How to run an application made for Wialon Hosting

Тема: How to run an application made for Wialon Hosting

Hello I had a question to ask perhaps help me to answer this question. Because when you run an application we developed for hosting wialon achievement not run directly from a browser that does not access the correct way. But if the same application is run from http://sdk.wialon.com/playground/ if access is obtained. Clearly we are using the script in the HEAD:
<script type = 'text / javascript' src = 'http: //code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.min.js'> </ script>

<script type = 'text / javascript' src = 'https: //hst-api.wialon.com/wsdk/script/wialon.js'> </ script>

And we do not even use it to access the data. running our application from the browser like this:

Not running it from the WampServer or XAmp as applications run without testing in Wialon Playground?


How to run an application made for Wialon Hosting

Re: How to run an application made for Wialon Hosting

To use wialon.js in your web application you must open it via http protocol(http://your_web_app), not  through the file protocol (file://you_web_app).

Mobile Development