Teltonika FM2200

Тема: Teltonika FM2200

Hi folks,

I am new to gps devices. I am currently trying to set up the fm2200 device and I have been getting the message "device not recognized" . I have downloaded all the relevant drivers. I suspect the problem has to do with power. There is a power cable that came with the device which I believe will be connected to the vehicle. Do I need to power the device with this cable for the PC to recognise it? If the answer is Yes, I need an idea of the best way to do this. Sorry for my ignorance. I am a pure software person.


Teltonika FM2200

Re: Teltonika FM2200

Hi, wsarumi.
Before configuring your tracker via PC, you need to power it up. Please, refer to the user's manual for Teltonika FM2200:
http://www.teltonika.fi/wp-content/uplo … l-v1.5.pdf

WDC Administrator

Teltonika FM2200

Re: Teltonika FM2200


Thanks. I have the manual and it is not explicit. I have th 1x6 socket with loose wires that shipped with the device. Does it mean that I will manually connect the black and red wires to a 30V DC adapter?

bako пишет:

Hi, wsarumi.
Before configuring your tracker via PC, you need to power it up. Please, refer to the user's manual for Teltonika FM2200:
http://www.teltonika.fi/wp-content/uplo … l-v1.5.pdf


Teltonika FM2200

Re: Teltonika FM2200

tracker usually has internal power supply unit, you only need to connect your device to a PC. If you're not sure about internal power, try to use external power supply. Please, notice, that nominal voltage is less than 30 V.

WDC Administrator

Teltonika FM2200

Re: Teltonika FM2200


Does any one let me know the exact location from where to download all the drivers for fm2200.

Thanks in advance...

Note : This is urgent....


Teltonika FM2200

Re: Teltonika FM2200


Аркадий Рушкевич

Teltonika FM2200

Re: Teltonika FM2200


FM22 does not have internal power supply. It is a very, maybe even too simple unit.
I used them before, but had many issues with integration, functionality seemed to be price-wise, BUT lately I bought http://gurtam.com/en/gps_tracking/gps_h … eco3_20380 from ruptela.com - price was very similar, quality seems to be better, functionality is way more vast and they supported in all kind of questions.

I am very happy with it and would honestly want to recommend it to others.

Good luck.



Teltonika FM2200

(21/01/2013 15:14:18 отредактировано wwbusch aka Buwo)

Re: Teltonika FM2200

Hi dear Gurtam Partners,

i got from an old customer some old FM2200 which he wants to connect to Wialon via us and i need to reflesh them with latest firmware. Anybody here who can send it to me? Skype "wwbusch" or here :-)

Thanks a lot.

Add: ok, problem solved :-) so i have it thanks to Wladimir :-)

Politeness dictates it to write his name on a post

Teltonika FM2200

Re: Teltonika FM2200

Hi people, I realize it's an old topic but I need help with this.

I can't get FM2200 to work on Wialon Hosting, anyone have firmwares to upload?

avl1.teltonika.lt/downloads doesn't contain nothing useful

Please help, thank you


Teltonika FM2200

Re: Teltonika FM2200

Hi n.sehictz,

Hi, send me Skype message pls : hsrutgers




Teltonika FM2200

Re: Teltonika FM2200

I have 3 devices FM2200 with firmware 06.00.04 and modem 05.12.05, whether it is newer software for these devices?
is there a way to upload the firmware after FM2200 works with configurator FM22XX EXT(ver., or is only at version


Teltonika FM2200

Re: Teltonika FM2200


I have 4 FM1120 and one FM1100 teltonika devices, they stop to send data. any one here have setting tools that could help me making those devices goes online again? Skype me Wtracking or (wtrackingservices@gmail.com)


With best regards
WTracking & Services, Lda
Rua 1301, Casa 61, Sommarschield1 Maputo

Teltonika FM2200

Re: Teltonika FM2200

Hello <guy has no name>,

if all devices sended data and now stopped data and all at the same time --> check your simcard provider
if devices sended data and stoped one after the other with some time beetween each to send data --> check your cables.

Does the device reply to "getstatus" command (i hope you know how to send it correct)?
Does the phone rings when you call it?
Did you send a "Reset" command by sms?


Politeness dictates it to write his name on a post

Teltonika FM2200

Re: Teltonika FM2200

Good Night.

My name is Alexandre Soares.
I checked sim cards and i also change them just to be sure that its not sim cards provider problem. i tested those sim cards in modem and other track devices and they working fine.

They didn't exactly stoped at same time but we discover at same time when we remove those cars from parking to start use them.
phone rings when we call.
yes i reset them with firmware and set up again with fm configuration tools.

Alexandre Soares

With best regards
WTracking & Services, Lda
Rua 1301, Casa 61, Sommarschield1 Maputo

Teltonika FM2200

Re: Teltonika FM2200

Hi Alexandre,

well, than its a task for "go to device, take a laptop with you, connect USB cable, read with terminal debug messages of fmxx.
they are very very detailed and you will easy find the reason... (you can see, if device does not get gprs connection, you can see if device lost configuration etc, etc.

At the other side, if you have FOTA tool from Teltonika, i would just flash new firmware and configration and thats it. 5 Minute work per device.


Politeness dictates it to write his name on a post

Teltonika FM2200

Re: Teltonika FM2200

Hi Wolf,

Unfortunately i don't have Fota tools from Teltonika.  i got terminal but i never use it before how does it works?

