Notification setup - "Towing vehicle"

Тема: Notification setup - "Towing vehicle"

I would like to ask if it is possible to setup notification that the message is send only when vehicle is in motion and ignition is off. I need to get notification in case that vehicle is towed.
Thank you.


Notification setup - "Towing vehicle"

Re: Notification setup - "Towing vehicle"

That is possible - speed control with sensor value.


Notification setup - "Towing vehicle"

Re: Notification setup - "Towing vehicle"

we use that exactly in this way :-)

and it works perfect hihi

Politeness dictates it to write his name on a post

Notification setup - "Towing vehicle"

Re: Notification setup - "Towing vehicle"

Thanks for answers. I was not thinking about this kind of solution. Somehow I missed notification Speed smile
This is exactly when simple things are handled complicated smile
Thank you once again.


Notification setup - "Towing vehicle"

Re: Notification setup - "Towing vehicle"


there is nothing you can not do with the plattform! It is always just a bit threw the nose what you sometimes need to configure ;-)


Politeness dictates it to write his name on a post

Notification setup - "Towing vehicle"

Re: Notification setup - "Towing vehicle"

mimicar пишет:

I would like to ask if it is possible to setup notification that the message is send only when vehicle is in motion and ignition is off. I need to get notification in case that vehicle is towed.
Thank you.

it is possible !!