Various engine hour reports

Topic: Various engine hour reports

In Australia, a business can claim back part of their fuel tax for travel on private land.  GPS Tracking data can provide that proof.  It can also be generalized down to a % pattern of work.  eg: These trucks spend 40% of their time waiting in queues at the loading or unloading plants.

So,  I need to report on

A: Total Engine Hours - Easy to get from the Engine Hours table

B: Engine Hours inside Geofences - Claimable.  Easy to get from the Geofences table.  Will multiply times if geofences overlap.  Need to sanitise the list of geofences a bit. 

C: Engine Hours outside of Geofences - Not Claimable.  Probably going to be calculated manually in excel A -B = C sad

D: Additionally, certain vehicles (eg. Concrete Agitators) can claim for Engine Hours outside Geofences when standing still.  I haven't been able to work out how to filter for this in a report.  Any tips?

This data needs to be grouped by unit, by date

Not being able to join results mean's I can't get vehicle, date, total time, outside time, inside time, additional agitator time in a nice table without manual work

How can I work out the Engine Hours outside of Geofences when speed = 0 using the reporting tables?  Is it going to come down to additional reports of speed = 0 outside duration, speed = 0 inside durations, and then getting the difference manually in excel??

Developer at FleetLogix Pty Ltd, Australia

Various engine hour reports

Re: Various engine hour reports

luke.mason definitely not the task for one table. To merge everything into one table, a custom report is required.

C: Engine Hours outside of Geofences - Not Claimable.  Probably going to be calculated manually in excel A -B = C sad

Use engine hours with the filtration Outside geofences + Retrieve intervals option. The table shows engine hours starting from outside the geofences and ending inside the geofences.

Same approach use for the inside Geofences report — engine hours table + filtration inside the geofences and the retrieve intervals option.

D: Additionally, certain vehicles (eg. Concrete Agitators) can claim for Engine Hours outside Geofences when standing still.  I haven't been able to work out how to filter for this in a report.  Any tips?

In the engine hours table add filtration by maximum speed 1 kmh. That would be displaying only the engine hours when unit was not moving. Some adjustments of the order of filtration might be required: e.g. move filter by geofences upwards, the filter by speed should be below it.