Hello Rian,
This process is a little complicated, but it gets the job done. The objective here is to record every message as an event using the notifications module and then running a report on events.
- The 1st step is to set up a sensor based on the "time" parameter. This parameter is the only one that appears in 100% of the messages that come into Wialon, which means nothing will be dropped. All you have to do is go into the Sensors tab in Unit Properties and create a "custom sensor" based on the "time" parameter.
~If you have any other parameters that you may want to see in the report, you must create sensors for them. If not, they will not show up in the report.
- The 2nd step is to create a notification based on the Time sensor created before. If you want for this notification to work for several units then they must all have the same name for the Time sensor. The trigger type to select is "Sensor Value". After selecting Sensor Value and hitting NEXT you have to define the following:
~Value Range
~Sensor Type: Custom Sensor
~Sensor Name: The name you gave the time sensor
~Similar Sensors: Sum up values
~Value from: 0 to 0
~Trigger when: Out of Range
After pressing NEXT again, you have to choose the measures to be taken when notification triggers. Here you have to select "Register event for unit". Do not select anything else. Press NEXT.
This next window is very important. Here you have to enter the notification text using the special parameters given. As it is explained in the platform, these will be substituted with real values when the notification triggers. Common options are Latitute (%LATD%), Longitude (%LOND%), Speed (%SPEED%), etc. One key parameter is Sensors (%ALL_SENSORS%). This will show all sensors that have been set up in the unit and this is why I suggest adding all parameters as sensors. After selecting what parameters you might want to see, press NEXT.
The last window is simple. Just write the name of the notification and select the following:
~Time interval: No (do not check the box)
~Control Period from current time: Any time
~Min duration of alarm state: Activate immediately
~Max triggers: leave blank
~Generate notification: All Messages
~Enabled: Yes (check the box)
Now, press OK. The notification has been created, but we are still not done.
- The 3rd and final step is to create the Report Template. You have to select the "Events" table and check the columns you want. I believe the most important columns are Location, Time and Event Text.
You can add any other function if needed, but at this point you can hit OK, OK and be done with the report.
If you run this report for the units that are part of the notification created in step two you will be able to see exactly what you see in the messages module.
I must add, however, that messages for this report will only start recording AFTER the notification has been created.
Hopefully this helps.
Thank You,