Batch work for every unit in the system through low level API call

(30/10/2023 13:41:19 отредактировано trebbau)

Тема: Batch work for every unit in the system through low level API call

How can I do batch work for every unit in the system?

I'm trying to build the query string like this in Julia - code is very similar to python -

function batch_events(plates; week=43, year=2023)
    sid = ssid()
    monday = Dates.firstdayofweek(Week(week) + Date(Year(year)))
    sunday = Dates.lastdayofweek(Week(week) + Date(Year(year)))
    start  = datetime2unix(monday |> DateTime) |> Int32
    stop   = datetime2unix(sunday |> DateTime) |> Int32

    detectors = [
        Dict(:type => "trips", :filter1 => 0)

    items2load = []
    for plate in plates
            Dict(:svc => "events/load", 
                :params => Dict(
                    :ivalType => 1,
                    :itemId => plates2ids[plate], # I have a map from plates to your internal IDs
                    :timeFrom => start,
                    :timeTo => stop,
                    :detectors => detectors
            Dict(:svc => "events/get",
                :params => Dict(
                    :selector => Dict(
                        :type => "*",
                        :timeFrom => start,
                        :timeTo => stop,
    items2load = JSON3.write(items2load) |> HTTP.escapeuri
    svc = "[url]https://hst-api.wialon.com/wialon/ajax.html?svc=core/batch[/url]"
    url = svc * "&params=$items2load" * "&sid=$sid"
    response = HTTP.post(url)
    payload = JSON3.read(response.body)

If call the function with the first two units like so

events = batch_events(plates[1:2]; week=43, year=2023)

It seems to be loading the events into session. But I'm not getting the actual data, although I've intercalated


In the image attached you can see a JSON crack image of the data I get

  • Batch work for every unit in the system through low level API call