notificaions for engine on more than 5 hours

Тема: notificaions for engine on more than 5 hours

Hello ,

I need to create a new notification. If the vehicle engine ON for more than 5 hours a day, intermittently or continuously, a notification is sent.
Please note that operating hours are calculated every 24 hours.
The next day, the calculation is made from zero until 5 hours of engine operation, and so on every day.


Qusai Al-Haj | Technical Support & Customer Service Supervisor
alhajq@gmail.com | qalhaj@traking-systems.com | +962 78 6594964 | +966 56 611 7120
Technical Support & Customer Service Supervisor at Tracking Systems
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

notificaions for engine on more than 5 hours

Re: notificaions for engine on more than 5 hours

alhajq create an Engine hours saving job, deactivate all options except Save the counter value as a parameter in a unit message. Schedule the job to trigger every 5 minutes, starting from 00:00 of the next day.
Create a custom sensor using the parameter from the previous step, let it be enginehr. The final parameter should be enginehr/const3600, this is in order to convert seconds to hours.
Create another Engine hours job but now select Specify a new value of engine hours counter, h: 0. Shedule this job to trigger only once at 00:00.
So, the first notification saves the engine hours counter value (btw, counter should be set to Auto) into a dedicated parameter, the second one resets the counter to 0.

Next, create a notification that controls the custom sensor value out of range 0 to 5. The notification triggers once total accumulated value for the day exceeds 5 hours.


notificaions for engine on more than 5 hours

Re: notificaions for engine on more than 5 hours

pach пишет:

alhajq create an Engine hours saving job, deactivate all options except Save the counter value as a parameter in a unit message. Schedule the job to trigger every 5 minutes, starting from 00:00 of the next day.
Create a custom sensor using the parameter from the previous step, let it be enginehr. The final parameter should be enginehr/const3600, this is in order to convert seconds to hours.
Create another Engine hours job but now select Specify a new value of engine hours counter, h: 0. Shedule this job to trigger only once at 00:00.
So, the first notification saves the engine hours counter value (btw, counter should be set to Auto) into a dedicated parameter, the second one resets the counter to 0.

Next, create a notification that controls the custom sensor value out of range 0 to 5. The notification triggers once total accumulated value for the day exceeds 5 hours.

kindly check all setting because i think have a problem for calculation summation sensor engine hours.
for example now i have a different value from report and sensor
kindly check attachment for access photo ,sensor , job and notifications

  • notificaions for engine on more than 5 hours
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Qusai Al-Haj | Technical Support & Customer Service Supervisor
alhajq@gmail.com | qalhaj@traking-systems.com | +962 78 6594964 | +966 56 611 7120
Technical Support & Customer Service Supervisor at Tracking Systems
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

notificaions for engine on more than 5 hours

Re: notificaions for engine on more than 5 hours

alhajq the sensor works fine. I barely see the value at the screenshot, but they are probably:

Parameter displays seconds. I therefore suggested adding const3600 into the sensor, to convert seconds into hours.


notificaions for engine on more than 5 hours

Re: notificaions for engine on more than 5 hours

pach пишет:

alhajq the sensor works fine. I barely see the value at the screenshot, but they are probably:

Parameter displays seconds. I therefore suggested adding const3600 into the sensor, to convert seconds into hours.

I already do the same settings on the sensor, but for example today, the reading of the report for operating hours is approximately 1 hour, but the reading of the operating hours counter is approximately 8 hours

Qusai Al-Haj | Technical Support & Customer Service Supervisor
alhajq@gmail.com | qalhaj@traking-systems.com | +962 78 6594964 | +966 56 611 7120
Technical Support & Customer Service Supervisor at Tracking Systems
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

notificaions for engine on more than 5 hours

Re: notificaions for engine on more than 5 hours

alhajq change the Engine Status sensor from Ignition to Custom digital.