OK, thanks. I guess we're getting there, but I'm still having some trouble to get all the chunks together and make the whole thing work.
So, while still connected, I got the first POI in my list and composed a URL that looks like this:
While my session was alive, I tried to hit it and I received a "404 Not Found" anyway.
Then I tried this:
Still received a "404 Not Found".
Then I realized in your documentation here it is said that "Return result is an URL with POI image". So, maybe I should have understood that if it returns something it's because there's a call first, right?
This got me trying something wilder, like trying to create a request to your Ajax service in order to receive the URL back. But no, it didn't work.
So, what seemed obvious (the "{host}" part of the URL) is finally not obvious to me. Can you please help me once again?
BTW, I got the rest of the values in the URL from the right sources. For example, "rid – resource ID" is 3 for POIs. For the rest of them, it was pretty straightforward.
Thanks again in advance!