Show next Unit from Geofence?

Тема: Show next Unit from Geofence?

Hi guys (and ladies)

i had today a presentation for a larger project and was fallen above a little question this customer has: is there any way to show "next unit" to a specific geofence?

For example: customer has for each of his customers/projects a geofence. Now customer is calling and he wants to see, which is next vehicle who can server the customer (of our customer). At the moment he need to go to tools, copy somewhere the adress of the customer and than he gets the info. (by the way, it would be cool to get a "routing time" for this! So not only "xx km" but also "xx minutes without traffic jam :-)))

Better would be like this: go to geofences, enter customer ID (name of geofence, example!) and click to something and it shows next vehicle.


Politeness dictates it to write his name on a post

Show next Unit from Geofence?

Re: Show next Unit from Geofence?

Click on geofence, click on tools and get it: http://docs.wialon.com/en/hosting/user/tools/nearest
It always depends on how many clicks you need for this or that, but also it depends on which functions you are need and which are not. I mean for other 99% of your customers this possible new feature can be a bad thing, making their actions more difficult )

At the dark side of telematics...

Show next Unit from Geofence?

Re: Show next Unit from Geofence?


as always there is nothing which you can NOT do with Wialon :-))

The "double" click is perfect for us together with geofences.

Customer also liked very much the new "include routing" function which calculates the time to the next object...

Thank you


  • Show next Unit from Geofence?
Politeness dictates it to write his name on a post