Standard reports and geofences

Topic: Standard reports and geofences

Is there a collection of premade reports that are the most useful, best formatted, rather than starting from zero? I imagine there are some basics that would be a default? The same for Geofences, automatic included geofences for countries, cities, counties, US states, other useful borders? Seems like AI should be able to do this! But until then, is there a collection of these that can be downloaded?

A weather layer would be excellent so we can notify drivers if there is an weather alert. And a dynamic geofence based on weather would be a very interesting feature.


Standard reports and geofences

Re: Standard reports and geofences

lionelfelix premade reports did not work well, everybody needs their own settings. Anyway, you can check the premade ones from the attachment (import the files carefully, do not mess up the stuff you already have).
As for the geofences of the states, please send a request to the support@gurtam.com If there are ready to use geofences, they will share them with you.
Concerning weather layer, try adding OpenWeatherMap: https://wialon-help.link/f730e1c9

Post's attachments

Attachment icon _trial_advanced.wlp 85.29 kb, 1382 downloads since 2023-06-13 

Attachment icon _trial_agro.wlp 20.21 kb, 140 downloads since 2023-06-13 

Attachment icon _trial_basic.wlp 13.02 kb, 149 downloads since 2023-06-13 

Attachment icon _trial_fuel.wlp 29.22 kb, 1453 downloads since 2023-06-13 

Attachment icon _trial_mgr.wlp 6.72 kb, 1405 downloads since 2023-06-13