fast, how long its been in that state, where did it come from, when did it leave previous parked position, how long it stayed there and see those for the whole day. If the app interface could be duplicated or seen on the desktop that would be so ok.

Secondly, is it possible that on the app the portion of the trip shows maximum speed on that trip rather than the average speed? I find that more significant.


South East Asia

iOS & Android client for Wialon

Re: iOS & Android client for Wialon

jac, I understand your reasons, but as for now this new technology is only used in mobile version of Wialon.

jac пишет:

Secondly, is it possible that on the app the portion of the trip shows maximum speed on that trip rather than the average speed? I find that more significant.

Not at that moment, there is pluses and minuses in these options and we are unable to display both numbers simultaneously.

At the dark side of telematics...

iOS & Android client for Wialon

Re: iOS & Android client for Wialon

good day
i can't view  the latest unit's events on the 'History' tab like trip, Parking, Stop, Fuel filling, Fuel theft in my wialon local Mobil client. i can't view also the Measure Distance an notification.

please help me.

happy labour day


iOS & Android client for Wialon

Re: iOS & Android client for Wialon

rostand , send more info to support@gurtam.com (device OS, account's and unit's names etc), please.We'll try to help

Tatsiana Shmihelskaya
Business Analyst, Gurtam

iOS & Android client for Wialon

Re: iOS & Android client for Wialon

i have purchase the Android white label app from Gurtam in 2015 and am busy with the iOS now, has anyone seen this error?

used a MAC desktop and the feature 'Personal Information Exchange (.p12)' is grey and cannot be selected. as a result i cannot complete my application.


iOS & Android client for Wialon

Re: iOS & Android client for Wialon

Smartsurv пишет:

used a MAC desktop and the feature 'Personal Information Exchange (.p12)' is grey and cannot be selected. as a result i cannot complete my application.

What do you mean? Are you trying to enroll the Apple Developer Program? or generate certificates\provisioning profiles?


iOS & Android client for Wialon

Re: iOS & Android client for Wialon

generate certificates\provisioning profiles


iOS & Android client for Wialon

Re: iOS & Android client for Wialon

Andrei4 - do you perhaps know what the issue may be?


iOS & Android client for Wialon

Re: iOS & Android client for Wialon

You may contact Apple Support with this question. They definitely should help with this!


iOS & Android client for Wialon

Re: iOS & Android client for Wialon

Hello Gurtam.
Please focus more on the mobile app development.
Considering that the mobile devices are more used than desktop/laptop and they are more at hand, it would be an oportunity for you to implement other options like in the web interface and would have a greater impact among users, not to mention the greater utility and accesibility.
I think that unit groups, more detailed history, geofence display fix, speedings, reporting with posibility to export/send via email,   drivers should be included in the wialon app.
Please take in consideration this enhacement.


iOS & Android client for Wialon

Re: iOS & Android client for Wialon


When can we expect version of Windows mobile app?

That would be realy nice.


iOS & Android client for Wialon

Re: iOS & Android client for Wialon

xenonkitovi пишет:


When can we expect version of Windows mobile app?

That would be realy nice.

i dont think that Gurtam will develope any app for a complete death OS.


Politeness dictates it to write his name on a post

iOS & Android client for Wialon

Re: iOS & Android client for Wialon

Hi Wolf. I'm not so sure about that. If Windows killed mobile hardware, that doesn't mean they will kill mobile OS. I'm sure they will not. Anyway, would like to know what Gurtam has to say about app release on this platform.


iOS & Android client for Wialon

Re: iOS & Android client for Wialon

xenonkitovi , Windows phones hold 5% from the whole mobile market, and this number is decreasing. Also we have just few request from client to do app for this platform. So, we don't plan developing mobile app for Windows

Tatsiana Shmihelskaya
Business Analyst, Gurtam