Topic: Help with creating geozone
Hi, I have a quick question regarding creating geozone thru SDK, in request there should be ResourceID which I am not sure what represents
I tried to use userid but got error 7, any ideas..? thanks
My code is below
string urlCreateGeofence =
wialonurlfix + "ajax.html?svc=resource/update_zone&sid=" + eID +
"¶ms={" +
"\"itemId\":userid," +//resource ID
"\"id\":1," +//geofence ID
"\"callMode\":\"create\"," +//action: create, update, delete
"\"n\":\"veni\"," +//geofence name
"\"t\":3," +//type: 1 - line, 2 - polygon, 3 - circle
"\"w\":10," +//line thickness or circle radius
"\"p\":[" +//array of geofence points
"{" +
"\"x\":52.601202," +//long //double string gpsLat = "52.601202"; string gpsLon = "13.430444";
"\"y\":13.430444," +//lat //double
"\"r\":1000" +//radius //int
"}" +
"]," +
"\"d\":[" +
"{" +
"\"addr\":0," +
"\"rideBegin\":0," +
"\"rideEnd\":0," +
"\"color\":808000FF" +//color (ARGB)
"}" +
"]" +