Custom Driving Behavior and Fuel Performance Monitoring Dashboard

Topic: Custom Driving Behavior and Fuel Performance Monitoring Dashboard


We are working on a custom dashboard with the primary intent of displaying driving behavior widget including (speeding count, speeding duration, harsh breaking count, harsh acceleration count, harsh turning count, continuous driving over 4hrs count, night trips count and night driving duration) and a fuel performance widget showing total fuel filled, total fuel drained, total fuel consumed, top fuel fillers, top fuel drainers and top fuel consumers for the dashboard interval.

Could you please advise on the best approach we should follow for an efficient implementation of the requirement? shall we create report templates and use JS API to execute multiple reports via API and merge the response to get the data as inquired and try showing in the dashboard or shall we read messages for the interval and do the processing as needed? or is there any other advisable option for a timely and efficient implementation?

Your advise is highly appreciated!


Custom Driving Behavior and Fuel Performance Monitoring Dashboard

Re: Custom Driving Behavior and Fuel Performance Monitoring Dashboard

Hello, nasnew,

You may try to use events to control different unit state.
First, you need to add units into the session with update_units request.
Specify all required events that you want to control (sensors, speeding, fuel), then check the updates with check_updates request and store it on the side of your app to detect changes with the new updates.

As for the driving behavior and drivers activity, you may use reports with the Eco Driving and Driver Activity table types, respectively. 

Please, write us if you have any additional questions.

Anton Zinovyev
Technical Care Engineer (L2)

Custom Driving Behavior and Fuel Performance Monitoring Dashboard

Re: Custom Driving Behavior and Fuel Performance Monitoring Dashboard

Thanks Zant, I appreciate !

Concerning reports, should the report template be pre created under resources? If for example we need the custom dashboard work for all accounts what is the best implementation approach ?



Custom Driving Behavior and Fuel Performance Monitoring Dashboard

Re: Custom Driving Behavior and Fuel Performance Monitoring Dashboard

nasnew you may create a separate resource, specifically for such reports and then execute the report with the fixed report resource ID, but for the units available for the required users.

Anton Zinovyev
Technical Care Engineer (L2)

Custom Driving Behavior and Fuel Performance Monitoring Dashboard

Re: Custom Driving Behavior and Fuel Performance Monitoring Dashboard

Dear Zant,

Is there any exec_report JS implementation for the below? I need to execute the report for all units under a user without any groups. the execReport JS function works for a single unitID or groupID for multi-units. but I couldn't get any JS function that allowed me to pass an array of units as in the remote API reportObjectIdList.

In addition, for the creation of the report under a separate resource advise, is there any way we can get reports under resource without granting access to the resource for the user ?

Thanks for your assistance!

                   "reportObjectIdList":[<uint>, ...]},


Custom Driving Behavior and Fuel Performance Monitoring Dashboard

Re: Custom Driving Behavior and Fuel Performance Monitoring Dashboard

Hello Dear Zant,
Any update on executing a group report for all units under a user with out the need to know a group ID ?

An insight is highly appreciated !


Custom Driving Behavior and Fuel Performance Monitoring Dashboard

Re: Custom Driving Behavior and Fuel Performance Monitoring Dashboard

nasnew hello,
You may try to put one unit ID in reportObjectId and all other units in reportObjectIdList array. But, the report template type should be group of units .

However, kindly note that there are limitations in Wialon for the report execution. If you try to execute report the big number of units and for the long interval, you may reach them.
Here you may find all of them.

In addition, for the creation of the report under a separate resource advise, is there any way we can get reports under resource without granting access to the resource for the user ?

No, it is not possible. The user that executes report, should have access toward the resource where this report is created.

Anton Zinovyev
Technical Care Engineer (L2)