With best regards
WTracking & Services, Lda
Rua 1301, Casa 61, Sommarschield1 Maputo

Teltonika FM2200

Re: Teltonika FM2200


Here are instructions how to use terminal:
http://avl1.teltonika.lt/downloads/debu … %20LOG.pdf

Connect device, get log file and if you don't find what is wrong please contact Teltonika's sales manager and we will solve Your issues in high priority.
With terminal log(about 10-15 minute long) please also provide your configuration also.

Best regards
Teltonika's support engineer

Ознакомиться с новыми разработками компании Teltonika можно по ссылке: https://teltonika.lt/ru/company/news-room/product-news/
На сайте Wiki, Вы всегда сможете найти информацию о настройке, подключении приборов: https://wiki.teltonika.lt/view/Main_Page
На FTP-сервере найдете новейшие версии прошивок и мануалов для трекеров: http://teltonika.lt/client/ Login: gurtamf Pass: fmArt2254

Teltonika FM2200

Re: Teltonika FM2200


Yesterday e run terminal and i got its logs files from two devices i runed i will attach it here for you including configuration file.
We already contacted sale last week and no solution til now. i hope with those files you could provide solution for us. we are talking about 5 devices that are nor sending data.

Опубликовать вложения

Иконка вложений Config_for_device_with_fw 1.14.04.xml 40.23 Кб, файл был скачан 659 раз(а) 

Иконка вложений FM1120 Test 1.log 81.77 Кб, файл был скачан 810 раз(а) 

Иконка вложений fm1120 test 3.log 112.75 Кб, файл был скачан 800 раз(а) 

Иконка вложений log fm1120 test 3.log 103.68 Кб, файл был скачан 785 раз(а) 

With best regards
WTracking & Services, Lda
Rua 1301, Casa 61, Sommarschield1 Maputo

Teltonika FM2200

Re: Teltonika FM2200

Wtracking пишет:


Yesterday e run terminal and i got its logs files from two devices i runed i will attach it here for you including configuration file.
We already contacted sale last week and no solution til now. i hope with those files you could provide solution for us. we are talking about 5 devices that are nor sending data.

Hello Wtracking,

Checked your configuration and log files.

First file:
I see GPS, see GPRS, but device hadn't save record, in log I see that
[2017.04.24 21:06:04]-[APP DATA SAVING]-> 2890 seconds before periodic record save

So it must have some saved records at the moment

Third log is the same in log file i see that there aren't data, but log was take 3 days ago, so now it must have info

The second log files, shows more interesting things. that device cannot make data link with server.

My first suggestion would be to change data saving period in "unknown on stop" to 60s, so would be easier to make tests.
And check are you using correct port, because it looks that one device cannot create data link with server.

Second suggestion to use newest firmware, because this one kind of old.
Attaching here newest FM11 family firmware(pass: 1234)

Please update devices, set your config and set min period in unknown on stop to 60s and when make new log files.
So I could tell you more, what could be wrong.

Best regard
Teltonika's support engineer

Опубликовать вложения

Иконка вложений FM11.Ver.01.24.13.Rev.00.7z 1.23 Мб, файл был скачан 588 раз(а) 

Ознакомиться с новыми разработками компании Teltonika можно по ссылке: https://teltonika.lt/ru/company/news-room/product-news/
На сайте Wiki, Вы всегда сможете найти информацию о настройке, подключении приборов: https://wiki.teltonika.lt/view/Main_Page
На FTP-сервере найдете новейшие версии прошивок и мануалов для трекеров: http://teltonika.lt/client/ Login: gurtamf Pass: fmArt2254

Teltonika FM2200

(27/04/2017 23:35:07 отредактировано Wtracking)

Re: Teltonika FM2200

Hi Karma from Teltonika,

I updated firmware and when i tried to save configuration to device or run them from old file i got the error on pic attached. why does it happen.

What i should do now to make it work because now i cant save settings on devices?

Good Evening

I Follow recommendation provided by teltonika on forum and devices still do same things as before. I used terminal to get logs i attached here, one devices as two devices and you must look on both.

Also we updated firmware using the file you provided but i couldn't use configutator to save settings on devices because its give an error when try save.

  • Teltonika FM2200
Опубликовать вложения

Иконка вложений FM1120 Test 1.log 599.64 Кб, файл был скачан 798 раз(а) 

Иконка вложений fm1120 test 2.2.log 440.05 Кб, файл был скачан 753 раз(а) 

Иконка вложений fm1120 test 2.2.xml 40.24 Кб, файл был скачан 574 раз(а) 

Иконка вложений fm1120 test 2.log 545.54 Кб, файл был скачан 786 раз(а) 

With best regards
WTracking & Services, Lda
Rua 1301, Casa 61, Sommarschield1 Maputo

Teltonika FM2200

Re: Teltonika FM2200


I have 2 FM2200 modems with wrong firmware uploaded (FM11). Is it possible to repair them. They don't comunicate with PC (Unknown device) and I can't upload the right firmware.

Thank you very much



Teltonika FM2200

Re: Teltonika FM2200


Teltonika can do that...

Politeness dictates it to write his name on a post

Teltonika FM2200

Re: Teltonika FM2200

I have this oldie FM2200, everything was working, but suddenly it just stopped acquiring location. If I make cpureset it locks on one position. Checked with terminal  it acquires identical coordinates. Also checked gpps angena goes with the same coordinates, where is the problem? Maybe you have newest fw?


Teltonika FM2200

Re: Teltonika FM2200

try to disable static navigation

send command to module: login pass sn 0

Eduard Vald / GoGPS Service

Teltonika FM2200

Re: Teltonika FM2200

GoGPS пишет:


yes that's was the problem, thank you. What best settings for low bandwith? Anyone could help me?