Wialon video module

Тема: Wialon video module

Hello guys,

Assist with how to

1.    Add violation video URL to notifications such that it can be clicked upon to open up the video in a URL or Wialon interface of violations like distracted driving, lane change

2.    Display violation name in the video or images reports table because currently you can’t know which violation the videos are for in the report templates.

The camera models are Howen Hero ME40-04 V3 and V8


Wialon video module

Re: Wialon video module


For adding a violation video URL to notifications, you’ll need to customize your Wialon notifications using the "Event" notifications feature. You can insert a URL link to the violation video directly in the notification settings. This URL can point to where the video is hosted, either in Wialon or another supported video management system.

To display the violation name in the video or images reports table, you'll have to modify your report templates. Go to the report settings and edit the table format. You might need to use custom fields or tags to include the violation name. Check if you can create a custom field that pulls the violation type information, which can then be displayed alongside the video or image in your report.

Hope this helps!


Wialon video module

Re: Wialon video module

To add a violation video URL to notifications, configure the template to include a clickable link that opens the video in the Wialon interface or another platform. For displaying violation names in video reports, adjust the report settings so the violation type appears alongside the video or image, making it easier to identify the issue in the report.


Wialon video module

Re: Wialon video module

Customize the template to connect to the video in Wialon or another platform. This lets you add video URLs to infractions. Change the report settings to display the violation category with the video or image to help identify the issue in a video report. This shows violation titles.