Predefined User-Rights for Units

Тема: Predefined User-Rights for Units

Hi guys,

on my daily work the most boaring part is always to set the userrights for a specific Unit.

Typically we add a new account, add a new unit, set to unit the userrights (always the same, but 30 mouse clicks) and than copy units.

We would love to have there some little "predefined-list" of userrights, which we just can choose (for example "standard user rights", or "special userrrights 1" or "can send commands" or so :-)

Anyone else would like to have that?

Thanks Wolf.

Politeness dictates it to write his name on a post

Predefined User-Rights for Units

(29/11/2013 17:28:30 отредактировано GoGPS)

Re: Predefined User-Rights for Units

Wolf, nothing new... Long time ago I offered such feature...

But idea is of course very good smile

Eduard Vald / GoGPS Service

Predefined User-Rights for Units

Re: Predefined User-Rights for Units

Good proposal, Wolfgang. +1

Apropos, it is possibly to solve this problem without Gurtam by using bookmarklets. Especially if the user rights sets you use are not changing very often.


Predefined User-Rights for Units

Re: Predefined User-Rights for Units

I have been asked at least 3 times this week alone about having some sort of profile for the units so that the sensors and commands are pre filled out since sometimes the client has 30 units and they have to program all these by hand takes a long time and they are begging us for a solution

United States

Predefined User-Rights for Units

Re: Predefined User-Rights for Units


There is a simple solution for those, who need a "pre-defined" unit settings. The first way is to copy the unit exactly from the monitoring pannel (http://docs.gurtam.com/en/hosting/user/units/units). Of course you should posess appropriate rights to do so.

The second one is to export unit properties and import them to the newly created (http://docs.gurtam.com/en/hosting/cms/port/unit).

Also, units can be combined into groups to make assingning of the access easier (all newly added units to the group will show up for those users, who have appropriate rights) - http://docs.gurtam.com/en/hosting/cms/groups/groups.


Predefined User-Rights for Units

Re: Predefined User-Rights for Units

Thank you. very usefull .

Koby Karat
Ananas Global

Predefined User-Rights for Units

Re: Predefined User-Rights for Units

but clicking to "new unit", clicking to "select profile" and "select user rights" is 3 clicks and much easier than importing a configuration file!

So still in wish of it ;-)


Politeness dictates it to write his name on a post

Predefined User-Rights for Units

Re: Predefined User-Rights for Units

moved the topic back to proposals. even though i think that there's a lot of more helpful and important features to be implemented than this one, saving a couple of clicks.


Predefined User-Rights for Units

Re: Predefined User-Rights for Units

Well, saving a view clicks is a lot time!

Maybe i just do it in the wrong way, but my typical way of creating new Units for a new customer:

1.) go to CMS, click add new account, enter all necessary data
2.) go to my "Account template" where i have pre-defined reports
3.) add new user of new created account to the alowens list of my account template
4.) add new unit, enter name, ID, phone, set configuration, ad sensors (typical Ignition)
5.) the moast boaring part: add user rights for this unit, 28 x click into the checkboxes of the user rights to the unit.
6.) if i have another user to add (from other account): again 28x click into the checkboxes.

5.) is the part where i do most errors by clicking not the correct checkboxes.


Politeness dictates it to write his name on a post

Predefined User-Rights for Units

Re: Predefined User-Rights for Units

Even the ability to select all when setting rights would help rather clicking individualy

Phoenix Solusi
Mobile Visible Secure
Specialists in data acquisition and analysis for mobile and fixed assets. Integration in to content management systems is a specialty we have.

Predefined User-Rights for Units

Re: Predefined User-Rights for Units

JohnG пишет:

Even the ability to select all when setting rights would help rather clicking individualy

doesn't ctrl-click works there as well?


Predefined User-Rights for Units

(04/04/2014 10:32:01 отредактировано JohnG)

Re: Predefined User-Rights for Units

Yes it does....there is a God. Is there a similar hot key set to remove all?

thanks Aliaksandr

Phoenix Solusi
Mobile Visible Secure
Specialists in data acquisition and analysis for mobile and fixed assets. Integration in to content management systems is a specialty we have.

Predefined User-Rights for Units

Re: Predefined User-Rights for Units

JohnG пишет:

Is there a similar hot key set to remove all?

very similar.
ctrl-click as well.  wink


Predefined User-Rights for Units

Re: Predefined User-Rights for Units

arghhh, always this ctrl-click which does not work on my Mac and Chrome-Browser....

(Erik would say: your problem Wolf, why you use such sh**)

Politeness dictates it to write his name on a post

Predefined User-Rights for Units

Re: Predefined User-Rights for Units

I would say the same thing ...Hahahaha

Phoenix Solusi
Mobile Visible Secure
Specialists in data acquisition and analysis for mobile and fixed assets. Integration in to content management systems is a specialty we have.

Predefined User-Rights for Units

Re: Predefined User-Rights for Units

"Predefined Rights" feature is being developed now!
Thank you Wolf for the great idea.

gonna be close to
Predefined User-Rights for Units

(sorry for russian)


Predefined User-Rights for Units

Re: Predefined User-Rights for Units


Politeness dictates it to write his name on a post

Predefined User-Rights for Units

Re: Predefined User-Rights for Units

meanwhile we've implemented templates.
Predefined User-Rights for Units


Predefined User-Rights for Units

Re: Predefined User-Rights for Units

and working exactly that effectiv as i thought: perfect!!!

wolf and erik

Politeness dictates it to write his name on a post