Тема: Skypatrol Evolution
Hi, I got a trial test account, I have been trying to add and enfora device the Mt-Gu wich is actually the Skypatrol TT8750 or better know as Skypatrol Evolution, in the gurtam website hardware link http://gurtam.com/en/gps_tracking/gps_h … =skypatrol there is the ip and udp port to use, i program the script into the tracker device and use mael1982 as the unit ID (also try with unit IMEI), but after doing too may test and contacting support it never gets online in the wialon platform.
I made an online scan portwith the server ip address and udp port and get that the port is closed:
Scanning ports on isn't responding on port 20393 ().
I also made test for other devices (meitrack mvt380) ports and they are responding like this:
Scanning ports on is responding on port 20261 ().
but i do not know how to add the image here, i would appreciate if someone can help me with this, or if actually someone is using this device and have it up and running in the platform.
PS: i actually got the device on so you can look for it and watch is the server is listening for the device id. I made test for the ip address and actually got one, and also to check if the device is registered to the gsm network and is ok, the only problem is that it does not get online in the wialon platform. Thanks a lot.