Eco Driving

Тема: Eco Driving

Hello ,

I have few questions about this section.

1. I have problem when exporting Eco Driving Template (Unit Properties) with validator  from one unit to another, mostly units are ok but on some of them validator are not same although there is already the sensor (validator) on unit.

2. Whether there is a possibility to make report template Eco Driving for group of units ?

3. And to add column with Driver for unit and unit group ?



Eco Driving

Re: Eco Driving

1. Please post detailed information to support@gurtam.com.
2-3. You have ecodriving column in most of normal reports.

At the dark side of telematics...

Eco Driving

Re: Eco Driving

monitoringnet ,

Actually, the situation is normal.

The validator is bound to sensor's ID. In such a case, if the user changes sensor's name or other parameters, the validator will be still in place for the unit.

But when it comes to export, it's not surprising that your supposed destination unit has a different sensor attached to that ID.

Katerina Alexandrova
Product Manager (Mobile)